…when the choice is laugh or cry, I’m all for a laugh…maybe not a full-on lunatic-psycho-joker-from-batman laugh or anything but your low-grade stoic insistence that the inherent absurdity of human existence is funny & not bone-chillingly terrifying in an existential nightmare sort of a way
…well, re-raises would be closer to the mark…but then I believe that’s pretty standard behavior when trying to buy the pot
…which may not be smart but then smart isn’t what your cornered rats are famous for
…& while, as was pointed out hereabouts in the comments the other day some of the infamous garbage to emanate from the fount of eternal bullshit may be more egregious even than it appears at first blush
…of course none of this shit makes the dissociative narcissist hairpiece on lard blush because he lacks both mental & moral capacity
…it shouldn’t work…but while we’re all mad as hell & busy telling ourselves we’re not going to take it any more there are some people out there mulling it over who’d just as soon we did & said we don’t
…frankly, that headline strikes me as flirting with your common-or-garden wishful thinking
…which sucks for reasons without number
…also…this can not be stressed enough
…nor this
…seriously, folks…these should not be difficult questions
…taxing questions, maybe…in that taxes to pay for them are worth asking for…but exactly how long do the idiots get to shit in the sandbox before we bag it up & get fresh sand?
I’m sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can’t stand the scene
And I’m neither left or right
I’m just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen
But I’m stubborn as those garbage bags
That Time cannot decay
I’m junk but I’m still holding up
This little wild bouquet
Democracy is coming to the USA
Trump’s Disinfectant Remark Raises a Question About the ‘Very Stable Genius’
Having watched Trump supporters on my social media feed twist themselves into pretzels to “explain” his disinfectant comment, I’m reasonably certain this latest episode isn’t going to sway his base.
I do find it interesting that he’s getting out of the daily briefings, though. Apparently someone finally convinced him that he’s providing MAJOR ammunition to the Biden campaign. Honestly, all they have to do is string together 30 seconds of Trump’s idiotic statements and start running it from now to the election.
…unless I’m mistaken there’s already at least one ad that simply features a montage of “it’s their latest hoax” “it’ll just go away one day like a miracle” & some other gems with the fatalities charted on an exponential curve as a backdrop out there
…the GOP screamed “no fair” & tried to get it withdrawn but it’s tough to see what grounds they’d have for that even on a bullshit-lawyer basis?
What is this “Biden campaign” of which you speak?
The hardcore voters won’t be swayed — by definition, they’re hardcore.
But a non-trivial percent of Trump’s base remains there because the establishment still paints his absolute unfitness as “Raises Questions.” The NY Times, AP, AOL newsfeed, Yahoo and dozens of other sources which populate much of the news appearing on top of the hour radio news headlines, entry pages to email, default homepages for browsers, and all of the other media barrage bends over backwards to act as though tens of thousands of deaths of Americans is “raising questions.”
The constant reinforcement that Fox propaganda may be right after all is what gives oxygen to the fire for millions of Trump voters.
What do all of these protestors in the most multicultural city in the world have in common?
ooo ooo *raises hand* i know this one *waves* hellooooo teacher…pick meeeeeee
they all have too much fucking spare time and should get real jobs.
(yes i know its white)
They do share a certain pasty quality!
…well, they haven’t seen or read Dune for a start
…fear is not the virus…fear is the mind-killer…c’mon people…that spice isn’t gonna harvest itself
Guess God missed the memo: