…promises, promises [DOT 7/3/20]

…if it wasn’t so fucking tragic it would be funny

“yeah, well my hunch is way better better than your phoney baloney medical science crap, anyway”

…but don’t worry…after all, “countries have to look after themselves”


…because president spam-in-a-can has a feeling that all the bad news is fake


…& besides he has his hands full…literally…with taxpayers’ money…which is draining through his fingers like every other dollar he ever grabbed inappropriately…& guess what…the almighty market is not falling for it


…so…looking up, then?

…& that’s not the only place where there’ve been surprise announcements or sudden reversals of fortune lately, either


Three Senior Members of Saudi Royal Family Arrested
Hachette Says It Won’t Publish Woody Allen’s Book
SXSW makes an early exit…presumably stage west?

…some things, though…some things aren’t so much surprising as hey are just shamefully predictable

no, you give it up…
‘The Only Choice Is to Wait for Death’




Women’s Unpaid Labor is Worth $10,900,000,000,000

if not now…
Bloomberg’s $500 Million Experiment Worked


…bet they cost less that half a billion, too…just think what you could do with that sort of money


would you recognize this asshole?
…now, where’s that blanket?


  1. *thinks of what he could do with 500 million*
    i think i’d fly to mexico to get some quesadilla…. cant get good mexican food round here for love nor money
    (i might be hungry)

    • With 500 million, I’d just be grateful not to have to worry about the cost of healthcare. The loss of that stress alone would be life changing.

      This is a really sad statement on life in America.

  2. also the popes gonna be livestreaming his blessings tomorow instead of getting a massive crowd together on st peter’s square coz corona…. guess we’re not counting on god to protect the flock :p

    (its the smart thing to do…but i’d be lying if i said i wasnt amused)

  3. More on the NY Times hit piece on Sanders and his participation in Ronald Reagan’s Sister City program when he was the mayor of Burlington:


    The standard operating procedure of a Times hit piece is in full display: strip an event of context, cherry pick, and then act as if they are just asking questions. It’s gross, and it won’t be the last time we see it while they let Trump off the hook into November.

  4. Essay ahead, y’all (and I’m NOT apologizing for my feelings😉, because I DO own them💖. But you CAN 100% TL/DR if ya wanna!😁):

    This one does a good job of summing up the reasons I felt so sad & frustrated,when I got up last Tuesday:

    I think the thing I felt/feel most hurt by, is similar to that last bit about the little girls.

    I’ve said it before, but I was eight, the year Mondale/Ferraro were the Pres/Veep candidates.

    I had MUCH less understanding of the process back then, but suffice it to say, Jesse Jackson’s 1984 version of The Rainbow Coalition (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow/PUSH ), and it’s focus on Social Justice issues VERY much appealed to the Wee Emmer.

    I was majorly bummed when *the rest of the people* did not see Jackson’s campaign in the same way I did, and chose Mr. Fritz as the presidential candidate *over* Mr. Jackson & his good ideas.

    But because I also knew who Mr. Fritz was, and because he picked the smart lady in the race, Ms. Ferraro, to be his running-mate, I was SURE that America would soon be making the correct choice, and boosting the incompetent, lying, know-nothing, Reagan out of office.

    ESPECIALLY, since, being an eight-year-old girl at the time, I was nearly constantly being told, “You can be ANYTHING you want to be when you grow up. You just have to work hard.”

    Forward thru time to 2020, 36 *years* from 1984, and we’ve been shown time, and time, and time again, the lie it was when we little girls in the 80’s were told,”You can be ANYTHING…”

    The last few years have really brought home, across all media, how much of a shitty lie that was.

    In radio–particularly country–the guys’ voices completely outpower the women’s–by about 87% now. https://www.southbendtribune.com/entertainment/inthebend/entertainmentnews/there-s-a-problem-with-sexism-in-country-music-samantha/article_6b5bc43a-38b6-11ea-a014-a796299a65d9.html

    Compared to the amount of women in airplay in the 90’s & early 00’s,
    Today’s country is just Bro-country & country-rap.
    Which is one of the reasons I quit listening (that and the 2-hour-or-less loop on most stations nowadays🙄🙄🙄)

    Compare that^^^ with the number of women we have who are successful entrepreneurs/CEO’s, or who get funding & places in retail, and the way they get treated once they *DO* get there***

    There’s this bullshit:


    This whole thing (and then those B.S. excuses of why they “haaaaaaddd” to cut Rose’s time, due to all her interactionswith General Leia–essentially blaming it on *another* woman😑🤔🤨):

    This quarter of the world:

    During the Warren campaign, it was (like Booker, Harris & Castro’s campaigns, btw!!!) a complete lack of decent, deeply researched reporting. And then, this past week, it’s been the “electability” & “polls say…” bullshit, and *now* we’re rolling over into the classically misogynistic “She was too scold-y,” “Schoolmarm-y,” “Too Earnest,” “Not Honest enough,” “Too much of a Braniac, not *regular-person* enough…” bullshittery, or in the re-hashing over what she claimed Bernie said about a woman being able/unable to win, and Warren became “Too whiny” or “A Liar!!!”

    Although when you ACTUALLY LOOK at what both she & Bernie said about that last one, even though she was swarmed by trolls (who let’s be real are most likely Farm Trolls here, & not actually Bernie Bros🤨), they DID essentially *say* the same things about the convo–they just came away with very different interpretations of what had been said.
    Warren, as a woman who has seen & lived through the casual sexism she has, SAW the things Bernie said as having sexism embedded in them (the same way the folks around *here* saw statements by their friends & family as containing sexist elements when those folks were saying they wouldn’t vote for Warren, “Because not enough people would”), while Bernie didn’t.

    (And I’m not even getting to “Handsy Uncle Joe, because then this’s be a *full thesis,* rather than just an essay!😉)

    It doesn’t make Warren a liar. And, frankly, it doesn’t make Bernie liar either. But that *didn’t* mean his statement hadn’t been sexist. It just wasn’t *intentionally* sexist. He honestly *doesn’t* see certain things, most likely because of the time & place he grew up (like Joe!). That DOESN’T make him a bad person–and good GOD, yes, he’d be a gazillion times better than Trump!!

    But the dude (just like most of us!) does have some gaping & glaring blind spots–in his case, in regards to sexism for one. (Another that he REALLY could use some help with, is the differentiation lines between POC’s & Black people, tbh!that has the potentialto bite his ass in the General, as much as folks *don’t* want to admit it.)

    Bernie IS plenty aware in many areas, but sometimes he (and Joe, too, fwiw!) is terribly *unaware* of the fact that, as a white dude who hit his stride in the 70’s-90’s, he was given an incredible array of advantages as “thr norm” of society, and that folks outside of that “norm” (Non-white peoples, white women, & white non-binary-presenting people, etc.) didn’t get access to.

    That DOESN’T make Bernie a bad dude!!!!!

    It’s just that, in one’s struggles with *other things* we DO have to face, we don’t always recognize that *other people* had disadvantages we *never* had to face.

    Which brings me back to Warren.

    And her speech folding her race–and the part that made me cry–where she talked about “all the little girls out there.”

    Because, until we ADMIT that we ARE lying to our little girls, we CAN’T, (AND WE WILL NEVER bother to!)*fix* the problem.

    And we ARE lying to them,when we just tall them, “You can be *anything* you want when you grow up!!!”

    As long as we don’t have an Equal Rights Amendment, ensuring that women (AND *ALL* non-binary people!!!) quintessentially hold the same rights that cis, straight, men do in this country, we will ALWAYS be at risk of… anything… being able to remove the rights we feel like we should have.

    And we will DEFINITELY continue down the lie-driven road we’ve been cruising for the last 36+ years.

    “You’ve come a long way, Baby!” Was supposed to be a complimentary & uplifting slogan for that long-ago Tobacco company…

    But, as we can see in hindsight, it was SO sexist & also infantilizing…

    I just WISH we could get more folks to understand & see how we treat Women and non-binary folks, vs the way we treat men (PARTICULARLY the white dudes!) differently *is* primarily because of sexism.

    And because I’m feeling the new ‘Chicks song, too, this, plus an old & goodie:

    (***full disclosure here, I am a white woman, originally from the rural part of MN, who LOVES her local company, BigRed, aka Target.

    And I’m absolutely DISGUSTED by the COMPLETELY racist way my fellow white women have acted toward Beatrice Dixon & that they apparently can’t tell their heads from their asses🤬🤬🤬

    There is NOTHING racist about wanting to create pathways up & role models for little black girls.

    Ffs, that’s something folks like me, who work with kids NEED more of to show *our* little black girls we work with. So we can tell our tinies, “See, SHE LOOKS LIKE YOU AND SHE’S REALLY SUCCESSFUL! She’s SMART, *AND* she’s Pretty, just like YOU. She’s STRONG. Just like YOU. She wanted to run a business AND take care of herself & her family–and she DID IT–and YOU CAN,TOO!💖💖💖”

    And it was doubly disheartening, that my fellow white women were crass enough to be so goddamn racist during Black History Month, no less💔)

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