Please Send Help [NOT 26/1/21]

image of raccoon stealing a jar of peanut butter

I’ve eaten healthy today. I don’t know how long this can last. I better be like 5 lbs lighter tomorrow.

I jest. But the first few days of eating better always suck.

Also, I’m watching one of the generic married couple home renovation shows (it’s the Arkansas couple which I consider knock-off Ben and Erin from Home Town) and the client has this cabin on some lake in Arkansas. All I can think of with the cabin set up is all the ticks around the property.

Also!! I saw a Northern Flicker at my suet feeder today. Twice!!! I had no clue what it was so I had to google “Missouri woodpecker” but I figured it out! That’s a good sized bird, I’d never seen one before.



  1. The problem with going on a diet is that for the first month or so, you are both fat and hungry.
    The secret to living in an area with shitloads of ticks is to keep chickens on your property.  They will decimate the tick population in short order.  They also eat all the poison ivy–just don’t pick them up after they’ve been in a patch of it.
    We have a Northern Flicker that lives in our neighborhood.  He used to live in a tree across the street until the tree rotted and fell down.  Not sure where he’s set up residence now.
    To the surprise of literally nobody, most of the Republicans in the Senate have decided to keep licking Trump’s boot and vote against holding the trial.  The funny thing about it is that Pat Toomey voted in favor of the trial because he’s not running for re-election again and therefore doesn’t care as much about this tribal bullshit.  However, Rob Portman–who is also not running again–still chose to be a fucking coward.  I guess he’s worried about his job prospects at some right wing lobbying firm.

    • Some of these people are literally fearing for their lives!  Fucking Trump released the Pandora’s box of lunatics & they refuse to try to put them back in because they are useful idiots!
      Also, I have a love/hate relationship with flickers.  They are fun to watch but the horny bastards like to peck my fireplace flashing to attract a mate.  I’m the highest spot next to a green belt so they get the most bang for the buck when they rattle my house!  

  2. I hear ya. I’m doing some intermittent fasting to disrupt my garbage metabolism, and it’s hard to be positive when you’re hungry. Good luck with your efforts — the health benefits are worth it.

      • I’m in my third year of intermittent fasting (I do 19/5).  My family has history of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  It feels so good that even after my A1C hit 5.5, I just continued and now it’s a just a lifestyle.  I’m never hongry and have lots of energy.  I miss those morning trips to Waffle House, but other than that, I don’t feel deprived.

    • huh.  I just googled intermittent fasting to see what all the number-slash-number stuff meant, and I guess I’ve been unintentionally intermittently fasting pretty regularly?
      I typically eat just one meal a day in the evening/night with some (too much…) beer.  Most weekdays I get up, go to work, have some coffee (black) at work, skip lunch so I can leave earlier, go home, and then cook something or get takeout.  It helps that I’ve a pretty slow metabolism, and am not terribly food-motivated.  On weekends I’ll snack in the morning/afternoon, but then I usually don’t eat as much for dinner or whatever.

  3. My kitty is doing much better tonight. I was pretty stressed about her last night, and she was still being weird this morning. Still cranky, still refusing food. So I placed a grocery order and got some meat baby food. She ate a few bites of the beef baby food right away, and then I think an hour or so later, that helped her get past some nausea and she ate the rest of the baby food. She’s come back around to her normal self, following me around the house, sitting on my lap, and asking for pets.
    I’m realizing that the fur under her chin is getting kinda gross and we still have 12 days of the cone. At some point I guess I’ll see if she’ll let me wipe her a bit inside the cone with a damp washcloth. I don’t want to tempt fate by removing the cone, because she seems to mostly be accepting it at the moment, so I don’t want to remind her of the freedom she’s missing. 

  4. im eating healthier…but not exactly dieting…
    just added breakfast and packing a sandwich or two for work nowadays (instead of deciding im hungry round 2 pm at work and eating whatever the cantine has to offer)
    still losing weight tho (partially coz i am absolutely using the more physical aspects of my job as a stress release valve…and partially coz its not working…. farscy is one highly strung motherfucker lately)
    still….ive dropped below 200 lbs again….at 6,2 thats not so bad… another 20 lbs to go and ill be back to prime athletic farscy size… 

  5. oof, today kicked my ass.
    so, I’ve been pretty lucky with my bicycle commutes lately, and missed all of the rain.
      Though, this week, it looked like I was probably going to get rained on.  Wasn’t raining when I left home, and I’ve a spare rain jacket stashed at work, so I didn’t think much of it.  Wasn’t raining too heavy when work ended, so I again, didn’t think too much of it.  didn’t bother with the rain jacket, but did put on some old motorcycle gloves I had.
    Not as bad as a lot of people have it, but it was a bit chilly around here, I think it was about mid-40s when I was going home.  and there was a pretty strong headwind, the entire damned time.  almost felt like I was being followed, or whatever the inverse of that would be, even when I changed direction, I was constantly pedaling into the wind.  Commute typically takes me ~50-55 minutes lately, today it was ~75 minutes, and I was thoroughly exhuasted.  Despite the gloves, my hands were numb enough that I had trouble with my housekeys and was using both hands to open the door :/
    So, I guess I’ll be wearing my full rain gear tomorrow, and just riding to public transit instead of the whole way home, and still bringing extra socks…
    Plus, I’ve got grit in my brake pads, and probably need to clean my chain already…

    • When I had a commute, I biked it consistently. My coworkers never understood why I had no problems biking in snow but hated biking in rain. It’s what it does to the bike – rain just gets everywhere and makes that bike a miserable machine.

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