Monday Mood [1/4/24]

Not an April’s Fool Joke: I am only one of two people left in my company’s sprots pool!


Baltimore mayor weathers racist attacks after bridge collapse

A week away!

How cloudy will your area be for the solar eclipse? See the forecast.

April showers bring May flowers!

Major storm to sweep United States with severe weather, snow, flooding


NCAA women’s tournament games played on court with incorrect three-point line


Stock futures rise as Wall Street readies for the start of the second quarter: Live updates


Wait, does America suddenly have a record number of bees?

This made me laugh harder than it should have!

Have a great day!



  1. I got all optimistic about the 🐝 news… it’s just capitalism and tax break incentives offsetting the hive collapse numbers. Churning out short lived farmed hives doesn’t sound sustainable in the long run.

  2. Thank you, for the Bracket thing, Meg!!!

    Because, *somehow*, I too am at second place in *my* school’s Bracket standings–and after I checked this morning, I was like, “HOWWWWW?!?!?”


    I’m *not* complaining–by ANY means, that somehow I’m actually still *in* the game at work…

    But I DO desperately wanna know HOW!!!😉😂🤣🤣🤣

    Because, *SERIOUSLY* y’all, my Bracket is BUSTED!

    Like, “I picked Baylor to win it all” BUSTED, annnnd

    I had Kentucky winning the East, but losing to Peedue…

    It’s been BUSTED since the *FIRST* round y’all…

    How am I still even *IN* the running here?!?

    I do NOT understand the way the brackets are ranked, because I was SURE after Kansas & then Baylor got bounced, I was gonna finish second to LAST, *not* somehow appear to have a chance to come in above 5th

    • I wasn’t alive for Nixon, but goddam I never thought I’d see a president make me long for the GW years (where I was actually called a communist, but at least I didn’t lose status as a human being).

      I am steeling myself for this election. I hope I’m wrong but I think (you know who) is gonna win. I don’t even want to type it out. The less I put that out into the universe, the better. Bad enough I think it sometimes.

      • Please take heart. It’s really not as bad as it seems like thanks to media amplification of bullshit. They want to gin up hysteria to get clicks, but most of it is based on fallacious information. Here, this outlines my thinking on this topic. He’s NOT going to win.

        Ten Reasons I am BULLISH About our Chances in November: Saturday’s GNR

        And I’ll add one more: Republicans have lost every single special election since Dodd. Every. Single. One. In RED states, too. Polls are bullshit. Media coverage is bullshit. Look at how people are voting. THAT’S what counts.

  3. Honey bees are an invasive species that have greatly reduced native bees in the US. We don’t need them for pollination. They are closer to livestock at this point than wildlife and many conservationists resent the amount of money spent on saving them.

  4. going independent made what once was the meat of the escapist pretty entertaining

    gotta be nice to no longer have a corporate interest beyond yourself to worry about

  5. I forwarded my BFF the Dana Carvey clip on IG (too old and inflexible for tiktok). I remember watching that clip on the internet 1.0 and laughing until our sides hurt. Then we’d sing it at each other or go CHOP UGH! randomly and almost pee our pants.

    Dana was a good Ross Perot too (and of course, WAYNE).

  6. Truth Social has filed financial results with the SEC as required by law, and announced only $4 million-ish in revenues for 2023 with $58 million in expenses.

    The stock price has dropped a ton today as a result.

    Josh Marshall has a good explainer for what’s wrong with the SEC report:

    Basically, it’s not inherently a problem for a social media company to spend a lot more than it takes in – Facebook initially burned through a lot of cash to build its audience.

    But Facebook trumpeted its audience growth in its early years. Truth is hiding its audience numbers, which is a tipoff that they don’t have an audience.

    In theory they could flatline and then hold steady. But it’s much harder at that kind of valuation and that kind of divergence between value and revenue, let alone profit.

    One curious thing is if you’re an oligarch investor who wanted to prop up Truth, you’d know enough about stock valuations to see the revenue number as a potential red flag, and would have kicked in a few million last year to make it appear more healthy. But none of them seemed willing to do that. That’s potentially a warning sign about their actual faith in the company.

    • …the only explanation I can come up with…or at least the only one that doesn’t require outright malfeasance(…& most of the those require either more help than anyone with honest intentions would seem likely to offer…or for him to bet on the price drop “correction”…which would be at the least out of character)…for this stuff being a surprise is that whatever passed for “due diligence” wasn’t very diligent

      …they never should have been comparing truth social with facebook or twitter(…even elon’s twitter) or even that reddit IPO…that’s not even apples to oranges…it’s…chalk & cheese or something

      …they should be measuring it against gab or rumble or fucking stormfront or breitbart…all of which are probably in less bad shape but also in no danger of “blowing up” in value or audience share

      …barstool sports or whatever that dipshit calls home is probably in better financial shape…& that guy’s basically a walking punchline unless you think joe rogan is a smart & incisive interviewer & not just dumb enough to make his listeners think they’re smart

      …that all should have been priced in by now & the artificial bit of the overblown valuation just an up-front bid to funnel money where it doesn’t belong…not some false modesty “really? I’m shocked” routine

      …if at least some people haven’t pocketed a very large sum of money somewhere adjacent to that whole mess I’d be really-actually-shocked, though

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