Hi, friends!
How did you Monday go? Hopefully you weren’t feeling stabby all day?
I am back to work (from home) and yep I did not miss those assholes.
Had a lovely exchange on a call where someone was like “wow you sound really sick” and I said yeah I am getting over covid, to which this clown is like “you should take some time off work then” and I replied, “yes, I know, that’s why I took Wednesday-Friday last week off. Did you not miss me on our meetings?”
Anyways, I told my boss I wasn’t coming into work until May because I go on vacation at the end of next week and they were cool with that, so corporate policy be damned on work from home for now.
Good call on the work situation!
We had a scheduled 5-hour system downtime. On a Monday. Apparently software support cannot work on weekends, when their effect would be greatly decreased. So I worked on projects in garage.
Of course! You can’t expect them to work on an evening or weekend! That’s totally not standard IT practice for production environment-impacting deployments or anything….
We had two ewes giving birth at the same time today. It was pretty crazy, but to be honest, they did all the hard work. I just pretty much stood around with my mouth open, just as I did when my daughter was born all those years ago. I never cease to be shocked and amazed by the birth of a large mammal. It just doesn’t seem possible, you know?
We’re up to 13 lambs this season already and it looks like there are seven more pregnant ewes.
I used to work in an office and a classroom. I wore clean clothes and took a shower in the morning. Now I have to take my shoes off on the porch and I take a shower at the end of the day.
Congrats! That is all fantastic!
We made it up to Tulip Festival today but just shot the roadside blooms & not the crowded big farm. Rain held off but only a few sun breaks. Thought I got wife to take a break from compost pile but she is immediately back at it. Didn’t help that her favorite nursery is in the middle of tulip fields as is our greenhouse shop. We had to stop at both of those & buy some random plants & things.
Enjoy your WFH. I hope you’re feeling better.
I hope you feel much better and recover fully soon, Brighter!💖💞💗
Today was a good one at work, I was in a different room than my “regular” ones, which was a lot of fun.
The kiddos I was with today are basically “learning how to do school” so they have a schedule that revolves pretty heavily around play, gym time, & sensory programming, and which is both shorter than our “regular pre-K Special Ed” programming and much less like a Neurotypical pre-K program than our “regular” center-based (aka Special Education) pre-K classes are.
Basically, the day FLEW by, and I got to play** with lots more kids and ones in a third class session, rather than the “regular” two classes per day.
The not-so-great part of the day is that we finally started getting Dad’s lab test results back over the last few days–with multiple popping today🙃
The tests were ordered back in January, but due to miscommunications & some mix-ups, they weren’t run until now😒😠😡🤬
I’m kinda nervous about a couple of the results, but in a way I’m almost a bit grateful that the results popped today, and Dad’s appointment is tomorrow, because then there’s less time to worry before we see Dad’s specialist.
It could still be “just kidney disease,” buuuuut I suspect it’s more…
I don’t have a good reason to explain why I feel like this, it’s just that there are a few lab results that’re “out of whack” enough that my brain is twitching a bit, and, frankly, if I’m honest I’ve been expecting a possibility (even likelihood, if I’m 100% honest!) of a cancer diagnosis *at some point* for a few decades now–if nothing else, because Dad was a pack+ a day smoker for upwards of 40 years, and because he was in jobs where he was working with chemically-laced/soaked things for years.
When he was in the Navy, during the Vietnam era (he served on a ship in the Mediterranean back then!), he was a Hydraulicsman who worked on the E-2 Hawkeye spy planes;
Dad also worked as a Milk Truck Driver (bulk tanks, picking up milk from the farms in trucks that looked something like this), and hauling that bulk-tank milk to the creamery for pasteurization, homogenization, & processing into milk, cream, butter, cheese, and other products (after each load of milk, the truck, hoses, & tank have to be washed and chemically sterilized before the next load is picked up)…
And then after he lost the milk routes, his company, & the trucks, he worked on & off over the years in various aspects of: metal manufacturing, as a farm hand, annnnd in security for various manufacturing plants…
So he’s been around *questionably* safe chemicals for literally decades, *and* he was a pack a day (or more!) smoker for most of those years.🙃
I’m obviously hoping it’s NOT that serious, and not that Dx!!!
Buuuut i have a brain that catastrophizes quickly & easily, so counterintuitively it’s less scary to me, to learn about the “big scary possibilities” that may be headed our way, than it is to be hit broadside by them, unaware they could be a possibility.
Especially when the appointment is tomorrow, so I can ask the bajillion questions, and get start to get some answers in less than 24 hours from now.
(**and work–but to the kids it just feels like “playing,” if I’m doing my job right!😉😁)
I hope your dad’s appointment goes as well as it can and that you get all the answers to your questions.
monday dragged on and on for me…..unusual that…normally it sucks but flies by
clearly getting enough sleep and not turning up to work half dead backfired…hopefully this means monday and tuesday traded places…as tuesday is normally my forever day
if not today is going to be loooooooooooooooong
welp…whatever…only gotta survive till the end of thursday and then im off for 10 days
missus and daughter are going to england for easter tomorow….so i get to lord it about my house for week
king of my castle!
hmm…wonder if i can fabricate myself a sceptre at work
i dont really have any plans beyond talking to the cats and house plants tho