…so…no offense intended to those of a genuinely religious inclination…& all due respect to Hello America & anyone else out there who was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras…but I think it might be one of those times when god helps those who help themselves
…but I’m pretty sure if y’all turn out to be right about the existence of a deity this isn’t going to turn out to be the kind of helping yourself he had in mind
…I mean, there’s some low places you can get if you claw your way right through the bottom of the moral barrel you’re scraping for sure…but if it’s clear that those assholes are some of the lowest examples of humanity in the face of a pandemic scenario…then logically where does that put this kind of thing on the spectrum?
…oh, yeah…& it’s only fucking tuesday…& I don’t even remember the last time I was caught up on the DUAN
…this shit ain’t right, I tell you
I tried to make it through all your links but the WAPO ones won’t let me read w/out signing up or something so I hope I don’t repeat anything in them. All this McTurtle shit & leaving blue states to fend for themselves just reinforces my point of us blue-exiting this country. We are the makers & they are the takers. How much more of this shit do we not know about? https://popular.info/p/multi-millionaire-trump-donor-is
Also, I heard yesterday that if they had just left out the business part of the stimulus and gave the money direct to all families in America, between the 2 rounds every family in the U.S. would have got about $34,000 total. The U.S. makes up 4.5% of the world’s population but account for 25% of all Coronavirus deaths. MAGA people!!!
…I confess I sometimes open the WaPo stuff incognito or whatever to stretch the free article count but (& I hope this doesn’t jinx it) I think someone over there cares more about the analytics/tracking than subs because if I hit share-to-pocket before the please-subscribe wall comes down it seems to let me have the text in pocket I can’t have on the site?
…& you’re not wrong…over & over it seems to be made clear that left to themselves several of the red states would collapse in on themselves pretty swiftly while the blue ones by & large would suddenly be in much better fiscal health
…& donor dude is a classic trump MO – of course I’m gonna help guy-like-me with problem-I-have…that way it covers me when I help myself to the same help
…$30k or so per household to bridge the quarantine period actually sounds like a pretty fucking good idea now that you mention it…almost makes you think UBI ain’t so fucking crazy when you think about it?
I tried to make it through all your links but the WAPO ones won’t let me read w/out signing up or something so I hope I don’t repeat anything in them. All this McTurtle shit & leaving blue states to fend for themselves just reinforces my point of us blue-exiting this country. We are the makers & they are the takers. How much more of this shit do we not know about?
Also, I heard yesterday that if they had just left out the business part of the stimulus and gave the money direct to all families in America, between the 2 rounds every family in the U.S. would have got about $34,000 total. The U.S. makes up 4.5% of the world’s population but account for 25% of all Coronavirus deaths. MAGA people!!!
…I confess I sometimes open the WaPo stuff incognito or whatever to stretch the free article count but (& I hope this doesn’t jinx it) I think someone over there cares more about the analytics/tracking than subs because if I hit share-to-pocket before the please-subscribe wall comes down it seems to let me have the text in pocket I can’t have on the site?
…& you’re not wrong…over & over it seems to be made clear that left to themselves several of the red states would collapse in on themselves pretty swiftly while the blue ones by & large would suddenly be in much better fiscal health
…& donor dude is a classic trump MO – of course I’m gonna help guy-like-me with problem-I-have…that way it covers me when I help myself to the same help
…$30k or so per household to bridge the quarantine period actually sounds like a pretty fucking good idea now that you mention it…almost makes you think UBI ain’t so fucking crazy when you think about it?
Progressives are pushing for temporary UBI, not crazy at all!
I’m on the permanent UBI team, but I’ll take a one year test run.