Recommendations Post [NOT 13/3/22]

Michael Bluth from Arrested Development with quote "I don't know what I expected"
I really don't know what I expected

Hi, friends!

Happy Sunday, I hope your weekend went well.

We haven’t had a recommendation/fuck not a recommendation post.

I have a decidedly NOT recommendation. Trader Joe’s Spicy Buffalo Cheddar cheese. Those motherfuckers tricked me, it had a wax rind and everything. I peeled off some rind and went to cut it and it’s definitely a cheez product and not actually cheese. Assholes. Maybe if you want to make microwave Rotel dip it would work, but just not a good texture to eat as sliced or cubed cheese.



  1. Something that has improved life in our house by a lot is UR cat food.

    Out cat had been peeing in multiple places outside his litter box. After X Rays it turned out he had bladder stones which his doc said often drives them to let loose wherever and whenever.

    She put him on a special diet of this stuff which was more expensive than usual cat food, but in bulk was only twice the cost, and cats don’t actually eat that much. It ended up fixing the problem — X Rays showed the stones went away and he went back to using the box all the time.

  2. I can’t think of a single thing to recommend. Probably in a few days I’ll come up with half a dozen, then forget by the time the next rec post is up.

  3. I don’t recommend having an interview in the morning after night shift.

    Unfortunately, the last time I asked to reschedule HR punted me out of the running.

    Hope I’m actually coherent tomorrow.

  4. I just had a snack of Chobani Key Lime Greek yogurt and it had very little ‘lime’ flavor. #donotrecommend

    On the other hand, I made a pumpkin pie today and that ish was delicious.

  5. On that #DoNotRecommend!!! list, a former roommate of mine got the waxed-rind TJ’s Bacon Cheddar and the Finger-Lakes Champagne a few years back…


    Imo, both of those were also extremely “cheese product-like” and the texture of both was incredibly rubbery & disgusting.

    My roommate liked both, because of the flavors, but I hated both, because I just couldn’t get past the sticky, rubbery “chew” to them. I like Cheddars that are drier/a bit crumbly/crystally, and those TJ’s flavors were none of that!


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