Strange But True: Statistics

How many runs have been scored so far in baseball’s major leagues? At one time that question might have seemed foolish, but in this computer age it is possible to figure out almost any puzzle.

On May 4, 1975, when big-league baseball was in its ninety-ninth year, Bob Watson of the Houston Astros scored what appeared to be merely another run. However, according to some statisticians, that was the one-millionth run scored in the big leagues.

The Seiko Time Corporation has projected that run number 2,000,000 will be scored in June 2042.

From The Giant Book of More Strange But True Sports Stories by Howard Liss. Illustrations by Joe Mathieu.

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When you can walk its length, and leave no trace, you will have learned.

1 Comment

  1. A couple of interesting tidbits:
    1.  Based on the link (which is from 2015), MLB expected the 2,000,000th run to be scored this year–but I can’t find anything stating where they are on the ticker.  Either way, if they had scored it this year I’m sure it would have been all over the internet.
    2.  The statistician who figured out where they were before the 1,000,000th run was a guy by the name of Mark Sackler from CT.  He eventually went into…wait for it…the pharmaceutical industry.  I tried looking for any ties between him and Purdue, but couldn’t find anything.  Still, I’m betting that’s where he was.

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