Please Never Again [NOT 18/4/22]

Hi, friends!

I hope your week is off to a good start. I was thinking today about fashion that I’d love never to come back in style. For me, it’s overalls on women. I somehow manage to look like 7 months pregnant in them. I remember when I was a preteen and they were one of the have-to-have outfits and holy fuck did I change my mind once I got pair. Don’t get me wrong, I still wore them because my mother spent good money on those things and there was nothing wrong with them.

But I definitely hope they never come back in style. I keep seeing ads on Facebook for adult women overalls for gardening/yard work and you know it’s still an outfit that fits like crap.



  1. I had a pair of overalls when I was a kid. I hate that they are so impractical when it comes to going to the bathroom. Once one of my straps fell into the toilet at school. I was mortified. This applies to rompers and jumpsuits too.

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