It doesn’t matter.
No matter who he picks, it’s not going to be good enough for the people left and right who already don’t like Joe Biden.
Pundits will act as though it’s a game-changing decision even though voters won’t care for more than 4 to 6 minutes and it will be forgotten about by the time Trump makes a racist/sexist tweet about it.
It won’t make the slightest bit of difference in the campaign unless that person well and truly cocks up the VP debate (looking at you, Tim Kaine, ya giant tube of unflavored ice milk.)
This has been a short review of Joe Biden’s forthcoming Vice Presidential selection, which should be Elizabeth Warren but won’t be, which is fine because it doesn’t matter.
…in the event that he were somehow not to serve out a full term I’d admit that Warren would be the one I think I’d be happiest to see as a replacement…but I guess the truth is my “pick” might be closer to “who can be spared from what they currently do & wouldn’t be more useful doing something else?”
…in fairness I do find that a non-trivial bit of calculus…but you make a good point…if there were just a decision…any division…it would seem more useful to get on with the inevitable task of finding off the bullshit the opposition will assuredly spew forth than to just shuffle their feet & stare at the floor
…I know there’s kind of a set way of doing these things but it’s certainly up there on my ” can we please be done with this now?” list this year
I grant you: It matters to a point. Kaine made me groan out loud in 2016 and it was also the signal of a campaign that had a fixed star as its guide and nothing was going to change that … which turned out to be a real problem!
But the entire discussion about this right now is because the political media is bored. Biden said he would pick “in August” and we’re … 3 days in. (He himself wasn’t announced until the last week of the month in ’08, so like, this is hardly the “dithering delay” that they want to make it out to be because Dems in Disarray!)
And in terms of just pure, electoral politics, it should not be Warren because the party has a real shot at taking the Senate and losing her vote could be fatal for that.
…yeah, I’m with you on the Senate not being a place I’m happy with taking an asset for the (D) side of aisle away from…or really the other House come to that although I accept the pick has to come from somewhere & there are other posts to consider since it’s be nice to have an administration that could fill the normal complement of those with your actual qualified people
…but the Senate race is starting with from a handicap & Warren can do a lot from where she is…mind you, in the event that the next go around were to be a Democrat majority Senate I wouldn’t be upset if she were to take the reins?
I’d soil myself in excitement if she became Senate Majority Leader.
Sadly I believe Chuck Schumer will still be the lead Dem in the Senate for the rest of my natural life.
…most likely…but it’s a nice alternative to imagine all the same
“because the party has a real shot at taking the Senate and losing her vote could be fatal for that.”
And it’s also what’s got me… wishing, but at the same time hoping that–as much as I would LOVE to see my other faves for a Veep nod (Harris, and/or Duckworth), be chosen, i ALSO don’t want to see either of them selected, either.
Because we desperately NEED them in the senate, and on Judiciary (Harris) and Armed Services (Duckworth).🙃
I would LOVE to have either of them as Veep. Because I think both would do a really solid job, and I also think that either could lead the country respectably,should anything happen to Biden…
But we NEED both of them, AND Warren (and as i said previously when SHE was in the running, before she pulled herself out–Amy!), if we want to hold on to our seats, and *maybe,* possibly flip the senate & get.shit.DONE.
Honestly I STILL maintain, that I’d love to see Warren challenge and take the Senate Majority Leader position. And I’d like to see either Preet Bharara or Julian Castro as AG–and if it WASN’T Castro in at AG, then let him have *whichever* position in the administration he wanted– Solicitor General, SOS, DHS, HUD again, Labor, WHEREVER he wanted to go!
We need to tap in *as many great folks as we can,* to get the country back on track again.
And that’ll mean keeping as many of our D-side senators seated as possible, so we can get laws passed.
If the Trump administration has shown anything, it’s exactly *how many* of our established norms were just that.
Norms & basically “Gentleman’s Agreements”🙃
At least for Harris or Duckworth, you have Democratic governors making the replacement. I presume they could find someone worthy to step in, so I’m less concerned about those seats.
While Charlie Baker is only a low-level Republican ghoul, there’s no way I’m leaving the Senate in his hands if I’m the Dems.
Fucking nailed it.
Whoever Joe picks, someone is gonna bitch about it, so *shrug*.
Totally with you on this. Well done.