its over the yardarm somewhere: deadsplinterupallafternoon

tbh…givin how the days been and all that shit…i figured maybe a dinky duan for those that have time for it would be welcome before the real one comes in a couple hours?



  1. dont worry…i wont make a habbit of this

    apt for the day

    • i like uncategorized…it feels like home
      (also…i wasnt sure if i was taking the piss by just dumping this one without warning)

  3. David Thomas – What Do We Do With A Drunken Sailor


    • welp…ive never heard a rendition like that before

      • David Thomas is the singer for Pere Ubu. They’re an acquired taste, lol.

        • i like it lol
          im just used to more of an irish rovers vibe 

  4. …ah, who am I kidding?

    …it would t be the first…but they do say it’s the thought that counts

    • *bounces*
      anyhoo…you never said it was your first drink of the day
      and im pretty sure its the first drink of the day somewhere

  5. Klangkarussell Shipwreck 

    And this was a very nice surprise. See, we can have nice things! (Goes back to fretting about the election and mean people. )

    • i can only reply with 


  6. This show has been my escapist refuge for the past few days:


    • wait wait wait…….. spungebob has been your anchor to sanity?
      these are interesting times indeed

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