Spring Forward/Screw That [NOT 12/3/22]

Better than Coldplay

Spring forward, people!

It’s time for another damn time change. Another headache to let people know spring is soon.

It means one less hour of sleep for those who have families or have things to do.

I want to scrap this whole damn system of jumping forward and leaping back. I’m sick of having to readjust my circadian cycle to accommodate big business. It’s not the farmers to blame. It was big business, in particular, big war. Daylight savings was introduced to help squeeze as much production out of war industries during World War One, not the myth of helping farmers. FYI, a Canadian province filled with them (Saskatchewan) doesn’t even bother with this shit.

I’d rather we just stop. Either stick to Daylight or Standard. I don’t care which.




  1. speak for yourself……ive got two more weeks till my clocks change

    anyways..im in favour of it being the same time everywhere…regardless of where the sun is currently

    theres a 24 hour clock…i dont see why everywhere needs to have morning in the morning as the clock tells it

      • yes but does it matter?

        i mean…..is your day gonna be any different just coz your morning starts at 22.00?

        anyways…the people that came up with telling the time based on the sun…did the best they could at the time

        but they didnt have the interwebs to always tell them exactly what time it is

        i feel like we as a species have progressed enough to be beyond morning and night being defined by the glowy orb where we are

        • i wasnt even aware we were having an argument

          no….im pretty sure i just told you my stance and disregarded your opinion

          thanks for the dream theatre tho… fond memories of them..one of the last gigs i went to see with my dad

          good times

          but seriously…. who gives a fuck what time it is…24 hour clock world wide…same everywhere…..just think about how much easier that would make everything

          no more figuring out timezones


          • oh..what the fuck…i was sure there was a dream theatre song here

            if its gone missing coz someone removed it…please tell me

            if its me hallucinating i need to call a doctor

          • thank you for clarifying where the song went…i have had enough hits to the head that that scared me some.

            anyways…sounds like your reasons for wanting timezones are about as good as mine for not wanting them

            tho…come to think of it….thats entirely sepperate from dst…..which i think we can both agree needs to go..

        • But Farscy,

          How do you expect us dumb ‘muricans to tell the time with a 24-hpur system?!???

          Don’t you know we don’t (can’t?) count past 12?


            • am stands for after midnight and pm stands for past midday right

              i get them mixed up sometimes

              im good at counting to 24…but not so much at remembering what things mean…


        • And I’d Ike to whinge a bit, on another “Screw That!” topic…


          Lily officially has a UTI/bladder infection again🙃

          She’s been needing to go potty more frequently the last couple weeks, buuuut tonight, it’s been every hour-to-30-minutes, AND she started to have the bloody-colored urine😟🥺💔

          She’s handling it like a trooper, and I’ve got plenty of pull-ups** left from the last time she had a uti-back in October….

          Buuuut it’s not pleasant for her to be dealing with, and I probably can’t get her in with a vet i can afford until Monday at the earliest…

          Sooo it’s diapers with an x-shaped hole for her tail, underneath the fabric “doggy diapers,” and a couple nights of basically naps on the couch sleep-wise for me, so I can keep her as comfortable & dry as possible, until we can see a vet & get her some meds🙃

          I ran over to the grocery store a little while ago, and got her some “doggy Gatorade” (chicken bone-broth), so she doesn’t get too dehydrated, but she’s so confused as to why I’m not leaping for the door, every time she looks at me asking to go out.

          Eta, because I forgot my **;

          the last time (first time?) Lily had a UTI–back in October–I’d stopped at Costco and picked up the giant package of size 5-6 pull-ups, to use under her doggy diapers, since they’re cheaper than the dog ones, but easy on/off (i deal with diapers alllll day at work, so I KNOW which ones are the easiest to get on & off a small, wiggly body!).

          They didn’t work very well that time (I was at work), so I ended up going with Adult incontinence diapers back then, instead, buuut since I’m home for the next week, with Spring Break, I can use the pull-ups, and just change her multiple times a day.

  2. IDC either way. Because like most things of which I have no clue what to think, unlike others, I trust the health professionals.

    So we should probably go with abolishing DST?

    As a night person, I say we should stick with the time changes. But as an idiot, I don’t deem myself worthy of an opinion.

  3. See, DS is a total public service. Somehow I missed that it is this weekend. Thank you for the reminder. Also I vote for abolishing the time change. I have a hard enough time at work finding meeting times of mutual convenience for folks from Alaska to Spain.

  4. I do care which one we stick to and, goddammit, it needs to be 100% DST all the fucking time.  Anyone who bitches about the concept of DST needs to go live in a fucking cave underground where it’s nice and dark, just the way they like it.

    I remember when DST was 6 months out of the year, so this is actually much better than it used to be.

  5. I’d be FINE with 10pm summer sunsets–hell, we already do get those around the June solstice, anyway… so let’s just KEEP the damn time, and stop the stooooopid “spring ahead” b.s.

    Heck, since Congress bolloxed up the “fall back” part, by pushing THAT out into November for the damn Candy lobby (wanting the extra hour for trick-or-treating), those of us whose bodies grew up in the old “October Fall Back” are already all screwed up anyway… so let’s stop fucking with it, so we don’t screw up yet another generation of kids with arbitrary time-change bullshittery.

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