![good-things-NOT-24-11-20 picture of David Schitt and quote "I feel like that needs to be celebrated"](https://deadsplinter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/good-things-NOT-24-11-20-482x381.png)
Hi, friends!
It’s Friday Eve and it’s been a loooong week already.
What’s something you’re feeling good about? Can be something specific to you/something exciting for someone you know/general neat thing/etc etc etc
Mine is ridiculously minor but I’m so happy about it.
I have a tea infuser for making hot tea, but I wanted something that wasn’t plastic to put really hot water in since plastic and hot liquids makes me nervous. I made a mad dash for IKEA earlier this week after work and they have tiny French presses that basically make just one cup of coffee or tea! I took it for a spin last night and it worked great!!!
I had a job interview that didn’t go well, but that’s okay. The job wasn’t really for me. No harm, no foul.
Also finally nailed down the contractor’s sched and the time for him to work on my garage floor. I’m going to be poorer, but I won’t worry about my garage for a while. A minor house weight off my shoulder.
Nice! You’re doing an epoxy resin floor or something similar, right?
Yes. Epoxy resin
I’ve been problem-solving at the house all week.
– Dishwasher pods not dissolving? Look it up online.
– Wife’s bicycle rear derailleur not working? Look it up online.
– Weird charges on my Garmin account? Look at the statement online.
Life’s got questions; the internet has answers.
I do love googling for my problems!!!
I had a nice visit with my sister and now I’m making my way home. Saturday night I’m going to a show with a friend. I’m very excited about it but a little nervous. It will be the first time I’ve been to an event since Covid. There are multiple stages, inside and outdoors. I’ll mask inside.
I got my new certification after the first go which is a big load off. This is a huge piece of the promotion puzzle so I was pretty stressed about it.
Yay!!! Congrats!
I picked up somosas from dinner today and the owner who is a friend comped me extra.
Yuuuuummm samosas are heavenly!
I hustled Better Half out the door finally for his Fire Island weekend and now my Celebrity Cook-a-Thon can begin. I’m telling you, the occasional separate getaway is the key to any successful relationship.
Tonight I started off slow because this is a marathon, not sprint. I made Gene Tierney’s Tuna Salad Royal. I had to adapt, because with him lurking about and critical of this latest obsession of mine I didn’t want to give the game away, and tomorrow morning I’ll be putting in the food order for the weekend.
This was easy and something I’d never seen before. Make a tuna salad with 1 can StarKist tuna (this was spon con from the postwar 1940s, presumably), 2 tbsp. sweet pickle (I only had gherkins so I chopped 2 of those) and 1/4 cup celery. I just diced a little, probably not 1/4 cup. Then, add a little lemon juice to however much mayo you like to use and mix that into the tuna/pickle/celery and combine.
Now this was interesting. Take a large tomato, like a beefsteak tomato, and I had one, and slice it in thirds horizontally. Layer the tuna salad between the slices. This is like a tomato-based tuna club sandwich! Serve on a bed of lettuce.
Because of what this is you have to eat it with a very sharp knife and a fork, and the contents spill onto the lettuce. I wouldn’t eat this in front of anyone but The Faithful Hound (and he got a little pre-mixing tuna in his kibble bowl) yet I consider this a success.
I am a big believer in augurs and premonitions so I have high hopes for this weekend. Alas, tomorrow is pescatarian Friday so I’ll be taking a crack at Baked Fish Peter Allen. That means I will have to rollate up to the fishmonger because, like a car or a house, you should never buy seafood sight unseen. There’s nothing particularly interesting about this recipe. He says use red snapper but I’ll see what’s on offer. You also use chopped nuts but I have a
n obscenely huge bucketsupply of Planter’s peanuts and pretty much everything else I’ll need.Here in case you want a song list for making your Baked Fish Peter Allen —
There’s a shark at the end, I’m considering that close enough to a snapper or whatever else you choose for your dinner.
I just got off a group therapy session call that lasted about two and a half hours. But the guy I was there for understood English well enough so that they only needed me to interpret whenever he had something to say, which wasn’t very often. And the call had two built-in breaks for 15 or 20 minutes as well, but since I was officially on a call at the time, I’m taking my work break right now — and coming back to work a grand total of nine minutes if everything works out right.
And I’ve just ordered a pizza from Imo’s for when I’m done working as well.
Yay, pizza! Before I moved to my house, my old soco neighborhood only had a Pizza Hut and a Little Caesar’s for nearby pizza and it was so sad.
Well, you moved, so it all worked out.
I feel like a dweeb saying this but I’m excited by a new crochet pattern I bought. It’s of a stuffed caterpillar which fits inside an egg, a chrysalis, and a set of wings. I can’t wait to finish it and teach my kids about the butterfly life cycle.
Oh that sounds awesome!!!! I can see how fan stitches would work great on butterfly wings.
you should post pictures when you are done
I just watched Assassination Nation the other night. I know I should probably save this for the weekend media post, but I’m slightly disappointed none of the coworkers I talked to had seen it.
Based on the trailers I vaguely remember seeing, I thought it was just going to be something about youth and excessive violence. I mean, it was a bunch of teenagers, and there was some excessive violence, but there was a lot more? I rather liked it. I also got the impression it upset a lot of people – the reviews I saw (after watching it) seem to be all over the place.
If anyone else remembers seeing it, I’d be curious to hear what you thought of it.