Remember when the phrase Never Again meant a commitment to preventing genocide?
With that in mind I’d like to congratulate AIPAC for demonstrating that it really means “never again to those specific people”:

Or maybe, “never again in the past”:
I’m really curious what they have to say about Israel other than “I’m glad you guys are over there so we don’t have to kill all of you”.
Just remember this next time you’re asked to denounce Ilhan Omar or someone who stood next to Linda Sarsour.
…the mix’n’match approach to morality – even within a solely jewish context as far as I can tell – skews heavily towards any dissent from the policy agenda of the state of israel being met by some with an ingrained assumption that equates it to anti-semitism…& yet to invite those kinds of people to speak is surely a more significant indication of self-hatred
…between that & alluding to a hip hop song while citing a well known truism about things being all about money I know which one I find more offensive, anyway
…sometimes I wonder how things would have gone if Omar had gone with a .gif of Cuba Gooding Jr giving it some “show me the money” instead…did the whole problem there really hinge on the one word or would the same people have felt the same need to go after her without it?
Well she could have said or even not said anything at all really. It’s the fun of prejudice!
…guess they do like to make it easy for the folks at home to play along
I’ll admit my ignorance and say I don’t know who either of these fucks is. So I went and googled.
First thing I notice about Vucic, he has some big ole DSLs! Damn boy! As we say down here, he could suck the chrome off a trailor hitch.
As Minister of Information under the Slobodan Milošević administration, he introduced restrictive measures against journalists, especially during the Kosovo War.
Over the last six years, Vucic has established what could best be described as a soft autocracy: On the surface, Serbia is still a democratic society with nominally free elections and a political opposition, where dissenting voices are able to criticize the ruling party without fear of mysteriously disappearing in the night. But Vucic’s control over Serbia’s centers of power is so complete and the democratic process is so skewed in his favor that dissent poses no threat to his rule.
And this guy is just a young Pat Bateman right? He has that whole dead eyed thing going for him.
Patrick Bateman…
Stephen Miller *with* hair…
Same creepily dead eyes, anyway…
But he has hair going for him!
Kurz also opposed same-sex marriage and argued that discrimination has already been abolished with the legalisation of registered partnerships, stating: “There already is the opportunity for partnering, there is the possibility for homosexual couples to adopt children [–] therefore, discrimination has already been eliminated”.[208]
In his campaign pledges for the 2017 legislative election, Kurz spoke out against further raising the national debt and for reducing government spending and budget deficits – he intends to realize proposed policies through abolishing the Kalte Progression and by cutting the payroll and income taxes. Kurz opposes any sorts of inheritance, property, and capital taxes. He wishes for cash to be retained as an ordinary payment method.[212]
Kurz opposes reducing average and below-average pensions, and supports abolishing the pension privileges. He has advocated for a federalized minimum income of 1500 euros and special regulations for minimum income recipients without citizenship.[214]
Anti-Semitic dog-whistles, in any case, is no great obstacle for Kurz, who has frequently used anti-Semitic codes, targeting particularly an advisor to the social democrats of Israeli origin.
Austria may be heading next week into a doubling down of the current coalition’s agenda – weakening the welfare state, codifying anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant prejudice, strengthening authoritarian tendencies – and the institutionalization of the far right as a legitimate, respectable part of national government in Europe.
Yeah, Serbia is a real ugly knot. So many who were part of the nationalism that tore apart that region have just rebranded their public messages while continuing to work toward their ideal of ethnic purity.
So I’m Jewish. Many of you know that by now.
However, I am not one of those fully blinded Jews who equate Israel’s right to exist with the notion that “everything it does is fine.” The prior generations are responsible for those intense blinders. Pro Israel groups like this one are failing to look beyond and understand the human rights violations and that Israel is turning to the wrong side of the argument if it isn’t already there thanks to Middle-East Biff.
The AIPAC is the epitome of the fools in this country who cannot see the truth, and watching them bring in straight up supporters of genocide proves their blindness.