[NOT 29/12/20]

Michael Bluth from Arrested Development with quote "I don't know what I expected"
I really don't know what I expected



My last day on my current team is New Year’s Eve. I literally worked the entire calendar (and fiscal) year in this org.

They didn’t send me the Christmas gift. Everyone else on the team got it. Not me.

It’s not that it’s a particularly valuable holiday gift, I was just rather surprised to be excluded after they asked for all our addresses a few weeks ago.



  1. Not for nothing, but when my boss’ boss sent out Christmas packages to everyone, the variance in deliveries was upwards of three weeks.  The postal service has been royally hosed this past year, so it’s possible that yours is still stuck in the system somewhere.
    Or, they could have decided to fuck you over.  That’s always a possibility.
    I had a friend who used to tell me that my expectations get me in more trouble than anything else.  He was right and he’s still right.  So, I do my best to live by the mantra, “Expect nothing, and you shall receive it in abundance.”

    • Wow, you are my spirit animal!  I totally have the same Xmas philosophy.  My family even went as far as to give me a Hotwheels Tesla 3 to rub it in.  Meanwhile, I spent my day digging thru gravel w/ a crazy auger to connect water for her greenhouse.  Yes, I’m tired & disgruntled!  Although, I’ve never been gruntled.

          • Yeah, that takes it to another level.  I can tell u the mail system is fucked to the point that if I didn’t have good neighbors, I wouldn’t get 50% of my packages & mail.  We are constantly bringing each other misdelivered mail.

          • @brightersideoflife It’s because they are assholes, when I started at my company the woman who kept track of the birthdays [and buying cake] made a big show of asking me when my birthday was, then when my birthday passed without a mention the boss said I was being immature for feeling hurt. Fuck ’em, go buy yourself something you really want, now you know what you are dealing with and the best part is you don’t have to deal with them anymore.

            • Hmm. I’m sort of the opposite in that when the person keeping track of birthdays at work asks me, I usually feel like saying “back the fuck off. Stay out of my personal life!” It’s more of an indictment of how little I’ve liked certain past work environments, but I can think of few fresher slices of hell than sharing my birthday with people I already have to spend too much of my waking life tolerating.

      • …not sure it’s relevant but I know someone who got a package yesterday marked “open right away – do not wait for christmas” that was sent (apparently) before mid-december…so I guess I’m hoping your day will come?

        …guess if I were you I might not be holding my breath, though

      • I’ve experienced huge variations in delivery times since Thanksgiving week. Some shipments were delayed and took almost a month, whilst others surprisingly arrive within two days. 
        It is possible you have something on the way, but also likely whoever was in charge of the shipments understood you to be gone and neglected to send you a package.
        It’s probably a situation of: don’t expect anything, but be pleasantly surprised if something eventually arrives.

  2. seems a little odd to ask for your adress and then exclude you…maybe its just late…or someone fucked up..
    or maybe im looking at everything too positively (i dunno…i havent had to deal with management or well people for like a week now…im mellower than usual)
    i hope it turns up tho….i always love getting my christmas box from work…its just nice (pain in the arse to get home on a bike tho..and90% of the contents get eaten by my daughter…but thats besides the point)

  3. I personally mail holiday cards to coworkers. Fun, oversized 3-dimensional cards that several folks save and decorate with year after year. I had them at the post office and weighed for exact postage on December 1st. The cards to Europe arrived before 3/4’s of the US cards. The cards to Alaska arrived before the east coast cards (I’m in the middle Atlantic states). And in a final fit of postal screw you, the cards sent individually to a couple in Oregon arrived 2 weeks apart. The fellow was sure I had forgotten him and mentioned it on slack. Nope, he saw the postmark and realized it had taken 24 days to arrive, vs. the 2 weeks it took his partner’s card. So…maybe they didn’t forget you? Or…maybe they are just thoughtless jerks. Your Deadsplinter friends appreciate you!

  4. Well, for what it’s worth, a couple of months before I finally quit the agency, they sent me a branded birthday postcard a whole month early and with nothing written on it at all besides my name and address.
    Of course, I could see how they might’ve been confused about the date at least, given that it’s only, well . . . fucking International Translation Day.

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