…I know I generally leave them at the bottom like some kind of consolation prize for anyone who might be less than overjoyed by the stuff that tends to crop up before them but I got reasons
what you say is what you say
say what you say how you say it whenever you saying it
just remember how you said it when you were spraying it
’cause who you playing’ with, huh?
…now, personally there’s a bunch of lines in that tune that I like but those ones right there tend to echo a little for me oh, so often where one particular sphincter-lipped sprayer of shit is concerned
…so mainly…in case it isn’t already obvious to anyone playing along at home…what seems to be leading the charge in today’s incitements to incandescent rage at the sheer insanity of a world that persistently refers to this mental, moral & fucking intellectual insufficiency as someone whose utterances are worthy of anybody’s time
…the corrections, tend to be the ones you might want to pay attention to
…no, really…it’s fine…there’s a real case to be made for the primacy of the unPresidented president’s ability to cop a squat over matters of policy as fast as his fat little fingers can twit that shit
…no, really…because…no, wait…I’ll get it…see…if he couldn’t, then…ummm…it’d be unconstitutional in some way that’s more important than all the ways that the moron himself is & has been the antithesis of the constitutional model for a president & that’s important because if we don’t keep up the appearance that whatever tub of lard you squeeze under a hairpiece & wedge in the big bulletproof chair is a fully functioning human being possessed of at least rudimentary intelligence then whatever bits of the world there might be left not shitting bricks about this clown car of an administration might prolapse from the shock of it
…maybe that’s it?
…so it’s tempting to just think “fuck it – the fuck else is gonna happen today, why even bother with the news?”
…& I don’t know what I did with the link but the measures his latest minion at the EPA went ahead & relaxed so industry can dump heavy metals into the water table again surely has to be up there on the literal-travesty list…which is to say that the thing is a false, absurd & distorted representation of an agency tasked with the protection of your actual fucking environment
[…eh, it was a different link but that one will do]
…not that any of that is exactly news to most of us
…but it continues to beggar belief that while we all hunker down & hope to see a shift back to a world we recognize when the time comes…this shit marches on down its crooked fucking road
…while the commode-in-command continues to spew shit in unexpected directions unless constantly monitored & supervised
…because of course
…while, elsewhere
…oh, yeah…& there was this thing
…& I wouldn’t like to think that it was reasonable to conclude that that drum is getting beat this hard so that down the line a certain someone can baselessly claim that he variously saved lives &/or was prevented from saving lives thanks to this wonder drug that apparently kills more people than it’s been even charitably allowed might have benefited from taking it while suffering from this pandemic…because that’s the kind of shit-for-brains-asshole talking to shit-for-brains-assholes shit that we’re looking at here
…but it is…so that’s what it looks like…which makes it hard not to think that way
…if you could harness the potential energy of the people who at any given instant currently wish they could punch Dolt45 square in the face just as hard as they possibly could I do believe you might be able to put some power stations out of business, you know?
…& if you can’t…maybe you’ll enjoy this?
Trump’s waffling on the coronavirus is *probably* mirroring what he’s getting fed from different commentators on Fox News and/or phone calls from “advisors.” I don’t have the stomach to watch Fox, but one of them probably babbled incoherently about the “risk to Trump’s presidency” or some shit if states opened too soon. Since he’s incapable of forming coherent thought or using any form of long-term memory, he just inanely regurgitates whatever he’s heard most recently. It’s the only thing that explains his constant backtracking and contradictory messages.
If there’s one thing trump knows how to do it’s have his cake and still stuff his fat face full of it with a double scoop of ice cream too. Of course he wants the governors to relax lock down restrictions. But he wants to be able to blame them for the inevitable increase in Covid 19 cases and deaths caused by reopening.