Slow Week [NOT 31/7/24]

Hi, friends!

How has your week been going? Work has been dragging all week, despite me being really busy. That’s not how that’s supposed to work —- it should be flying by with everything I’m getting done!



  1. My week is going better than Trump’s.

    Orange Man at NABJ.

    • A friend shared a highlight reel of how bad it went for him! LOL

      • Share it? (Or point us in that direction. . . ?)

          • Well, I didn’t see it on there, but you meant this, right?

      • NY Times ran a headline amplifying Trump saying “Trump Says Harris “Became a Black Person” Only Recently.”

        They started taking enough heat and rewrote it to “Trump Falsely Questions Harris’s Identity as a Black Woman.” But their first instinct is always give him the podium and let him set the agenda, even when he’s a racist.

  2. Weird but happy day!  I saw a van stop in front of my house this morning, then he went down the private road behind me then parked in front of my house again & just sat there.  Then all these undercover cops came & started talking to him.  He gets back in van & cops raid the meth neighbor house. They finally evicted those fuckers, changed the locks & put signs all over that they will go to jail if they return.  We’ve put up w/ assholes at that house for as long as we have been in this house (15 years).  Block party!!!!

    • Good news! I’m always puzzled why owners of homes in the six figures expose themselves to this kind of risk.  Whether you own and live there, or own and rent to bad tenants, it’s never good to have the police show up like that.

      • Even as trashed as that house is, it has doubled in value in the last 10 years.  We have been complaining to the owner the whole time so  I don’t get her mindset.  I’m just glad she is going to sell it so we hopefully get some good neighbors in that house or at least not methheads.

      • In Missouri it tanks your property values, you have to legally disclose if meth was produced in the house.

        • Same here & that was always our argument to push for this day.  Unless it is busted as a meth lab it is hard to prove & they have only been busted for domestic violence, drug possession & stolen goods.  Unfortunately, we are gone next week when neighbors have party for national night out but I’ll celebrate with them individually when we get back.

  3. More heat, more smoke this week. Fires are spreading in Idaho, and Oregon has been ablaze for weeks. We canceled a camping trip this weekend, because there’s high heat and poor air quality in every direction for hours. Just not worth it.

    • I’m hoping we don’t get the smoke in our BC trip.

      • Turns out my friend in BC didn’t lose his cottage from the Okanagan wildfires.

        He was pretty upset when I talked to him late last week when it looked like it was a goner but he’s doing better now that the fire line has retreated from his area.

        Meanwhile, his climate change denying friend is trying to pretend man made climate change isn’t happening by shoving his small head up his ass. Hard to considering the heat and humidity warnings this week.

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