RIP’s got the morning off, as I’m often afraid he’s on the verge of apoplexy.
Our masthead says “STICK TO STICKING WITH IT” but now you’re stuck with me & what I think is interesting in the world today.
You guys are going to have to fill me in on the debate in the comments. I don’t have the energy for it. Did I miss anything good? Did Bloomberg stand on a box? Did he drop cash from the ceiling? Did Biden’s eyes finally pop out of his head? How about Bernie? Have Warren and Klobuchar actually merged into one beige woman? Was Mayor Pete there?
To be fair, all white ladies look alike.
“At least eight people have been killed in shootings in the German city of Hanau, according to a statement by the Southeast Hesse Police.”
Oopsies. “Apple’s coronavirus warning just shaved $34 billion off its stock market value.”
Go-go-good news for DC!
Bowser (D) had come to Southwest Washington, to an old church turned arts venue, to sign legislation enshrining go-go, the District’s homegrown music genre, as the official sound of the nation’s capital. She handed out the pens that she used to musicians, activists and the daughter of the late Chuck Brown, the godfather of go-go, who helped create the sound and gave the music its name.
“Today, we’re going to let the world know that go-go is D.C.,” Bowser said. “We have to put our shoulders to the wheel to make sure we are creating a real legacy for generations to come.”
This is 27 minutes long, but you’re not doing any work anyways:
Have a funky day!
…apoplexy averted…at least for the time being, thank you kindly
Bloomberg roundly attacked by rivals in fiercest Democratic debate so far
It seems that Bloomberg’s appearance at the debate right after NH is serving more as interference to keep the other candidates from going after Sanders. You would expect any front runner to get hammered relentlessly, but Mini Mike may actually be helping Sanders–which I’m sure must annoy him to no end.
He got straight up bitch slapped by Warren, it was a beautiful sight
“ya love to see it”
Does anyone believe that graphic? I hope for anyone other than Trump (even Bloomberg who is Trumpklight) but does anyone think every Dem will beat Trump, that is not the reality I live in.
Any D will win the popular vote and that is all that graphic is showing. The Electoral College is all that matters and I think the thought after 2016 was the Ds need a 6+ point advantage to convert the popular to the EC.
Then we need to factor the error of 3 to 5 points and really have to have a polling advantage in double digits.
OH, okay,thank you….yikes… Fuck dems, I mean, fuck reps more, but fuck dems as well.
OMG that Nic Cage movie. Hands down the most depressing, want-to-crawl-into-a-hole-and-die-after-watching film I have ever seen. He fucking nailed it.
He won an Oscar for that, deservedly.
There were several murders on stage last night, and nobody called the cops.
Warren cut several bitches. They bled profusely. She started with Bloom. Went in on Booty Judge. Lulled Klob into complacency then hit her with the steel chair she was hiding behind the podium. Then went back to pounding Bloom, with a few more punches to Boots.
Boots had Klob shook. A former mayor who couldn’t even win a statewide run for Treasurer had miss “I’ve spent time in the arena. I have the experience. I’m electable.” shook on all counts. He had her on the ropes.
Bloomie took his human mask off and showed the crowd his lizard face. He’s a litch though, so he’ll keep dragging on with his undead campaign.
@michaelhgarriot had a hilarious debate thread going last night. I highly recommend checking it out.
Found it, and that was Hilarious.
Some highlights:
Liz came out swinging on Mikey
A more balanced less “Yas Queen” summary.
It was quite worthy of the “Yas Queen” treatment
It gave me a good laugh that Bloomberg was so terribad last night because he entered the debate expecting to majestically look down his nose at everyone else and not have to put in any effort. Liz with the NDAs was electric.
Tangentially related, the never-Bernie crowd has decided to hang their hat on Bernie not releasing detailed medical records like he promised. They’ve been following this up with, “Isn’t this familiar!? We’re being gaslighted! Bernie is just like Trump!”
I’m in favor of presidents to be and current presidents releasing their medical information but there is no formal apparatus in place for them to do this, therefore they aren’t under obligation to do so. This is Bernie’s own fault for “promising” to release his medical records, yet no one is going after Klobuchar and Warren for their PAP smears or for Buttigieg to prove he’s not HIV positive. Those are harsh examples, but I can see that opening the door to asking for “proof” that a candidate is healthy would, theoretically, open the door to this sort of thing.
I’m a BernieBro though, so I’m here to bully you all into submission.
…well, you’re certainly managing to very nice about it?
I’m already tired of the “He’s the same as Trump” narrative. That shit can die in a fire.
I do think that Bernie’s base is not treating questions about his health in a realist fashion. It seems to be hand waived off as “ageist” or “irrelevant” while not acknowledging the real concern this will generate both in the broader base, and the general.
It is and will continue to be an issue. Ignoring it will not make it go away.
I honestly do not care if it is ageist, I am tired of old white guys in charge. We have effed it up for 2000 years, might as well let someone else give it a try.
That whole, “Bernie and Trump are the same! Populism is a circle!” schtick really is tiring coming from so called allies on the center-left. They want the line drawn from Bernie to Trump to screw themselves over so they can continue to claim, smugly, that being “centered” is the healthiest and most righteous path.
I know for sure that Bernie set himself up for this and it’s his fault for always sending his most indignant spokespeople out to defend him. Hell, Buttigieg’s team has gotten away with pretending to be a black Nigerian all because his people know what kind of demeanor to affect.
Bernie’s health is important. So is that of the other candidates. But it’s low on my list as to whether they are healthy as long as their VP is healthy and not a shithead. I think Bernie’s detractors are bereft of true dirt on Bernie if all they have is him not releasing his medical records, him owning three homes, and that his online supporters are meanies.
…I can’t speak for anyone else but I think where I depart from the Bernie Bus isn’t really about him, per se – or really even his policies – so much as a nebulous sort of calculus about what stuff might stand what chance under what circumstances?
…he’s not perfect & hasn’t provided satisfying answers to at least a few things that have come up over the years – though as far as I know none rose to the level of the least of orange foolius’ misdeeds – but throughout that time he’s consistently been banging most of the same drums to an extent that’s hard not to read as a rare species of integrity within a political context
…so if I thought Bernie winning came with a real chance to see meaningful implementation of some of the bigger things on that list I think I’d feel differently…but even if there were a blue-hued lock on both houses of Congress for two terms of President Sanders I’m not sure that happens?
…if Pelosi is still majority leader in the lower house & currently of the opinion that “it doesn’t make sense” to impeach Bill Barr for reckless endangerment of a nation (& to no small extent the necessary illusion of the rule of law) then I don’t see the big ticket items on Bernie’s agenda getting passed intact on her watch…& I’m not sure the results improve of she gets dropped from the equation?
…maybe that’s unfair of me…but I can’t shake that his biggest problem (to me) seems to be that he wouldn’t get a fair shake?
…Obama wasn’t nearly as “radical” in his agenda & still was essentially hamstrung on a good deal of stuff…added to which the slash&burn policy of trying to re-fuck anything he managed to un-fuck even slightly means a not inconsiderable amount of that got thrown to the dogs & left for dead
…so I guess Bernie looks more like Sisyphus than Atlas to me?
…that said the majority of people I’ve had any interaction with who seem to actually support the man have been smart, engaged & largely pragmatic…much like yourself
…whereas a lot of assholes like whoever posted on Splinter as BarackaObama seem to use “support” of Bernie as a fig-leaf behind which to hide while trying to poison every well they can reach?
My support of Bernie doesn’t come from a place of me thinking of him as Saint Bernard, but, rather, that I believe in his policies and nearly any sincere enough suit who touted the same things would get my consideration.
Perhaps it feels too incomprehensible that we will see and Dem win the presidency. Thinking about, What If? Bernie or Warren win can feel too big. What if the GOP continues to control the Senate? What if the House gets flipped to the GOP again?
I do know that establishment Dems would block Bernie (or Warren’s) path deliberately. If Pelosi’s treatment of AOC is even a hint of what would be to come, then I can fully expect nothing on the wish list to be fulfilled. Then, when none of those policies come to fruition, the Washington machine will simply chalk it up to temporary madness, as they will with Trump’s legacy, and try to steer things back.
Yet, what is the alternative? We elect Joe Biden and then what? We elect Pete Buttigieg and then what? The next recession hits and they mumble something about compassion and giving people some food stamps, as a treat. We’ve already passed the breaking point as a society. Believing in a Leftist vision, even if foolish and ultimately doomed, is the only path for hope this country has.
But I can’t ever forget that roughly half the voting public who votes almost always votes straight ticket on despair. They don’t think the US can do better and want to be hand fed turds and drink down trickle down economics. I will never convince that population, nor could anyone else, that they are extremely blind the the cruelty of this society and are wrongminded in thinking they have any position in the hierarchy where they can’t be kicked all the way to the bottom of the ladder.
i’m trying to stay out of these conversations because i have to, but 5 paragraphs you wrote there (i’d prefer warren over anyone else-meaning anyone else who is left in the race because i’d be all for a pressley/aoc ticket)…
…I like to think these days I have a bit more of a handle on the realpolitik of the thing than I did a couple of decades ago…but having grown up in & around a Europe in which Sanders mostly wouldn’t make the cut for radical on the political left it saddens & mystifies me in roughly equal measure that despite there being a very much achievable world in which the US joins a substantial number of its first world peers in the contention that getting ill & getting treated maybe don’t seem like a pairing that ought to stand a good chance of coming with a side-order of personal bankruptcy…it seems almost inconceivable it should come to pass
…or that the world might not end in a flash of fire & brimstone if we tried to make living in it a little less hard on the folks doing the least well as things stand
…but no…so much kool aid has apparently been drunk by so many Americans that the word Socialism is anathema to them to the same degree that learning what it actually means in the rest of the world seems to be?
There’s a lot of history behind why we, Americans, hate the idea of “hand outs” and love the idea of big bosses earning their right to step on our throats.
Yet even as an American, it is always shocking to be on the receiving end of the cognitive dissonance. Plenty of people know someone who has had to use social services, can’t afford medicine or the dentist, or lives in a ramshackle house. AOC was on “The View” the other day and all of the white women gasped when she stated the fact that 60% of Americans make less than 40k a year.
Those nice white women would turn around and fund raise for their friend struggling with breast cancer and be applauded for it. But then those same women go to the polls and vote for Trump and his ilk. They know the suffering is right in front of them, they know things are bad, so the solution is not to fix it and bootstraps something something.
I don’t know how or if people can be de-programmed into believing they deserve the cards their dealt by an unfeeling universe. We live here, on Earth, and there is no God promising you eternal life in the next. We should make this life worth it and dignified for all people and that’s the closest to Christian God/Jesus you can get.