…ill communication [DOT 7/2/20]

…this is some absolutely craven bullshit which was first brought to our (or at any rate my) attention yesterday by HelloAmerica & a bloomberg link – but lest you think that implies bias, here’s another


…because these egregious cretins either can’t comprehend or don’t give a fuck how badly resorting to these kinds of measures screams the truth – that they know on the strength of the genuine support they could muster from an informed electorate capable of seeing them (& all their tricky-dicky tactical dip-shittery) for what they are they would be exactly as powerless as they fear themselves becoming & without a friend in the world prepared to show them an ounce of sympathy

…maybe not consciously…but the psyches of these…useful idiots is too benign…willful dupes, maybe…whatever…these chucklefucks have to have so much bad wiring up top that they must be poster children for incipient existential terror


…but even that wasn’t enough to soothe the colic diaper-drawers over here pitched his predictable fit over


…& you just know about half of that tantrum was left over from the one he had the first time he saw footage of Nancy tearing up that speech while he stood there looking gormless…& the vice-like grip he told himself that mendacious shitshow of a speech was due to give him on the news cycle that was all “say, did you see that shit? they say she says he tore up the truth so she tore up his speech” & “it was the courteous thing to do, considering the alternative” & some of them even had the bad grace to check his facts…which was clearly the height of rudeness since he wouldn’t be seen dead lowering himself to the level of due dilligence

…but let’s be serious for a minute…these people are criminals


…that right there isn’t an attorney general…billy “the lowest” barr is very definitely (& quite explicitly) an attorney specific in a fashion & to a degree that is damn near the antithesis of the position he nominally holds & whose authority he has been using to hamper, hold up, horswaggle, hide or otherwise hinder those faithfully attempting to execute their duty to the judicial system by continuing to prosecute the voluminous wrongdoing of the alleged administration


…I know we all know this but I’m not sure it can be said enough…it doesn’t matter how messy the primaries are…whoever the hell is running on the dem ticket come november…


…because it very well may – apparently dumb ideas are contagious or some shit



…so I get the desire to be able to say everything was done properly but I thought I’d read that there was a complete physical audit trail from which the results of the Iowa caucus could be recompiled so why the hell would a DNC type be talking about running it again?


…how do they not get that the importance of a democrat carrying the day coming november outweighs the importance of which democrat for the vast majority of voters who know damn well they aren’t going to get their first pick of candidate?

…fuck it…it’s too aggravating & I’m suffering from either too much or too little coffee…so…since I still can’t find one…anyone who can find a youtube link to this song gets the incredible satisfaction of knowing categorically that they are better than me…because I couldn’t…& I looked…because damn it that was the tune I wanted to post to last nights DUAN…& I am shamelessly taking advantage of my ability to upload media to the server hereabouts that the edit window in the comment window would spit back in my face

went to school honest/left myself astonished…


  1. The establishment, both Dem and Rep, do not want Sanders. He has fought the super rich his whole tenure and they are the rich. He will not get the nominee, period.

  2. We need open primaries period. I am Non Party Affiliated (for obvious reasons, both parties suck) and I can not vote in primaries in ny. This needs to change.

    • We also need open primaries because (at least in states like MN), both parties can get voters’ party-choice info.

      While that *wasn’t* a problem in the past, with Twitler & his malignant narcissism in office, and his increasing willingness to penalize/punish folks who don’t agree with him, we need to protect voters.

      Hell, my retired mom, who yes,is a reliable D voter, but otherwise isn’t on ANYONE’S political radar** even mentioned to me that SHE was thinking of not voting in MN’s primary, because she was scared of what the R’s would do with her voter information.

      I (gently) chewed her a new one, and said, “Not voting is what they WANT you to do! If they can drive enough people away from voting, they could pick D ballots and act as spoilers to choose *our* nominee. It’s not likely, yes, but if they can even throw off a percentage of the folks who want a progressive nominee, and we end up with a moderate, they’ve won. Because they WANT to create fear & keep folks out of the voting system!!!”

      Then I reminded her of all the folks getting wiped off the rolls in other states, and how that typically got a foothold because those folks *didn’t* vote often enough.

      I think I’ve convinced her to vote. I’m gonna be working on her again this weekend.

      (**she’s not online at all; is poor–so not a donor at all; doesn’t drive, so have transportation for even volunteering,

    • Yeah….I mean, I GET the argument against open primaries (like, do I want Trump supporters choosing the Democratic nominee here in Louisiana?? Fuck no!). But it disenfranchises people more than anything. Do you plan on registering Dem just so you can vote?

      • That’s the dippy thing about our process, and why having to ask for a D or R-specific ballot is SO dumb.
        We DON’T register for a party. We just have to ask for a D ballot or an R ballot (or whichever party we want to vote for, a couple others also achieved Major Party status last election😉)

        So, because we don’t register to vote in our primary, it *would* be entirely possible for us to do a single, generic ballot, with ALL the parties’ candidates, and tell people, “Only vote for candidates in *one* section (maybe color-coded section?), and get the results THAT way, so there is complete anonymity.

        To me,it’s not *that* big a deal either way, it’s just that with the Cambridge Analytica stuff last time, folks are a bit on edge, and it’s getting blown entirely out of proportion.

    • I’m non-party affiliated as well. Fortunately, New Hampshire allows you to choose which party’s primary to participate in when it matters. I usually choose the Dems to vote in but I did vote against Romney in 2012.

  3. Many Senate Republicans are concerned Trump is going to probe the Bidens now that impeachment is over, because they don’t want him to. If only there was something they could have done to stop this behavior. I am so annoyed at this I’m not even sure where to start. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/481943-plan-to-probe-bidens-sparks-gop-divisions

    It might be best I don’t go into the world today because I might start screaming if I see a Republican.

    I’m going to take it as a sign that they are concerned, electorally, about that shit though. Which, since we know they won’t get any “real work” done because Trump’s going to tie up all their resources being a petty fuck, I guess is a good thing…?

    • …some days I wish there was such a thing as instant catastrophic karmic redress…so when you said some truly misbegotten shit you knew was bullshit for bullshit reasons it literally blew up in your face

      …so the asshole who went with it’s-John-Roberts’-fault that he had to call a press conference to read aloud the name he so desperately wished to call out that he twice submitted questions that went unread in the Senate trial just to get it said aloud (but took umbrage at the suggestion he was improperly trying to intimidate this or any other whistleblowers) on the grounds that refusing to speak the name on Roberts’ part is what really identifies the whistleblower & not his efforts would be prime candidate

      …but holy shit Mitch is a duplicitous bitch:

      “I don’t tell the committee chairmen what to look at. One of you suggested earlier the House is probably still in the investigatory business. I can only suggest that the Senate could choose to do that as well but we don’t have a dictatorship over in the Senate,” McConnell said. “I don’t instruct the committee chairmen as to what to take a look at.”

      …no dictatorship…sure…how many bills you sitting on there you walking wattle?

  4. Was reading a WaPo story this morning about the Iowa mess and they reported about the app screwing up and then people calling in as the primary backup process only to have callers waiting on hold for over an hour. Not one solitary mention of WHY the lines were clogged so the first conclusion people will make is that the Dems straight fucked it up.

    More of that “liberal bias” I guess.

  5. On the topic of that instantaneous karma, I’m at the point where I want ALL these fuckers to melt like that goon in the Indiana Jones movie.

    • thank heaven for furry friends…

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