Journalismism The Not-So-Short Review of the 2024 Election 18/12/24 Clever Name Here dba "Black Rod" 15 A short review … OK a not-short review of Election 2024 now that all the votes have actually been counted.
Politics More Trump, Please 7/12/22 Clever Name Here dba "Black Rod" 13 Voters have yet again rejected the big guy. Which is why we need him to keep running up that hill.
Listifications Takeaways from the 2022 election, ranked 16/11/22 Clever Name Here dba "Black Rod" 18 What really happened last week, and why you should never, ever listen to people who offer takeaways about elections.
Journalismism The DeadSplinter Review: “2020” The Series 7/12/20 Clever Name Here dba "Black Rod" 16 A review of Netflix’s sprawling drama “2020.”
Politics Short Review: Trump’s Attempted Coup 19/11/20 Clever Name Here dba "Black Rod" 16 A short review of the GOP’s attempt to spare Trump’s sensitive little fee-fees.
Inequality Black Republicans With Terrible Haircuts Try to Convince Black Men to Vote for Trump Against Backdrop of Jacob Blake’s Shooting 27/8/20 KC Complains A Lot 10 I promise the article will be serious, but do these cats know they can get haircuts somewhere other than Supercuts?
Politics Very Stable, Big Brained Genius Donald Trump Wants You to Know He Can Remember Five Whole Things 24/7/20 KC Complains A Lot 10 The dumbass doth protest too much.
Opinion The Trump Dimpire Runs on Purely on Emotion 20/7/20 KC Complains A Lot 6 During my last session with my therapist, he said something that really resonated with me. To paraphrase, he said “you can’t beat an emotion with logic. An emotion is never
Opinion Donald Trump Has Ceased Pretending He’s Not a Giant Racist 2/7/20 KC Complains A Lot 18 I mean, he never really started pretending he wasn’t racist, when you really think about it.