Want To Believe?
Science is real. There is no way, no how that Bill Gates is nanotechnologizing syringes.
But the great thing about science is that it’s flexible enough to accommodate new facts. What are some edge things you think just maybe might have a scientific explanation? Or what’s a scientific theory you think might explain some supposedly out there things?
There has been a lot of discussion recently about UFOs. There are a lot of credible reports of sightings of… things… which don’t behave anything like any known objects. Which doesn’t mean aliens, of course, but still some kind of unexplained flying object. Maybe the government is working on some kind of weird drone technology designed to disrupt air defense systems? Maybe there is some kind of unexplained rift in the space time continuum? Strange movements of plasma in the atmosphere?
Quantum Entanglement
One of the crazier things to gain scientific traction recently is the idea that birds are able to make use of “Quantum Entanglement” to guide them as they migrate above the clouds at night with no visual landmarks. It involves subatomic particle behavior that Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” Somehow the birds are sensing things in ways that don’t follow the regular rules of seeing, possibly in ways which don’t follow the rules for the speed of light, but how exactly is above my pay grade.
It’s been theorized that some kind of quantam entanglement might be the source of ESP in dogs, although there are a lot of reasons to believe that’s not true. But wouldn’t it be wild if people or dogs used quantum entaglement in some other way to sense…. something?
What Do You Think?
So what are some things, Deadsplinteratti, that you think might skirt the boundaries of what science can explain but are NOT totally kooky? For example, while Loch Ness surely doesn’t have a monster, is there some weird ocean creature you think might be lurking, like a giant version of the oarfish? Have you experienced a connection to someone that, while not telepathy like you see on TV, maybe involved something more than just random coincidence, like a common buried memory with a special trigger that both of you understand at once?
Any thoughts about the ability of stories and community beliefs to create ghosts that in some sense multiple people can see? Or maybe it has something to do with electromagnetic effects on the brain as theorized for the ghosts supposedly at Hampton Court, England? Maybe we have some special sense to predict the weather before it happens, based on atmospheric pressure or electromagnetic sensing?
What out there theory would you like to explore, even if you’re more than a little dubious that it’s true?
does any of it matter?
will i really care once im dead?
i mean…i personally think i wont…i dont care now…and i dont see death changing my opinion…..
what if you spend your whole life being a good christian….and find out budha is the one true god?
i mean….make your way all the way up to the pearly gates……only to find a fat monk telling you to fuck off of his porch…thats gotta suck
Right, Pascal tried to rationalize belief in God by saying there was no loss if you believed and were wrong, but there was a giant loss if you didn’t believe and were wrong.
But the dummy didn’t work out what happened if you believed in Catholic God but Zeus was the one who mattered. On this part of the paranormal, I’m waiting to see where the lightning bolts fall.
yeah….my agnostic ass is just going to try to make amends for past fuck ups
and see what happens once i reach the pearly gates…if there are any
if there arent…well…i get to finally sleep knowing i at least bettered my ways
Ultimately I think that as long as it works for someone it’s valid, and that God/Buddha/Whatever isn’t as petty as we make him/her/it out to be.
Or if there is a God they might reveal themself to different people in different ways.
oh..i agree with you
if it gets you through the day im all for it
you do you..just dont try to convert me….for i have questions
and i will not be stopped by you just gotta have faith
IDK man…but I believe Buddha stole The Vedas in the same way King James stole the Qu’ran from Allah?
Pretty sure all the ocean sea monsters spotted were just whale penises.
I hope aliens exist and they’re good because I would like off this planet should the opportunity present itself. If good aliens are around, they’re watching us like what the fuck is wrong with those dipshits. If bad aliens are around, they’re watching us like wow it’s gonna be real cheap to take this planet if we wait a little longer and everything gets even worse for them all.
Wait, whale what?
When the whales are happy happy time it comes out and kinda curls over, so if there’s a whale rolled over on his back with mr winky out flapping around in the air, could be confused with a sea monster tentacle hanging out.
I’ve read that dolphins can be insanely horny, so I can see some logic in this.
Have you ever read any of Carl Hiassen? In one of his books, a guy finds himself in a tank with a dolphin…
i figure inteligent life must excist out there
i mean…they havent visited us yet….thats a pretty clear sign of intelligence
To Serve Man
I’m pretty sure no aliens, good or bad, would want this future venus atmosphere unless they’re venusians but, that said, I wouldn’t get your hopes up in getting off this planet so long as billionaires’ focus is on getting paid for joy-rides to barely within satellite territory.
Hey I got not 1 but 2 anthropology degrees, when aliens show up I’m way more useful to them than billionaires.
Then when they show up I’ll be right there
besidebehind you.@brightersideoflife I dedicate this song is to you.
I used to have this uncanny ability to predict who was on the other end when the phone rang (landline; without seeing caller ID.) We’d be sitting around and I’d say, “Oh good, that’s my brother X, I want to hear how his vacation went…” or “That’s X, I haven’t heard from her in a while, I hope everything’s alright…” I never thought twice about this and Better Half got used to it over time but in the beginning he thought it was incredibly spooky.
Now I never answer my phone and people don’t really call each other anyway so my powers of prophecy have waned.
I think pattern recognition for this kind of thing was long thought to be pretty mechanical and logical.
I think there is beginning to be an understanding that this kind of thing is a lot odder. Not psychic, exactly, but involving something different from straightforward if-then and probability based trees.
That’s what I always chalked it up to. Like, my brother was on vacation, of course he’d want to call me and tell me all about it, when he had time. But at the time I was constantly on the phone, so on a random Tuesday night I might make or receive three or four phone calls; how would I have known that call number two would be from my brother who had returned home three days previously?
This might be too personal a story but it is a true one…just after I had turned 16 my brother, who was just shy of 18, escaped from juvi. Where and when I grew up police were bad (still are) and “ratting” way worse…way way worse. The municipal prosecutor wanted to trial as an adult for the, let’s just say “several” crimes he committed (in Canada we have laws against that but if still on the run after he turned 18 he’d have broken the law as an adult), so for the first (and last) time in my life I assisted the police in finding him…to no avail.
He knew my gf at the time before I did and after searching for him in every place I thought he could be hiding, something came over me whilst sitting in class something I’ll never be able to explain. I immediately stood up, walked out of class, and went to my gf’s classroom and pulled her out of class. I said, “[brother’s name] is on his way to your house to seek refuge. I can feel it.”
We went to her house. I put a chair by the door so my gf’s mom could stand on it to see down through the window and told her that if anyone comes to the door, stand on this chair to see who it is. If it is my brother, come up to let me know then call the cops, then open the door and stall him.
About 45 mins later, her mom came running up, “omg it is him. he’s here.”
She stalled him at the door and i jumped out my gf’s bedroom window at the back, damn near broke my legs, and went around to the front. As soon as my brother saw me, he started running (some of the crimes he committed were family related and he had every right to be afraid of me).
It turned out that my mom was in a cruiser with pigs looking for him at his friends on springbrooke dr. not far from springwood rd. where my gf lived so they heard “springwood” on the radio and my mom told them it was my gf’s place.
I chased my brother down and tackled him just as the cops, with my mom ffs, showed up. They arrested him in front of my mom and I.
He finished his two months left of juvi. I never would have done that to him but I knew that if I hadn’t he’d have been charged as an adult and his life would never be the same.
He’d have a criminal record to this day had I not done that but to this day I feel horrible for doing it even though he has thanked me for it several times.
I saved him from himself…simply based on a weird feeling.
I also was not present at the death of either of my parents but I knew that they had happened. That freaked even me out. In one, my mother and I were somewhere and in the middle of an event I said, “We have to get home. I don’t know why, we just do.” We stayed, and when we got home all hell had broken loose. In the other, I decided that I really needed to call my mother, who was in the hospital, got the run-around, and about an hour later one of my siblings called and told me she had died, not unexpectedly, but not expected exactly at that moment, it could have taken another few weeks or months.
I once went out with someone who said when her appendix burst, her twin sister felt it thousands of miles away.
It could have been coincidence. But can twins who were in the womb together, or a mother and child have some kind of quantum state of shared particles that resolve themselves at a time of crisis?
Probably not, but maybe?
We are aliens.
Also…I learned that some DSers know an awful lot about whale cock.
I’m more saddened how many folks here don’t have conversation level knowledge about cetacean peen.
Ok you made me LOL
I was just reading something about additional evidence that the A T C and G components of DNA are more likely to have extraterrestrial origins, although the idea of deliberate seeding is still way, way, WAY out there. But if that’s true for us, it raises interesting questions about how common alien life might be in common with us.
Oh, it’s not just the whales, friend. This is a noted museum in Iceland devoted to the subject, so the photos of the displays are NSFW. The carvings and talismans are particularly interesting.
I read that dogs tell time by smell. Makes sense to me.
“Odors exist in time, and dogs perceive that,” explains cognitive scientist and canine researcher Alexandra Horowitz of Columbia University. “Dogs use smell to ‘tell time,’ in some sense, because a more recently laid odor smells stronger, and an older odor smells weaker.”
I don’t really believe in ghosts. I think time isn’t linear and there may be occasional overlaps where we can see someone or something that isn’t occurring in our time. Or possibly there are different planes of existence, and maybe certain people can get through. I’m not sure I’m explaining that correctly. My best friend died 15 years ago in a car accident. Several weeks afterward I dreamed about her. It was incredibly vivid. I asked what death was like and she laughed saying “pretty much the same as being alive.” I dreamed about her again the next night and she gave me messages for her sons. On the third night, she told me not to worry, that she was fine but she wouldn’t be able to visit me again. Maybe it was grief, or my subconscious grappling with mortality. But I haven’t dreamed about her since.
There was a psychologist/psychiatrist not too long ago who argued that the phenomenon of alien abduction should be taken more seriously based on the way so many people had the same experiences in so many places.
She said that didn’t mean that aliens exactly were true. But it was worth starting from a perspective that people weren’t just making these things up and start asking how that could be. Instead of just handwaving about delusions, start thinking more seriously what it meant that people seriously “saw” these things and could describe them in such similar ways.
I think it makes sense to treat ghosts the same way. It’s extremely unlikely that some identical patterns of light waves are striking the eyes of people visiting some old house that keep getting re-emitted from some common source. But what, exactly, is in the environment of that old house that causes people to generate the same mental framework in a way which persists through time?
In a way it’s sort of like making sense of the itching someone feels who has had a limb amputated. There are literally no nerve endings to be triggered any more, and yet it persists. Scientists are still running this phenomenon down, and it’s worth thinking harder about how, exactly, similar visions can be propagated through time and across people.
I am fascinated by the quantum entanglement theories. Wish I was smarter to be able to understand it better. But the small particles could be analogous to chi, which would vindicate ancient philosophy.
Which makes complete sense if you understand that we are aliens and have had advanced knowledge all this time…you never watched Ancient Aliens?
Allow me to ‘splain…
I feel like there is definitely life out in the universe – but even if it is sentient – the Universe is so huge and expanding that I just don’t think we’ll run into other sentient beings any time soon. As far as ghosts go – I do believe that there is an electromagnetic current that runs through all living things that is tethered to the Earth itself – that travels kind of like sonar. It could in fact be a type of sonar that we had back when we were water dwelling creatures – that we don’t really have control of now that we are land dwelling, but that we can pick up remnants of it at times. Pretty much The Force in Star Wars, even though if it were some quantum field that would work too.
That said, my Grandmother had dementia and was always convinced that she had been to certain places that she had never been before, like would argue with you until you were blue in the face about it. The doctor explained to us that it was just a misfiring of a memory synapse – where the memory synapse fired before the present synapse fired. I get deja vu all the time – but it’s probably because I have some very low grade dementia happening since it does run in my family.