
ain't even meta...

…some people think they’re right funny bastards, I can tell ya

…it’s a fair cop…but society’s to blame?

…so there’s really only one possible response

…well, that’s what merriam-webster says, anyway

…although you may prefer wikipedia

…mind you…some people also think they’re not so good with english…but they just need to find the kind of lessons that suit them, really

…so…the question is…have we learned our lesson?

Have We Learned Our Lesson?
16 votes · 16 answers


  1. …also…for the record…I had to get myo to actually do the poll thing…supposedly it has to do with plug-ins & stuff I don’t have access to…but I’m not entirely certain it’s not that I can’t be trusted not to add approximately a million options & we’d be back to scrolling for ages…which would sort of defeat the object of the exercise?

  2. Obviously I voted for A…& when I say I voted for “A” I mean as in the first letter of the alphabet even though it is what “A” actually is in the grandest of scheming it’s perhaps not in this case which, to me, & by “me”, of course, the reference to whom I am making a reference is myself, it’s merely the first answer, but…& also…because it’s the ‘correct’ answer.

    …the hardest part, for me (again with the reference bit), of course, was adding the poll…& I think, as in ‘assume’, that that is the point?

    …if one, as in ‘you’…& feel free to refer to the above mentioned references on that front…were to write more of these ‘easy-to-write’ posts, I’d be very much happy – & even elated – to help you out with some of the things that would save you time…&/or grant you more sleep?

    …then again…& again…& again…it’s completely up to you…as in not me, unfortunately.

  3. voted D…never getting tired of that option 🙂
    anyways the lead pic reminded me theres a little over a week to go till i have to watch football again
    eurocup…its a legal requirement to watch those matches and become a footie expert for as long as the locals are in it….i give it 4 matches before they flunk out and i can go back to not giving a fuck about footie
    hmmm…better dig up my orange lion shirt and find whatever medication i need to survive all the orange food dye

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