everything goes to hell. the november election shapes us like a huge opportunity for bernie/warren. if this keeps up the ghost of Trotsky could win. but we get joe fucking biden….
The ONLY…. bright spot(?) bit of Schadenfreude that makes me giggle about it, is that DS is stilllllllllllllll down.
And that *if* Herb and the VC’s *do* somehow manage to bring it back online (like they’ve supposedly been planning) in the next couple of months, there won’t BE any “Sprotz!” for them TO stick to!😆😂🤣🤣🤣
This whole thing is turning as absurd as a Beckett play, maaaan…..
But *either* way, herby-herb and the Vultures are STILLLLLLLL losing money.
At least my bracket will be a lot better than it has been the past few years.
everything goes to hell. the november election shapes us like a huge opportunity for bernie/warren. if this keeps up the ghost of Trotsky could win. but we get joe fucking biden….
The ONLY…. bright spot(?) bit of Schadenfreude that makes me giggle about it, is that DS is stilllllllllllllll down.
And that *if* Herb and the VC’s *do* somehow manage to bring it back online (like they’ve supposedly been planning) in the next couple of months, there won’t BE any “Sprotz!” for them TO stick to!😆😂🤣🤣🤣
This whole thing is turning as absurd as a Beckett play, maaaan…..
But *either* way, herby-herb and the Vultures are STILLLLLLLL losing money.
And I am FINE with *that* part.
So much for the rich guy knowing how to run a business.
So, this year I won’t get my hopes up just to have them dashed.
Welcome to Minnesota!
Tou’ll receive your Vikings & Timberwolves gear shortly😉💖
It took me a while, but I finally finished my 2020 March Madness bracket:
The winner of 2020 March Madness is CoVID-19
Smartest thing the NCAA has done in years.