1. sorry..ive no creatures to feature…i mean i have them…but i havent been taking pics…im currently going through a my phone is the devil stage….or something….never have it on me… too lazy to go find it to take a pic…

    other than that…days been fine…spent most of it dodging a camera crew instead of working.. discovered im owed a little shy of $400 in travel compensation and that my bank account is not as thouroughly screwed as i figured….sooo i probably wont have to play the oh god please dont bounce game at the check out this month

    tomorow is all day christmas music tho….thats gonna suck…. seems my suggestion of hey can we keep radio 10 for the rest of the month…..coz its the top 4000…which means never hearing a song twice for a whole month…. was shot down in favour of… no can do…we have a rota

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