Prickly Pope’s Pulled Paw Provokes Public Pimpslap Propelling Personal Penitence…[NOT 2/1/20]

Welcome to the first Deadsplinter Nightly Open Thread. This is a place in which any and all are welcome to chat, tell stories, share ideas, vent, and generally socialise with others! In particular, if you want to be a part of the DeadSplinter community but don’t (yet?) want to write a post, this is a great way to get involved. (If you do want to write a post, we are always excited to welcome posts from new people!) Everyone is welcome here, and we ask everyone to keep the discussion respectful (regardless of political, religious, or any other views).

If you’d like to contribute and have something posted above the line on the Daily Open Thread (DOT) in the morning, post it in the comments below. It works the same way if you’d like something above the line on the Nightly Open Thread (NOT), drop it in the comments below the line on the DOT and it will look something like this:

Courtesy of Hannibal A Portas:

Good article on elected dictatorships.

Now…on with the show…

Pope finally understands consent:

New Year resolutions that all LGBTQ people can share:

Castro calls it quits:

Australia’s PM Scott Morrison not so popular:

Meanwhile in Syria:

Former NBA commissioner dies at 77:

Keep your foods fresh:

About myopicprophet 127 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. Beautiful alliteration, and nice greeting/NOT intro.

  2. That’s a beautiful headline!

    It really pisses me off that guys like Steyer and Bloomberg didn’t put their considerable financial resources behind Castro. Likewise Bernie and Biden with their political clout.

    • Exactly. Why not donate to a worthy candidate, and then shoot for a cabinet position instead? What do either of those guys have to recommend them other than name caché and more money than I’ll see in my lifetime?

  3. This isn’t the last we’ll see of Castro, I don’t think.

    • He’d be a great VP choice.

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