Take Care of Yourselves [NOT 10/5/22]

Hi, friends!

I had my post-covid checkup with the vaccine trial people today. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, and holy fuck did my vitals reflect that.

So, tonight’s NOT is friendly reminder to take care of yourselves. I’ve only met one of you in person (hey hey perdido!), but I care about my interwebs frens and want you all to be happy and healthy.

Remember to eat some healthy stuff, drink something besides soda/coffee/alcohol sometimes, and take naps and sleep.

Unrelated – I’ve been in this vaccine trial since August 2020 and in a few weeks I have my final appointment with them. I’m glad the process is over. It wasn’t inconvenient or anything, just glad I won’t be driving over and getting regular blood draws any more.



    • I’m finding my seasonal allergies are worse this year, and I think it’s because I had a mild case of covid last month. I think my lungs are still in the what the fuck is this shit mode so things are a little rough. So just fyi that might be coming your way.

      • I thought that was all it was because I have had an allergy cough since the first cherry blossoms but sadly no.  Wife is calling my daughter & I the plague & cannot be on the same level of the house as her.

  1. Hey, I had whole wheat pasta with walnuts and arugula and a side salad of chickpeas, radishes and fennel for dinner. (I won’t mention the couple of beers, which were, uh, not optimal health-wise.)

    I’m off to ride the exercise bike and just watch Stanley Tucci eat Italian food without indulging myself.

  2. Well, speaking of questionable choices deferred, it looks as though there’s a new ice cream parlor in my neighborhood, and it’s holding its Grand Opening on Saturday. Of course, by the time it opens, I’ll be on my way to Spain – or, well, actually I’ll still be at the Philadelphia airport, probably getting a cheese steak from Tony Luke’s or something and waiting out my layover. But by the next day, I’ll be outside Madrid, where the weather’s supposed to be nice next week, and I’ll be taking some walks and siestas whenever I have the chance. I’ll have to sample the new ice cream after I get back.

    (Oh, and hey hey brightersider: Should this be applicable, there’s a free lot across the street, where you’re welcome to park just as long as you’re patronizing at least one of the businesses in question.)

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