Oh Yeah! [DOT 1/10/21]

"I've only had half of four bottles of wine."

It’s Friday, it’s Spooky Season, and did I mention it’s Friday!?!

Biden signs government funding bill hours before midnight deadline to avert shutdown

This is my shocked face. ;/

This freaking guy.

Yay science!

Portugal has nearly run out of people to vaccinate. What comes next?


Stock futures rise slightly after S&P 500 suffered worst month since March 2020


Free Nuts! Kinda rude to exploit the squirrel like that.

A squirrel hid thousands of walnuts under the hood of a man’s truck. It wasn’t the first time.

Dolly has spoken.

Have a great day!



  1. i just got a letter through the door…adressed to my neighbours

    encouraging me to join nextdoor

    ha!…i didnt know we had that shit here

    anyways….turns out my neighbourhoods karen is in fact called marta…

    • I’m surprise Marta the neighborhood Karen didn’t found the nextdoor group for your neighborhood/town and is being asked to join it.

      The small(ish) towns my siblings live in have nextdoor equivalents but they’re called something else. When I was going up there on visits I’d ask them to log on and read me samples. “Oh Mattie, here’s a good one that has over 100 replies. A few hundred feet of sidewalk on X Road is being repaved and it’s been seven months already. It’s only a  two-lane street, and one of the lanes is blocked off because of the repaving. If you drive down that street there will be a car coming at you in the opposite direction and because of the way people drive around here it’s like the gunfight at the OK corral.”

      • i assume marta did more or less found it and has fallen into some kinda get this many others to sign up for free shit scheme…

        anyways hard no from me….i know my neighbours….im stuck between religious nuts…regular nuts…and criminals…..and i consider the criminals the most normal easy to get along with of the bunch

        i have no desire to be in the loop here

          • more so than i already am?

            way i see it..im just blissfully unaware of all the shit they are talking bout me

            and if im wrong about that….well fuck them…i do not want to know these people

            the farscy is an island

            or maybe a rock?

            puff pastry?

            i dunno….but i dont need their help

        • Farscy, I’m with you on this one. I don’t need nor want to know more about my neighbors than I do from just talking with them in passing.

          I seem to have good neighbors, and I’m good. I don’t need to see people having tantrums over someone not bagging leaves, etc.

    • Nextdoor’s tag line is “when neighbors start talking good things happen” when it should be: “When neighbors start talking you find out that they all suck”

      My Nextdoor is all people saying “I saw a black guy walking down the street” Aannd? Your point is?

      Meanwhile, on the next street over a 80 year old woman’s roommate smothered her with a pillow.

    • Whelp, that’s enough internet for me today.

    • I was a Nextdoor lurker for a hot second there several years ago. In my sliver of experience, it was mostly people selling their furniture and busybodies whingeing about how the Amazon delivery person didn’t perfectly leave their packages exactly how they wanted them to be dropped off. [But at least that’s better than having them outright stolen off your front stoop.]


      But of course, in most spots it’s a message board for racists. I cringe when people I know say they’re posting something for sale on Nextdoor, or that they’ve read about a break-in the next street over. I don’t need a hyper-local Facebook, thankyouverymuch.

  2. The Laundries are getting trolled hard. These are the parents of Brian, who is suspected in the murder of Gabby Petito. The parents lived in the house with Brian, Gabby, and Brian’s sister Cassie. Cassie claims that her children loved future daughter-in-law Gabby, so there are grandchildren living there too.


    Suspicions of affluenza seem misplaced. The house is 1,400 square feet and was bought some time ago for less than $200,000. The Laundries put it on the market at some point for $215,000 and there were no takers. So at its full occupancy it contained five adults (I don’t think Cassie is married) and at least two children. All in 1400 square feet.

    Anyway, what people around the country are doing is sending floral tributes to the home in Gabby’s memory. After all, it was her last known address and she was Brian’s fiancée.The Laundries aren’t nearly as appreciative of these offerings as I would be if my theoretical son’s fiancée was killed. Then again, in my imagination, my theoretical son wouldn’t be suspect number 1 in his fiancé’s death and I wouldn’t have helped him when he went on the lam, so the Laundrie parents’ situation is different.

    • Honestly, the suspect need not be rich or wealthy to exhibit affluenza. They simply need to have gone through life feeling entitled to things and people, being shielded from the consequences of their actions, and being enabled by those around them (ahem, parents). It should be renamed entitled/enabled white boy syndrome, because that’s essentially who it always applies to (save for the occasional white girl, like the Bling Ring group).

      • Preach. I had an entitlement encounter last weekend when I met with my … friend, let’s go with friend. He’s been unemployed for a year and a half. He’s a white 50-year-old graphic designer. And he keeps sending out resumes and getting rejected (definition of insanity).

        So I’m like, well, what else are you working on? “What do you mean?”

        Well, have you explored other options? “No, I’m a graphic designer.”

        Uh, currently, you are absolutely not, but let’s not quibble. “I should get a job as a graphic designer.”

        So let’s think about other options. Can you bartend? Can you stock shelves at Target (because they’re paying $15 an hour)? “I’m a graphic designer.”

        Jesus, you haven’t worked in 18 months. You’re not a graphic designer. I told him a story about another friend who got fired as director of a non-profit. Eventually he got a job as a mailman. I’m like, does this tell you something?

        “I’m a graphic designer.”

        Fuck, I can’t do anything with this.

  3. Hooray, I’m done nights… for now.  Wait for my grumbling a month in the future.

    As for stonks… I don’t have diamond hands /Wall St Bets Lingo/ because I sold off my once high flying stock in LightSpeed Commerce which fell almost 40 Canada dollars in the week mostly because of allegations of bullshit metrics and downright fudging of numbers from a short seller hedgefund/stock troll.  To be fair, Nortel was accused of that too (and we did.)  Unlike now I rode that express elevator all the way to the bottom instead of selling when I damn well should have.

    To be fair, I still made a fair amount of money considering I got a return of 50% in under 6 months and that’s despite the nearly 40 dollar drop.  At this point I regret nothing.

    You gotta know when to fold’em  and know when to hold’em.

    As for non speculative things, I’ve got a minor gripe.  It’s not about anyone here.  It’s about a guy in another internet place who seems to be a lefty scold who gets upset because no one is pure enough as he.   It’s starting to fucking annoy me, but I probably won’t say anything because it’s not my damn site.  My views trend left or left-center, but even I get pissed with purity scolds.  Anyway, enough of that bullshit.  I’m going to sleep.  Later.

  4. The Gothamist article about the Oath Keepers membership in the NYPD is looking more and more like the tip of the iceberg.

    It’s part of the data dump of hacked files from Epik, which provides internet services to a lot of the hard right.

    There are reasonable concerns from the legitimate press about these files and how accurate they are, and how exactly to interpret the data, so I’m not surprised they’re going slowly. But it sounds like the base level information that is starting to emerge, like membership in organizations and names of admins, is starting to get people pretty nervous. The groups involved can be so toxic that it’s going to be a lot harder to explain away connections than it might be for something like showing up as a donor for a Trump defense fund.

    • A lot of those agencies use a polygraph in the hiring process, but from the sample questionnaires I’ve seen they’re asking the wrong questions.  They’ll ask about past drug use and that kind of shit, but not anything that would reveal any prejudices or biases that could affect how one does the job.  They are really missing an opportunity.

    • Gothamist is a great resource. I visit the site regularly and sometimes chime in, but not under this username. The commenter flame wars are epic. Many commenters comment so frequently you quickly get to know all about them, what they do for a living, their ethnicity, their approximate age, whether they have children or not, whether they are native New Yorkers or not, sometimes even where exactly they live (as in, “I live on the same block as this place and…”)

      The one thing I don’t like about it is their restaurant reviews, because they’re always raves and if you read between the lines you know the writer and his frequent and always unnamed “dining companion” is getting comped for everything, so it’s pay to play. The restaurants are almost always holes in the wall in insalubrious pockets of This Great Metropolis so I’m unlikely to ever go, and the review will go something like “This unassuming storefront [in a location that would take two or three subway lines and a bus for me to access] serves what are arguably the best [common foodstuff found all over the place, including food trucks/stands, of which New York does not lack.]”

  5. netflix subtitles could use some work

    *speaking arabic*

    no shit?

    traditionally subtitles tell you whats being said tho….not what language you arent currently understanding


    the fuck am i getting english subtitles for in a movie 95% in english that tells me *speaking fucking arabic* whenever it deviates from english?

    motherfucker..i speak english,,i know what they said…its the non english parts i need you for

    arglblargle *ragequits*

    • In America whenever Nelson Mandela spoke his speeches, in English, were always subtitled, in English. I have no idea why. I always understood them perfectly well and I am not a Black South African.

    • I found one show with the opposite problem on Netflix. On The Verge is an English show which has all the French lines automatically translated. I understand French and while I like subtitles for languages that I don’t understand, I loathe them for ones that I do. There’s no option to turn them off #firstworldproblems

  6. Hackery at its best!

    This is an incredibly parochial story. Even I have only been to Crown Heights twice in the 30+ years I’ve lived here. But it’s like a Harvard Business School Case Study on what very often goes wrong with “public-private partnerships.” Do you, the public entity, have an agreement with a private developer/operator? Lesson learned: get the terms in writing. Idiots.

  7. The judge in a defamation case against Alex Jones and his company ruled in favor of the suing parents:


    Jones refused to hand over documents sought by the parents, and the judge ruled that his repeated noncompliance was grounds for ending the case and ruling in favor of the parents. The Judge also ruled that Jones had enough of a history of bad faith engagement with the courts that other options short of ruling for the parents would not be sufficient.

    A jury will now determine what he must pay. I assume there will be appeals and so on, but he is facing other lawsuits as well.



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