…when they coined the phrase “not to mince words” it’s not clear exactly what they had in mind
…but as it happens the term “slop” originally referred to “unappetizing fare”…& thus to the bits the cook would throw away at the end of the night*
…which is to say that there’s nothing in that stuff that’s going to result in food on the table
…but it’s hard to deny that the self-proclaimed stable genius is trying to play every card in his hand (& a couple of handfuls of cards that either aren’t or can’t legitimately even be in the deck)
…monday mornings & math are not a good combination to my mind but once more for the cheap seats
…some numbers should not be fungible
…particularly under the auspices of someone who very clearly wants to just make up answers to his liking
…& seems to think that’s all it takes
…& it doesn’t have to be any sort of clever double bluff for the bullshit to boil down to a nasty surprise
…if all he has to do is continue to turn everything he touches into a sort of compound shitshow of nested dumpster fires
…it’s not a pleasant thing to contemplate
…let’s maybe leave it at that
…maybe let’s not?
…& while we’re at it
…let’s not believe for a moment that the bad faith of those questioning the good will of the Democrats in Congress is really all that less effective for being entirely transparent
…similarly, in “wait, didn’t we cover this already?” news
…& it’s not even lunchtime…who knows what the week will usher in
*[…by the way…on the subject of slops…this was pretty neat]
i have been following the news and shit…but…for the next 3 weeks im on holiday…swimming every morning..eating ice cream…poking fun at me daughters hickey…and i find meself largely not giving a fuck right now
just hold off on the apocalypse till i have to go back to work… kthxbai?
Have a lovely vacation!
roger wilco 🙂
currently hiding in the shade digging through what straya has to offer music wise
seems the heat over there has made for some odd musicians
so far so good holiday wise 🙂
That top photo is not something I needed to start my week.
As a palate cleanser, here’s a photo taken less than six short years ago. It shows the then-President with the then-Majority Leader of the Senate:
(Can’t load, but use your imagination: Barack Obama and Harry Reid.)
How do you load photos? I’m on a Mac, so what I normally do is just drag an image to my desktop and then drag it into a commenting field.
…well…if you’re lucky the last icon in the comment edit field will be an image option
…I for some reason am not so privileged so I have to upload one as though I want to put it in a post & then embed the resulting url, which is a little awkward
…& I’m sorry about the header pic…I ran across it & they just looked like such a strikingly useless pair of off-brand muppets I thought it might slide…should have maybe given more weight to it being a monday?
Oh there it is, I see the insert an image icon.
Actually you may have done a service with your header photo. No need for caffeinated beverages this morning, I am already running on all cylinders.
Everything you need to know about voting by mail, including different ways to return ballots. Find your state’s options. This is extremely important, please share with your friends and family. Voting is still our best way to combat trump and the GOP.
…thank you for that…be prepared & all
In “there’s no such thing as a good Republican” news, Larry Hogan is quickly pissing away all the good will he had garnered with Marylanders over not being a colossal fuckwit.
He’s been tolerable because a Maryland republican is definitely republican lite, but he likes to show his whole ass every once in a while.
There was one bit of good news, I think:
Simon Cowell breaks back falling off electric bike in California
And now I’m a fan of e-bikes.
How though?
I wanna know why we have economists & congresscritters talking about the “Right/WRONG” of these executive “non-orders,” but why, while it’s mentioned in a very roundabout manner, NO ONE is stating the OBVIOUS…
Because while, YES, a payroll tax holiday this does jack-all for poor folks, and it WILL 100% fuck over Social Security & Medicare/caid….
Because we KNOW Donny Dumbass isn’t going to *put that money aside* for employees…
Grifters gonna grift, and he’s gonna try to make some MONEY off of it, like he does EVERYTHING else.🙄🤨🙃
This, and his talk of just *writing it all off later, if he wins* is simply another way of HIM keeping more money belonging to other Americans, and him cooking the goddamned books YET AGAIN🙃
Let alone, the fact that the CONGRESS controls the federal purse.🤬
Does anyone have any advice on how to get a puppy that is definitely not mine but will nonetheless probably have to be trained by me to stop pooping in the house? Especially given that I’m in training while working from home and can’t spend my every waking moment watching her?
I’m not an expert, so do a bunch of research to get this done properly. You aren’t supposed to shove their face in it and yell at them, though.
I’d suggest that once you find the poop/catch the dog pooping, you scoop it up right away, put it in the grass outside, and bring the dog around to sniff it. Maybe even put the poop in a place other dogs poop so that the dog gets the idea that their poop serves a purpose.
Also, put the dog on a schedule if you’re able. We eat, pee, poop, and get pets at the same time every day. That’s at least until the dog is old enough to chill/let you know when it needs to poop on its’ own.
The best method I can think of is using a timer, and if need be, putting her (it was a Her, yes?) in a kennel during the “off time” if need be…
Kennel, because it’s EXTREMELY rare for a pup to be willing to poop where they sleep, and timer(s), so that you are able to remember to take her outside often enough that she *will* poop outside…
When my Lil was a weepup, we said, “Go Potty” every.single.time she went outside, and “GOOD Girl, Go Potty!!!!” Every.single.time she even *made a motion* toward doing her business outside… then she got profuse praise, and some treats, once she went–repeated EVERY time she went successfully, until she was at the point of being able to “pee on command.”
To get her to poop DOES take a little bit of walking, just to get her digestive tract moving enough to be ready… but half a block to a block is all the time/distance needed, to get her to go.
Pete is right, about the *not shoving their face in it.*
Although, I DID carry both of my former roommate’s dachshunds over to messes each of *them* made in the house, and “scruffed” each of them while saying, “NO!!!” (once each), to get both of them to stop peeing in the house…
It worked, both stopped *for me,* when it was just me in the house with them… however if my roommate–their owner–was home, they TOTALLY still did it.
I think part of it was that she was completely inconsistent with them, both on discipline, AND on making sure they went out every two hours (tiny dogs need to go out more often than the full-sized ones, because tiny bladders!).
When I watched the boys, I sent them outside every 1.5-2 hours, like clockwork, and between the fact that i’d laid down a CLEAR boundary with the scruff+”NO!”, and the fact that I never waited for them to NEED the bathroom(yard?), meant they got pretty darn good at *just* going outdoors.
Good luck, KC!! I hope it gets better for you, soon!💖
Also remember, if you can keep it in mind from a behavior standpoint, she WANTS clear rules & consistency, because being a “good girl” and making her people happy with her is pretty much her #1 goal in life.
None of the pooping in the house is “on purpose” it’s just a form of communication…
She’s learned somehow, that pooping in the house is “ok, and *what we do*”
It’s a SLOG to train that learning back OUT (pun NOT intended, but I’m leaving it there!😉)…you’ll GET there with her, but it may take a couple weeks.
Regarding the Kennel part–put her in when you need to get work done, it’s up to you, whether you are visible to her as you work…
She MAY bark like an asshat for the first couple weeks, but I PROMISE you, that once she understands “now kennel; then play, outside, and walks!” She’ll quiet right down.
Good luck to you😉🤗–smart puppos are BOTH a blessing & a frustration sometimes!💖
…it’s much as infuriating as it is to watch him say on the one hand that by executive order certain provisions relating to the medical care of veterans will continue to be funded…while at the same time fighting to dismantle the standing law…of which those provisions are an extant element
…& he expects credit for both rather than scorn & ridicule…& increasingly I am coming to believe it is because he does not know even that much about any of this
…I think he believes he should get credit for the one thing because he doesn’t know it was already part of the other thing…& he never understood the other thing beyond it being a bell he can ring that scores votes & campaign contributions
…it beggars belief…but I think he’s still dumber than we take him for…even dumb as most of think he is already I think maybe the extent to which people in his orbit are feeding him bullshit to keep him happy like he’s a toddler is likely beyond terrifying at this point