Here’s the money section–edited for clarity:
But Mr. Sanders stirred deep unease among party leaders, and as he ascended to the top of the field in February, establishment Democrats scrambled to block his path, convinced his far-reaching proposals would alienate great swaths of the electorate and make him an easy target for Mr. Trump put a stop to their corporate money train and thus eliminate their stranglehold on the Party.
Time for us to start preparing ourselves for four more years of Trump. Unless the economic fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic throws us into a deep, hard and long recession (some are even floating the word “depression”), there ain’t no way Uncle Joe beats Trump. Even with a major economic crisis running through election day, it will probably still be close–maybe even close enough for well-known Republican fuckery to screw the election in favor of their boy.
Strap in.
I just don’t see Biden winning. Will I vote for him? Yes, because I have to. But if people didn’t want to pull the lever for Hillary, they won’t for Joe because he will continue to not offer anything meaningful.
The media will continue to publish Trump’s lies and play Trump’s game. There’s nothing Trump can do at this point that will lose him supporters if a goddamn fucking pandemic and economic crash and thousands of personal tragedies won’t do it.
If I drank, I’d be drinking all of the time. I hate this timeline.
I’ve hated this time line for going on 4 years. I have basically quit drinking recently for a few reasons. One it’s mostly social for me and there’s nothing to do socially. And two I’m afraid I’ll end up a raging alcoholic if I keep it up. I’m down to like a glass of wine every few days.
If I could drink normally, I’d do it all the time:)
Same here, I have an addictive personality and I could easily go off the rails if I’m not careful.
I know he probably won’t – but if Biden would offer Elizabeth Warren the Veep spot – I’d feel a hell of a lot better.
I literally just said to Rip “We could have had Elizabeth Warren”.
He’ll either go with someone completely forgettable, a-la Tim Kaine, or he’ll go all-in on trying to get Republicans to vote for him and pick Romney.
He said he’d pick a woman. So with your theory, it’s Palin.
That’s right I forgot about that. Palin it is.
Amy Klobuchar
A solid possibility. He’s definitely not going with Warren.
stacy abrams?
Oh, hell no. She’s far too interested in actually going after Republicans and calling them out on their bullshit while simultaneously having solutions to propose to fix what’s broken. What Joe (The DNC) wants is someone who doesn’t show him up and who is deemed “safe” (meaning safe for the corporate class).
but abrams will bring votes. bide… damn, you’re right
pretty sure that recession is unavoidable now… im also pretty sure ill end up paying for the bazillion dollars used to keep businesses afloat now… (only the big ones mind…the little businesses are pretty much fucked)… gubment money is never free if you arent rich…
fuck it…might as well throw in another 4 years of trump…see if i care
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The Dems want to give us crumbs, the GOP wants to sell us crumbs. But both parties are saving the best parts of the pie for themselves and their billionaire friends.
That’s a great line. Mind if I steal it?
Not at all, I sort of borrowed it from my brother. He was ranting about the Dems tossing us crumbs in the Covid19 bail out.
Exhibit A for why lochaber is not a member of the Democratic Party…
tbh mate…i thought you were scottish
(its the loch….say hi to nessy btw)
Well, there are always down ballot races.
But uh, yeah, fuck all of this.
Down ballot is even more important now.
And turning the Senate, AND-and, getting #moscowmitchmctreason out of office.
FWIW, I honestly don’t wanna see Warren as VP now.
I want Stacey Abrams in the Veep slot, with Warren to be eyeballing herself a spot as Senate Majority Leader…
how progressuve is stacy? warren like?
Mitch is in Kentucky. He’s staying in that Senate seat until he dies.
Amy McGrath won’t beat Mitch. She couldn’t even unseat Andy Barr for the House.
And McConnell is grooming the current KY AG Daniel Cameron for his seat when he retires. Cameron is only around 33, so we’ve got another 40 years of Cocaine Mitch’s policies.
I think Stacey should run for one of the GA senate seats, then go for the Presidency at some point. I think someone like her could actually win – it would definitely help us in the senate – especially since Republican barbie has probably committed insider trading crimes.