…surprise [DOT 12/8/20]

kidding...the surprise is there's no surprise...

…some things are…well…just not surprising


…I mean…why would you be confident about that

The Supreme Court’s order effectively stopped an effort to allow Oregonians to vote on a measure requiring an independent commission to draw voting districts instead of the State Legislature.

…that would be like expecting the current occupant of the Oval Office to have something edifying to say about his opponent’s choice of running mate


…I mean…on the one hand

“I was a little surprised that he picked her,” Trump said during a press conference at the White House

…but on the other hand

A White House administration official said Tuesday that Harris was an “expected pick” and that no one was surprised by the announcement.

…so…you know…no surprises, there

A pragmatic moderate and one of Mr. Biden’s former rivals in the presidential race, Ms. Harris was a barrier-breaking prosecutor before being elected to the Senate in 2016.

…&…well…policing is certainly “on the agenda”



During this summer of tear gas and turmoil, Kamala Harris has not been quiet.

…so…everyone best be stocking up on popcorn

Kamala Harris Is the Future, So Mike Pence May Well Be History

…assuming you can still stretch to such luxuries, of course




President Trump’s payroll tax deferral is supposed to reduce taxes and make employees cheaper to hire. It may do precisely the opposite, which Trump would know if he had real tax experts or economists advising him instead of just people who play them on TV.



Because the taxes provide funding for Social Security, Democrats have seized on the issue as they try to erode support for the president among older voters.

…& speaking of ugly realities & lies intended to occlude them


…or the disturbing amount of traction that kind of crazy has


…or how much smoke you can blow if you find the right fire

A Bible Burning, a Russian News Agency and a Story Too Good to Check Out

…they always did say the big lies are the easiest to sell

‘This Is All Beyond Stupid.’ Experts Worry About Russia’s Rushed Vaccine


The country became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.

…so…this stuff is good


…but…well…good isn’t always as good as we want it to be



…although when it comes to who’s got what, when & for who…it’s not a pretty picture

To keep the president from claiming victory on Nov. 3, Biden supporters who can vote in person may well have to.

…but…& I hate to be doling out the mid-week blues…consider this

The pandemic is likely to cause the biggest jump in white mortality since World War II.Many Americans will lose a parent or grandparent. Some will lose a brother, sister or child.

If Black people were immune to the coronavirus, their mortality rate in 2020 would still probably surpass white people’s.

Are Racial Attitudes Really Changing? Some Black Activists Are Skeptical


  1. interesting choice of words there by the resigning police chief
    “I relish the work that will be done by all of you.”
    *nods* i usually relish the work done by others too…means i dont have to fucking do it…. wonder if im reading to much in to that one

    anyhoo on to the ot…. came back from me swim this morning and got told by my daughter that the boyfriend will be eating here and staying the night and i have to make sure theres enough dinner and snacks for them….
    uhhh…i dont have to do shit little girl…im on holiday..i dont recall being asked or agreeing to anything… you fucking made the plans you figure out what your eating and whos paying for snacks and get the spare bed down from the attic…. if you wanted me to do any of that shit you should have asked first
    anyhoo…apparently that makes me the unreasonable one

    • …I know that according to some people the correct response to the question “where shall we eat?” is “thank you” on the basis that the invitation is implied…so…pretty sure they’d be on your side there?

      …if there’s an extra person who needs extra food & beds from attics & the like the only shot at not needing to do something about it would be if some.kind soul with the time & inclination to help you out were to have been given an appropriate amount of prior notice

      …or, I guess, she could ask the boyfriend to help her out?

      …then again…that sort of thing might fall under the heading of stirring the pot & I’d not want to further disturb your holiday equilibrium?

      • eh no worries about the equilibrium im still in a perfectly good mood
        its me daughter thats having the hissy fit now
        playing host is not and will not be part of my plans today…i dont mind the bf being over but i aint lifting a finger to help…and i sure as hell aint pulling my wallet

    • Keitel and I are so enjoying your daughter stories – do keep us in the loop! It takes us back to when my son (now age 33) was a teenager/in college. We figure we spent the time from about when he turned 17 until he was 22 being “suddenly stupid”. Then, like a miracle, we were smart again and worthy of respect. I look back at it through rose-colored glasses – time does wonders – because there full years when we did not like him very much, and vice versa. Carry on….

      • lol sure thing…im always happy to bitch and moan 🙂
        currently in the process of disabusing her of the notion that now shes 18 shes running the show
        i dont think she likes me much for the reality check

  2. The most remarkable thing about Trump’s statement on Kamala is that he was tossed a softball of a question (I’m assuming it was from OAN, Fox News or someone adjacent to those networks) about how Kamala was a phony for convicting people for marijuana offenses while also talking about the fact that she smokes weed, and Trump swung at the pitch and fucking missed.
    He had a perfect opportunity to call Kamala out on something that is honestly kind of a good point, and instead, he just went back to talking points. Because he’s not about to come across as pro-marijuana. So he just meandered through the answer.
    That’s how you know Kamala was a solid pick. She was picked and Trump could only resort to saying she wants to raise taxes and socialize medicine, which won’t move the needle to his side in anyway.

    • Lochaber posted this story last night. According public defender Niki Solis, Harris is not a hypocrite on the marijuana issue.

      Marijuana sales cases were routinely reduced to misdemeanors. And marijuana possession cases were not even on the court’s docket. They were simply not charged. Unless there was a large grow case, or a unique circumstance, this was the reform-minded approach then-DA Harris’ office took. The accusations about marijuana prosecutions being harsh during her tenure are absurd. The reality was quite the opposite.



    • It wasn’t so much a swing and a miss, as Trump didn’t actually know that there was a pitch, or a game, or how baseball is played. He exists in some sort of foggy realm that only occasionally intersects with reality. Even his sycophants can’t lead him to an on-message response.
      Trying to get that gibbering idiot to speak coherently must be the most frustrating job in the world. Herding cats would be a breeze by comparison.

  3. Someone asked me at work about the Russian CoVID vaccine and I laughed.
    Considering they were caught trying to steal vaccine data from various nations, I’m pretty sure this is the Putin version of the Potemkin village/30 Soviet Bombers Flying in a Circle to make it seem like an armada.
    Putin’s got his own problems right now with the near collapse of oil/Russian economy plus his own inept handling of CoVID19.
    I’m guessing this is more to keep the pressure off him domestically.

        • trump’s probably pissed that Duterte beat him to it. He would have loved to have rolled this out in Oct. I can see him lining vets up at Walter Reed the same way he had them pumped full of hydroxychloquine. And I believe trump took it himself as much as I believe Duterte will get the vaccine.

      • because Strong-Men gotta Strong-Man, annnnd because they ALL want the “Glorious Leader!” title, and none of them give a shit, how many folks die in the meantime.😕

    • Yeah, this screams “disinformation campaign.” He’s Trumping, trying to create a distraction from other problems by faking a COVID cure. It’s pretty foolproof. If you control how the “vaccine trials” are reported, you can easily claim success. 

    • “I’m guessing this is more to keep the pressure off him domestically.”
      It’s an attempt to seem “The Smartest One!” on the world stage, and to push the propaganda narrative that a Putin-ed Russia is Smarter/Stronger/Better than any other nation in the world.
      It’s *also* likely a strategy to pull away & redirect attention off of the protests to *oust* Pooty-poot which have been happening (and growing/spreading!) In the Russian Far East;
      With a shift to “Good News!” on the vaccine front, RT and Putin’s assorted other propaganda arms News Entities can redirect attention *away* from the economic messes exacerbated by the Oligarchic Grift *and* the tanking of the oil market, and *on* to a narrative–however untrue it may be–of “Putin Saves the Russian People Yet Again!!!(TM)”
      No matter *how* many folks end up getting sick/dying, from a faulty & incompletely-tested vaccine.

  4. Because this is the most important thing: The Rolling Stones video is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. 
    1. I did a little research. The song was released November, 1981. MTV launched August, 1981. This must have been on extremely heavy rotation because MTV wouldn’t have had access to a huge archive of music videos, but they existed. All those performances on the hundreds and hundreds of talk and variety shows that flooded the TV airwaves from its inception. All the music shows, American Bandstand, Soul Train, and there were local variants of these.
    2. In the video itself Mick Jagger has never looked better. He was about 38/39, and to my mind he looks handsomer than the bad boy of the 1960s, the shaggy 70s, and all that came after. 
    3. His look is perfect. The Indiana Jones hat (“Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” came out in 1981.) I love that shirt that seems so dawn of the Reagan Age. I can’t imagine anyone wearing it anytime else. The tight, high-waisted white pants are an obvious nod to his Studio 54 vacation home.
    4. As if this doesn’t send the heart racing fast enough, along comes Keef and we get a street scene. From the reactions of the extras at least some of it seems to have been a surprise to them. As a fan of athletic short shorts on men I was delighted to spot a pair, and the guy wearing them might be doing a little pre-jog stretching? Keef, of course, has a timeless look. I wonder if he and Lou Reed used to swap clothes? Why would they? Their entire wardrobes could fit in a hiking backpack. 
    5. I wonder who the three men sitting on the stoop are/were? I doubt they were taken out of central casting. They’re probably somehow affiliated with the RS themselves or maybe famous musicians in their own right. 
    Oh my God I could not be more bored.

    • Rip knows I love him but he also knows I rarely click through on any of his many many links because I just get overwhelmed. I thought you’d like to know you inspired me to go watch that video!

    • Bored did you say? Oh well then, the person who has an oven/stove now backorderd until the first week of September thinks that another excellent Food You Can Eat post would be a great thing to fill you time (ducks.)

      • Did I ever mention something called cold omelet with crab? I wrote, and rewrote, and maybe emailed/DM’d…
        Anyway, I could work on that. I thought it would be topical because heat wave and its political associations with Warren. I shelved it because I thought she might be the VP pick and it stirs up this ridiculous mosquito-on-the-hide-of-an-elephant “scandal” from her first run for Senate in 2012. Talk about a tempest in a teapot, but I didn’t want to come off as anti-Warren. But it’s an interesting story and super easy to make. Do you have an electric griddle? Could you make a very thin, plain omelet? This recipe’s for you. 

              • pictured not made by me
                i kinda dont have a deep fryer since the nokia incident
                (turns out you can kill those bricks)
                (also phones will jump out of pockets and commit suicide at the wierdest times)

                • …I think my mother must have seen a PSA about chip pan fires at an impressionable age because we always had the fire blanket in a kitchen drawer but she’d never let anyone deep fry anything, ever

                  …it’s what to do with all the oil afterwards that generally puts me off these days…but for those I might be willing to make some sort of exception…& I never have really got chips/fries to go right with just an oven…food for thought, at least?

                  …also…the “nokia incident” sounds like the beginning of a noir detective story

                  • chips turn out pretty nice in a wok…takes a bit more effort as your constantly shuffling them tho
                    i do like a good noir detective story
                    but tbh…the nokia incident just sounds less derpy than i dropped my fucking phone in the fryer and melted it…

                    • …little cubes of potato fied in a wok in a vaguely saute kind of a way I’ve done but I never thought to try full on chips that way

                      …yet another reason to aspire to a kitchen with one of those jet-engine-looking recessed wok burners that let you use a round bottomed one, I guess

  5. Sumner Redstone, the media mogul who built his family’s drive-in theater chain into a multibillion-dollar empire encompassing CBS and Viacom and later became the center of a jilted lover’s lawsuit that nearly cost his family his financial legacy, has died. He was 97.


    Also, that’s now how this works: Redstone, who often boasted that he would live forever, died Tuesday, according to a statement from National Amusements released Wednesday morning.

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