Happy Saturday! It’s been a busy week, at least for me. If it was for you as well you may have missed this, or this, or this.
And, as if you needed more to catch up on this weekend, here’s what else is going on. But don’t worry, Saturday Morning Brain Drain will be along at 10 to relieve you from the news.
File to “Are you kidding me with this bullshit right now?”
Trump commutes sentence of confidant Roger Stone. He was set to go to prison July 14 for lying to Congress and witness tampering.
Trump commutes sentence of Roger Stone, longtime friend and adviser
UMMM has she been kidnapped? (I mean, one can only hope.)
The top writer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson has for years been using a pseudonym to post bigoted remarks on an online forum that is a hotbed for racist, sexist, and other offensive content, CNN Business learned this week.
Hard to believe that someone who writes for the fish stick heir’s talk show might be a complete bigot and jackass. I won’t bother to air all of what he said, but here’s a quick sample of his work:
“I wouldn’t get LASIK from an Asian for free, so no.”
Due to this…
Over 40 Florida hospitals max out ICU capacity as Covid-19 cases surge across US
We’ll probably see a lot more of this. [BTW, everyone should read this. cw: sadness. Mr. Urquiza looks like a lovely person and I’m sorry for his friends and family. Just one face out of 130,000, so far.]
I, for one, welcome our new Rat Overlords.
New York’s hungry rats torment alfresco diners after lockdown famine
It can only be an improvement, as far as I’m concerned.
Have a super Saturday!
…they are sadly not kidding with the stone thing
…but it is some outrageous bullshit & when I caught a notification about it as I was waking up it took me from “why-am-I-awake/am-I-awake to what-the-fuck-wide-eyed-outrage with the swiftness
…but I need coffee before I deal?
its the weekend
i guess i should be gratefull to whatsisface..neff?
that fucker gave me a perfect setup for a comment
*shamelessly copy pastas from oppo*
wait…tucker carlsons writer resigned after writing racist shit?
the fuck was he writing before?
Oh no, oh God no, not that horrible song.
Here, take a better one:
lol…..i hate that song
fuckit lets just go for bouncy
I’ve decided that I need a hobby to help myself deal with all the bullshit. I’ve settled on wood working. Should be therapeutic.
Also, anyone here able to translate French?
…a little out of practice…but I can try?
My comments are related.
I was trying to be clever and make a humorous, but oblique reference to building a guillotine.
…see…I do need more coffee
…and so it appears that this might be the first time i was able to translate english.
je ne parle pas mon sewer….im good
only ask a small fee too
tbh…………im more helpful with woodwork…
dont get 2000 grit sand paper unless you are just looking to kill time
un petite peu. oui.
enlevez leur tetes!
tbh…the only french that ever really stuck with me is ninety nine
neufty neuf is the best word ever
…pretty sure at school they made us say quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
…always seemed like they were taking the piss, mind
have i mentioned that aside from music fucking up language is my favourite hobby ever?
…it’s not just you…pretty sure it’s one of those very-french things…plenty of french-speaking places use nonante for ninety
…so nonante-neuf is “right” & sounds pretty much the same as neufty-neuf (which I personally think is better) but the school was all about “you’ll lose marks if you say that” & generally refused to see the funny side?
yeah…teachers have no sense of humour…
well they do….but it doesnt affect grades….
also…in unrelated news…
this is my new favourite song ever
Chat, Chapeau… (cat, hat)
That’s about the ONLY French I can *reliably* bust out,** aside from Frere Jacques and Alouette…
But only because I also know the song from the animated Cat in The Hat🤣
(and some last names with too many vowels/strangely-placed R’s & X’s😉)
Buck bet says Trump pardons himself before years end.
That Bobby Mcferrin song has actually aged quite well. And is that Robin Williams in the video??
Edit/add: The pharell song came out,what, 6 7 years ago? Different times…
Trump might be able to pardon himself, or have Pence do it, for future federal charges but not for state charges lolololol
that is robin williams in the video 🙂
also that song is what they play to wake you up as you float in to the harbour at 7 am on the overnight ferry from hoek van holland to harwich
Oh Roger, you stupid arrogant sack of shit. Don’t you know that everything that Trump touches turns to shit? He probably fucked up commuting the sentence or done something that will be enough to send your sorry ass to jail.