About myopicprophet 137 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


      • I’m intrigued by the white dude in shorts reading a 3-day-old folded up copy of The Washington Examiner, or whatever, pacing behind her, and the Black woman caught up by The Spirit and doing a little impromptu styling of her own. 
        Also, ladies, the off-the-shoulder outfit: what is that thick black strap? It can’t be a bra strap, can it? My 115-lb. dog’s leash is thinner than that and it’s more than enough to control him. Is it a concealed carry bandolier, like those worn in Olde Méjico?

        • She’s definitely got the hair bob and cold shoulder shirt style down, which is indicative of a “Karen” in the wild. 

          She may have paired it with a tank top underneath, to keep it from being TOOO sexy and therefore tempting the males around her. 

          • The Karen comment reminded me of a little blurb on Marketplace yesterday.  Some researcher with a LOT of time on his hands matched first names with votes cast (I don’t recall how they got the names, but I think it was from exit polls), and had a lot of different results for various names.  The one that stuck out to me though was that a majority of Karens voted for Biden.  Go figure.

  1. I wish Arizona and Nevada would weigh in more authoritatively. That all Joe Biden needs at this point. The lawsuits–why doesn’t Trumpolini just try to impose martial law while he’s at it. “I hereby claim a win in Michigan.” What must foreigners think of us? Human Rights Watch is watching this election? 
    A glimmer of hope came from Wisconsin, one of many targets of frivolous lawsuits by Trump, and I was heartened to hear a Wisconsin pundit say, “In 2016 we had a recount. Trump gained 130 votes [or however many.] He’s not going to find 30,000 [or however many.]”

      • …I still haven’t got past the bit where I want him prosecuted…so I guess I’d be fine with him keeling over but am in a weird position of hoping it isn’t the end of him?

          • …capone went down for tax evasion in the end

            …I don’t believe he’ll be prosecuted for the bulk of the things he deserves to be but I think you’re being hasty to write off the possibility that he’s going to find out the hard way that the law isn’t something he can dictate when he can’t (to mix metaphors horribly) buy the pot…particularly when the money he claims to be spending is bad debt rather than real cash

            …he’s always been shady & I don’t think ascribing immunity to him where prosecution is concerned is as foregone a conclusion as you’re suggesting for all that I understand the sentiment

            • He also has a ton of exposure on the civil side. He’s been able to slide with out of court settlements in the past due to tons of lawyers and the appearance of liquidity, but when the vultures start to circle people are going to want to force him to court ASAP to get their piece before the others get their bite.
              It’s not the same as seeing him locked up, but watching him sweat as he has to open up about his fraudulent finances still counts for something.

            • The difference is that Capone was never President.  This country will never, ever, ever criminally prosecute a former President, no matter how much of a piece of shit he may be.  Ever.  That would be like prosecuting Queen Elizabeth if she happened to be a criminally stupid grifter who was responsible for the deaths of over a quarter million Brits.  It’s not happening.

              • …you’re going to have to agree to differ on this because whatever you might think about the unshakable nature of your conclusion there remains a first time for everything…& the man has had court proceedings in which he’s the defendant for the bulk of his adult life so that’s equally unlikely to change whatever happens electorally

                …so actually an argument could be made that things would have to change for him to not end up in court…repeatedly…in multiple jurisdictions

                …even mueller (who didn’t want to fuck up the republican party in the process) made it explicitly clear that absent the office the man’s exposure to significant charges was entirely real & quite damning

                …so one way or another I think you’re on less solid ground than you assume…like I said, I appreciate the sentiment & fully grasp why you’re saying it…but part of why it hasn’t happened in the past has to do with, for example, nixon’s willingness to not go out & publically double down on the criminal enterprise thing

                …there’s less than no reason to believe that kind of principle holds true in the case of the career criminal in question since he can barely be said to have an enterprise that isn’t arguably criminal

                …so…like I said…it seems altogether less unlikely to me…not to mention that the president explicitly isn’t a sovereign so the the queen elizabeth example is apples to oranges in terms of sovereign immunity…& even without that distinction there’s a reason the brits came up with the whole magna carta thing back in the day

                …even a supposedly supreme ruler can push their luck too far at the end of the day


                • I’d like very much to take your point of view, but I’ve watched too many assholes with power/money/fame or any combination of the three get to skate on the most heinous shit in this country.  My propensity for hoping for justice has been burned to a cinder and I recognize that I no longer have the capacity for objectivity in matters like this.

                  • …don’t get me wrong…I meant it when I said I get where you’re coming from & appreciate the sentiment…I’m just not ready to write off the possibility when there are so many ways he’s potentially exposed to prosecution

                    …that’s really where I was going with the capone analogy…not that the orange asshole is any kind of a real gangster so much as if you break enough laws then eventually there’s pretty much bound to be something a determined prosecutor can use to gain traction even if it isn’t the stuff it seems like it ought to be?

  2. vlad is getting ready to call donnie’s loans:

    The Kremlin keeps quiet on the election as the outcome remains unclear.

    MOSCOW — The Kremlin is staying mum on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, even as Russia’s state-controlled news media echoes the Trump campaign’s unsubstantiated claims of fraud.

    “The situation that is developing does not allow us to comment in any way,” Dmitri S. Peskov, the spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin, told reporters on Thursday, the first remarks from the Russian government on the American election. “We would, of course, prefer to take a pause and wait for some kind of clarity on what is going on.”

    Pro-Kremlin media personalities have amplified President Trump’s claims that the counting of votes is rigged against him as his path to re-election grows increasingly narrow.

    Margarita Simonyan, head of the state-controlled Russian television network RT, called the elections “neither free nor fair” in a post on Twitter. Vladimir Solovyov, a prominent talk show host, said in another tweet that the United States had “managed to deliver a crushing blow against what trust remained in the procedure of elections itself.”

    • …in a bunch of ways this is their preferred outcome…for an old school KGB guy like vlad the primary goal.is destabilising the US to the greatest &/or most fundamental extent possible & making the case for the electoral system itself being illegitimate is way up there in terms of stuff that makes them feel smug

        • Well, the knuckledraggers surely don’t trust the process if Biden is certified as the winner.  That’s a given.  But, there’s been so much cheating and bullshit by Republicans over the years that there has been a pretty strong level of distrust on the left, particularly in the South.  When I was super involved in state-level politics in TN, I did a lot of canvassing over the phone and on the streets around election time every year.  Most of the Democrats that I spoke with said they weren’t even going to waste their time taking off work to go vote because they knew it wouldn’t get counted anyway, or wouldn’t matter because the numbers and gerrymandering were against us, or because of any number of cheating scandals over the years.  Add to that, all the bullshit with the USPS and stories that have already come out about unofficial ballot drop boxes set out by Republicans, and there’s more than enough for me to not have much trust in the process either.

          • …I think I’m kind of there myself…even before polling day I struggled.to see any way that a result in trump’s favor could be reached by legitimate means…not least since a great deal.of what had been done in terms of voter suppression & seeding false narratives for the purposes of misinformation & the manipulation of particular classes of voters (like hispanics in florida, for example) seemed to me to be overtly illegitimate?

            …where I get uneasy about feeling that way is at the point where I’m not sure there’s much daylight between there & fundamental doubts about the integrity of the electoral process…the failure to address the hackable nature of voting machines in widespread use that lack an auditable paper backup being one major point of concern I have a hard time not seeing as legitimate at one end of the spectrum…& the idea of a partisan supreme court getting to take the decision on the ultimate verdict into their own hands probably being the other…with way too many points in between to feel comfortable about

            …to me that’s a lot closer to vlad’s dreams than I want to be 

            • I know y’all aren’t local to my state, and that 2008 was AGES ago, politically.
              But along with what we’re seeing in this election–where folks are SEEING that *every vote does in fact matter,* we as a nation NEED to start doing much, MUCH, better atreminding folks of Al Franken’s first senate race & victory.
              2,885,555 votes were cast in that race…
              Al WON, by 312 of those votes.
              The D’s REALLY need to get (back? if they ever WERE?) to a mode of EVERY race, EVERY vote, EVERY.SINGLE.ELECTION.

  3. stop the count! stop the count! stop the count!*

    *doesn’t apply in non-american places

    … In Detroit, Trump supporters gathered outside the offices where votes were being counted and called for a halt to vote counting — echoing the president’s unfounded claim that illegally cast ballots were being tallied to flip the race to his opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

    But in Maricopa County, Ariz., where Mr. Trump trails Mr. Biden, the president’s supporters took the opposite tack. They gathered outside the elections office and chanted, “Count those votes!”

    • …cognitive dissonance writ large…which one would hope is a mortal wound to the viability of his attempts to prosecute legal challenges to the counts that don’t look to be going his way

  4. So, I’ve had some time to think about it and I have a serious question.  Let’s assume for the moment that Biden wins the EC and SCOTUS doesn’t fuck him over.  What are the realistic chances that he can actually make something work with McConnell? I’m not talking about non-starters like $15 minimum wage, or expanding the ACA, but just modest relief packages and a better funding of public health agencies?  You know…governance.  Biden is a textbook gladhanding politician and he and Mitch have known each other for a very long time.  Biden also isn’t black.  So, can he pull out a little LBJ and make some shit happen behind closed doors?

    • …I’d say the chances would be pretty decent so long as mitch thinks he’s getting the better end of the deal in terms of appeal at the mid-terms

      …if on the other hand the senate shifts based on runoff races in January you’d hope it would up the odds of effecting meaningful changes?

      • I mean, honestly, I don’t expect much from a Biden administration, even with a fully Democratic Congress.  Obama didn’t actually do what he could have done with his supermajority–and at best Biden might get a one vote majority, if any majority at all.  Mostly  I just expect that we won’t have to worry about a constant stream of crazy bullshit out of the Oval Office and that’s about it.  The liberals will continue to be ignored, the Republicans will continue to force things in their direction, and the band will play on.

        • I basically am feeling the same way. “Well, we won’t accomplish anything, but at least we can stop Trump from stealing everything that’s not nailed down.” My expectations have been severely diminished over the last couple of days. And my faith in humanity is utterly fucking destroyed. 

    • I’m very pessimistic. McTurtle is a straight up gangsta. senate is ’48 d – 50 r’ now and there will be 2 senate runoffs in GA on January. my feeling is the dems win 0 or 1 of those 2.
      the one race is ’50r – 48d’ @ 97%. so MAYBE we will win that runoff. the other is ’33 d – 26 r – 20 r’. we aren’t winning that one. maybe we could get it if stacy abrams was the d candidate. but she isn’t…

    • Bizarrely enough, Donnie has shown him the way. McConnell won’t approve your nominations? Okay, you are now “acting” Attorney General. McConnell won’t bring your spending bill forward? Executive order. 
      Now we just have to hope Biden has the guts to do that. Fucking play hardball like a Republican, Uncle Joe. 

      • Pelosi massively screwed up the CIVID relief negotiations, first by settling for an interim package on faith that that McConnell would come back to the table, then by acting like Mnuchin was acting in good faith.
        For the past few months she needed to hammer the point that Trump was weak for failing to deliver McConnell, that Senate Republicans were causing businesses to fail and were going to cause massive police, fire and school layoffs, and she had passed her bill and was the only grownup ready to negotiate.
        Instead, she got led into a game of regularly goosing hopes for a relief bill, which kept McConnell from feeling any heat.

      • We can hope Biden will do that but his “I will work with republicans” bullshit doesn’t give me hope.  I do have an out there prediction though, McConnell will die during this term.  Make note of this, I predict he will not make it to his next election.  Biden will get no court appointments.  Biden will only be able to do executive orders but will get nothing but screams of outrage from the right.  They will also immediately start trying to cut social security and everything else because of the tremendous debt!  Like they fucking care about debt!

    • There is a lot the GOP wants, like $$$ for defense contractors, and for that matter they want their post office in East Podunk to function again. So there is some room for negotiation. But the Dems need to avoid negotiating with themselves first, getting hoodwinked by deficit hawks, or believing the GOP will ever deal except from self interest.

  5. vote updates:

  6. PA/GA/AZ updates:

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