Hi, friends!
Happy Thursday, I hope your day is going well!
I don’t understand how Missouri legalized recreational weed yet so many times this week I’ve almost been in car accidents from aggressive nutso drivers. I need them to enjoy some weed and chill the fuck out. When Illinois legalized recreational weed, I noticed an increase in Illinois drivers just going slow and chill in I-70. I need the idiot Missouri drivers to copy that.
Driving, like a lot of other social skills, declined during the pandemic.
At least you have recreational marijuana in Missouri. We’re finally going to get medical dispensaries but not until 2025.
We passed legislation for medical weed in Nov 2020 and that took like a year or 2 to get up and running with permits, licenses, etc.
Then in Nov 2022 we legalized recreational weed and that basically went live in mid February.
So just saying you’ve got a good chance to get to recreational weed pretty fast after medical is legal.
I’ve said this before but when WA legalized weed drivers started heading to the left lane to space out & drive slow! Pisses me off so much. They are too stoned to look in the mirror or just don’t care. Stop packing the bong asshole & get in the right lane!!!!
Fuck I hate all those left lane abusers. But I don’t road rage because guns. I also hate people who pass on the right when the left lane is an option. Why are drivers so fucking backwards in Seattle?
What really aggravates me is the assumption that driving stoned is somehow OK. Just like how weed smokers seem to think it’s totally cool to smoke it in public. Newsflash, assholes, if it’s not OK to smoke cigarettes in public (and it most definitely is not), then it’s not OK to smoke weed in public.
I’ve gotten less snooty about outdoor vaping because it is so much less rank than people smoking regular joints. Still a bit annoying, but better than the alternative. Well, except for edibles.
Settle in because I have another Cousin Mattie Story.
When I was being lured by the bright lights of Manhattan in the Big 80s I used to stay on a friend’s sofa near Columbia. She lived in a sprawling three-bedroom unit with two roommates. This is inconceivable now but it was not uncommon then. One of the roommates had this total pothead for a boyfriend, so fine. He was this self-made outer-borough thuggish type who worked on Wall Street. He was never in a good mood, and yet seemed to smoke enough pot to keep several Mendocino County pot farms going. He was also a very observant Jewish guy, which I’ll get to.
Every so often word would leak out that his company would be doing random drug tests of their employees. These were supposed to be a surprise but this was the “Just Say No” era and the company was like, “If we took the pot and the coke away who would fucking want to work here?” For some reason they had to do this? Most employees knocked it off for a couple of days depending on which trading desk they worked on, the leaks were very specific about which department might be getting a “surprise, random” drug test, but not him. What he would do is ingest as much weed as possible in the morning, go into the shower with a bottle of vinegar, drink it while showering and throw it up in the shower that we all used, and then head out at 7 in the morning or something.
The only reason why I brought up the pothead’s religious beliefs was at the time another thing to do was to get a share house in the Hamptons. I can’t believe, in retrospect, how affordable all this was. None of us had any family money and yet we all scraped together enough to cram into share houses in the Hamptons. In deference to the pothead the summer share was in Southampton.
They/we (I used to mooch off them) always took a house in Southampton Village, which was super-convenient and charming because that’s where the LIRR stop is (not recommended) and where the Hamptons Jitney drops you off (two thumbs up, especially if you’re car-free in your 20s.) The drawback is that’s not the beach, but the houses come with bikes and usually someone had a car, at least a rental, so whatever. But the number one concern was that it was within walking distance of the synagogue, handy for hasty Friday night arrivals during the half-share (multiple-weekends during a season) stays.
He was a very strange guy. He was very good-looking and completely shameless when it came to (not) wearing clothing around men and women, so I could see many of his attractions. I wonder where he is now? Probably married off on Long Island somewhere.
And…if you ever have an NOT slot free I’ll take it. I think I have an excellent theme/idea, which I will not divulge, that I think everyone would enjoy. Actually, if you know of anything now tell me now and I’ll write it up and schedule it. That way I won’t forget what my genius idea is.
Any time, friend! You want Sunday night this weekend?
I will take it!
Done, finally! So it’s scheduled to go on 19:00 hours on 16/4/2023. Or, in civilian terms, Sunday the 16th at 7 PM Eastern.
Four more suppers to go, then I can relax. Mercifully, our neighbors are friendly with my in-laws and have invited them for supper tomorrow night. Which means my kids get to eat their favorite: nachos! …and by nachos I mean they use a single chip to spoon a vat of sour cream into their tiny bodies. I’m not complaining. Whatever keeps them quiet and occupied throughout supper time is a miracle food.
Didn’t you mention recently that your husband had English parents but he grew up in Scotland, the land of the deep-fried Mars bar and haggis? And they would balk at nachos? And that they’re frequent visitors? Do they not know by now that in America “nachos” are quite a bit different and superior to what might be served to a boozy crowd at The Bonnie Badger (this is a real pub in Scotland, award-winning no less, I googled.)
I love making British food, or at least as close as I can come to it, but British food circa 2020, not 1950. Except for real throwbacks, like roasts and puddings. But still.
I can’t imagine eating something communal like nachos or pizza with them (unless it is served individually). It’s just not how they roll. They have traveled the world for work and have eaten at many Micheline star restaurants…so I worry our nachos might be not up to their standards. Maybe if I burn some corn chips seasoned with cumin and coriander then capture the smoke in a upsidedown jar to encase a perfectly cubed dice sized avocado neatly wrapped in ribbon of cilantro surrounded by micro gouttelettes of essence de boeuf…lol ok they aren’t that snobby.
Oh, so you have the opposite problem, it’s not that they’re unadventuresome eaters, they’re on the other end of the scale. Have they ever been to an Ethiopian restaurant? Not that you’re going to whip up your own injera bread and sit on the floor, but if you got a couple of bottles of tej into them I’m sure they’d go for a communal eating experience. My gosh that stuff is potent, tej.
We have lots of Ethiopian options around here. Maybe I pick some up for our last supper 😉
My wife and I were wiped out tonight and I suggested we just get Ethiopean delivered. She did not argue one little bit.
This guy gets it:
Turns out the USB thing is yet more hype over nothing:
Oops I already coached my mom to use her own charger. Ah well.
You’re too late. All your mother’s info has been fed to me here in my underground lair. Tell her she’s getting ripped off by her credit card’s interest rate, there are cheaper options out there, and that she should really get that tooth looked at. Gotta go, I just got some hot intel about one of the Jonas Brothers, the one no one can remember.
Co-signed about needing some chill on I-70: I’m about to drive the better part of the entirety of it tomorrow, on my way to damn Kansas.