Raise a Glass to the End of Kinja [NOT 16/11/20]

screenshot of Moira Rose slowly singing "Oh Danny Boy" from season 1 of Schitt's Creek

As a recent kinja evacuee, thank you awesome folks on deadsplinter for being so welcoming.

If you’re new to this platform, drop a line in the comments. Let’s say hi and enjoy a new place to be with internet friends.

If you have questions about how wordpress is different than kinja, please ask, too. I certainly won’t know some/many/any of the answers, but the smart folks around here surely will. Also, if someone has a question, chances are good that other folks have the same question.

Edited to add (around 7pm CST 16/11/20), there’s the link about how to post in the comments below. I tried to embed it here, but the darn thing has no dropdown arrow to let me set it to open in a new tab and forget that.

Only thing I would add is that it would be a good idea on the featured image set-up to always include an Alt Text to give a brief description of the image for folks using accessibility features.



  1. Hey, uh,… with WordPress, can we, like,… um, slide into each other’s DMs now (as I believe the kids say)?

    (That means we can just send direct messages to each other, doesn’t it?)

  2. Hey friend. Glad to see you as an author here. I haven’t asked for authorship yet because honestly I’d rather hang back and comment for a while while I get used to the place anyway. Though I am thinking it might be fun to jump into the food you can eat posts. 
    I’ll miss kinja. Oh well, we had a good run there. New internet horizons to explore and such. 

    • Hello and welcome, @BigDamnHeroes. FYCE is cooked up by a fun group, and we even have a spreadsheet and schedule listing prior recipe subjects and future assigned post dates, to avoid duplication of foods. We’d love to have you join in, more players means more days of posts! Please PM me, and do jump in…

    • Hey hey!

      The biggest difference in posting is that wordpress is more structured than kinja. Like the UI design was planned by people with brains vs “eh, eff it, throw some features on the site and let users muddle through.”

      If you want to dip your toes into posting, let me know if you want to do a night of the Nightly Open Thread. You may have noticed that the other open threads have like links and structure and info whereas I’ve been doing NOTs as “here’s a topic, lemme know your thoughts in the comments.” So you know… pretty chill.

      • …to be fair…@megmegmcgee‘s posts have structure…mine mostly just the link thing…& I haven’t managed that in a few days, even

        …so if anyone wants to volunteer for the DOT it would save meg from covering for me when I don’t have time to get my long-winded ass in gear like she’s due to for the third time in a row tomorrow?

        …& I think when it’s an Open Thread scenario it’s fair to go with a dealer’s choice approach?

        • mine are just chaos 🙂
          anyways just deleted oppo from my quick access page…its been a fixture there for years…now it looks wierd…so sad
          oh well…i guess that frees up space for deadsplinter on there lol

  3. I’m going to miss the old GT, but I’m excited for all the life boats that have been setup! I thought going between all the new sites would be a chore, but it’s nice to always have something going on somewhere. 

    • Backtalk and GT have their own blogspots currently being set up and there are reddits set up so if anyone wants to publish posts on DS to spread the word, giver!

      The community is far more important than any single one of the platforms. To me anyway.

      Personally, I’d like them all to thrive and grow in unison rather than a who-is-going-where? type thing.

      Perhaps even a bit of cross-posting? A lot of us here at DS are going to deeply miss FFF so if no one minds, we’d like to post the link to its new home so some of us can still at least lurk.

      • I feel the same way. I’d like to see all the new spots grow and develop. I fully intend to regularly post at DS, Reddit and the blogspot blogs. I for one am totally fine with FFF being posted here. I wouldn’t even mind if all the spots have their own version of FFF. 

        • You already have author privs here and I have updated the “How To Post” post I linked to you earlier today.

          Feel free to draw our attention to any or all of your posts on the other platforms through DS posts. 

          And thank you for all of your efforts over the years on Kinja as well as whatever you decide to contribute on DS and the other platforms.

  4. New posters need to know there are many important rules. For example, new posters should know that all duck content is banned on Deadsplinter. No recipes for duck, no graphics of ducks, no sports articles about the Mighty Ducks. All banned.
    All posts involving a dog must refer to the dog by the name Harvey instead of the dog’s real name, in order to ensure the dog’s privacy. No other fake names are allowed, and if your dog is actually named Harvey, you must change your dog’s name first before posting. There is no such concern for a cat’s privacy.
    Any food-related post involving cheese must have the words CONTAINS LACTOSE at the start of every sentence. Writing long run on sentences in an attempt to dodge this rule is severely frowned upon.
    You may not hit the reply button unless you are sitting down. Some people like to type while standing up or leaning against something. That is against the rule and you must sit down first. For the purposes of this rule, riding a bicycle is NOT considered sitting down.
    There are many other rules and other posters should remind new visitors as they come up.

    • Look, I tried to warn you, and now you are going to get an email from The Committee and they won’t be happy. The Review Process takes at least two weeks, and when it’s over you’ll be really, really tired of filling out the forms. There’s a big problem with the fonts, and They just don’t want to hear about it. Get used to resizing all of the Helvetica so it will fit. Courier won’t work. That’s just the way it is.

  5. That’s okay. I can’t wait to meet The Committee!  Will there be refreshments? Good news is, I used to be an admin, so I can fill out lots of forms quickly. I usually use Helvetica anyway, so I will try my best to resize it to The Committee’s liking!
    (Side note: True story, when I was a kid, we named the group of geese at our favorite park The Committee because they had tufts of feathers on top of their heads that looked like toupees)

  6. There will be refreshments. The Committee serves Duck a l’Orange or roast goose. But they’re really big, over the weight limit so it’s okay. Honestly, I think it might be turkey. Fucking Committee!

  7. Hey there everybody!
    I was an irregular poster on Groupthink and old guard Observation Deck-er (before it started it’s slow death a couple years ago).
    I’m so glad this place is here and you’ve all been so welcoming to the rest of us who just couldn’t let go of the old ways until they were taken from us.

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