apropos of nothing, I measured my dog’s bark with a decibel meter. She registered at 105 dB. That is the same as a pneumatic drill or a car stereo turned up full blast. It is louder than a subway train or an orchestra from the front row.
We have a few dogs in our building. The apartments are fairly large so big dogs are not uncommon. But it is NYC, the Realm of the Small Breeds. The big dogs don’t bark. Every, Single. One of the small dogs is, I swear, a huge pair of lungs with little attachments. Luckily none of them bark in the apartments, but they get excited in the hallways and the lobby. My big, non-barking hound loves all of them, and the louder they bark at him the more he enjoys it.
We didn’t do anything special, so I have no advice to give. He’s a black Lab. He was fine until about 6 months after we got him, so coming up on a year old, and then he went through a barking phase. But I think that only lasted a month, a month of sheer hell I’m sure for my immediate neighbors, and then he stopped.
Our previous dog was a German shepherd and she was the same way, she never barked. I think it’s partly their houndishness and partly because we live in an apartment building that’s very quiet. The lab we have now has excellent vision and a keen sense of hearing, so he can see dogs on the street and hear dogs barking but he just sort of wags his tail and occasionally will slobber a little, but that’s it.
There’s something to it though. I have a friend who has a beagle (they are known to be vocal dogs) and hers doesn’t bark either, handy, because my friend also lives in an apartment building. Or she used to, until the Great Pandemic Exodus of 2020. She tells me she just “got lucky” and didn’t do any special training either.
In the old days I would drink a boozie coffee on a Sunday morning but I’ve been laying off the booze during quarantine because so much drinking alone. But…rum….
oooo i love little big town
that said…im more in a just little big kinda mood today
that said tho…..their old stuff is more my style
It’s a beautiful morning, mid 60’s. Taking Fanny for a long walk, then the farmers market. It’s our Sunday ritual.
apropos of nothing, I measured my dog’s bark with a decibel meter. She registered at 105 dB. That is the same as a pneumatic drill or a car stereo turned up full blast. It is louder than a subway train or an orchestra from the front row.
Fanny does those big hound dog bays, I don’t have a decibel meter, but it’s loud. I don’t know that it’s that loud though!
We have a few dogs in our building. The apartments are fairly large so big dogs are not uncommon. But it is NYC, the Realm of the Small Breeds. The big dogs don’t bark. Every, Single. One of the small dogs is, I swear, a huge pair of lungs with little attachments. Luckily none of them bark in the apartments, but they get excited in the hallways and the lobby. My big, non-barking hound loves all of them, and the louder they bark at him the more he enjoys it.
Your boy sounds like the best dog!
I was woken up too early by my dog this morning.
How did you train your dog to be so quiet? Looking for advice.
We didn’t do anything special, so I have no advice to give. He’s a black Lab. He was fine until about 6 months after we got him, so coming up on a year old, and then he went through a barking phase. But I think that only lasted a month, a month of sheer hell I’m sure for my immediate neighbors, and then he stopped.
Our previous dog was a German shepherd and she was the same way, she never barked. I think it’s partly their houndishness and partly because we live in an apartment building that’s very quiet. The lab we have now has excellent vision and a keen sense of hearing, so he can see dogs on the street and hear dogs barking but he just sort of wags his tail and occasionally will slobber a little, but that’s it.
There’s something to it though. I have a friend who has a beagle (they are known to be vocal dogs) and hers doesn’t bark either, handy, because my friend also lives in an apartment building. Or she used to, until the Great Pandemic Exodus of 2020. She tells me she just “got lucky” and didn’t do any special training either.
In the old days I would drink a boozie coffee on a Sunday morning but I’ve been laying off the booze during quarantine because so much drinking alone. But…rum….
Sunday morning run on a local rail trail with Ms. MemeWeaver and the two dogs, done. Now we’re ready for whatever. Barbecue by the lake tonight.
My all-time favorite “acronym”: BBQ!
Fun stuff farscythe, here’s something a little similar that I think might be right up your alley, this whole album is awesome…
yeah im 12
thats awesome mate 🙂
*double boop*
*triple boop*
really im just posting this one coz it makes me want to wreck shit
*wrecks all the things*
the missus is giving me side eye now…..
Hey at least she’s there to give it?
there is that
situation is complicated
fuck if i know how this all ends
*quadroople boople*
dancy edition