The Dark Art of the Steal

Generally speaking I’d be prepared to admit that there aren’t a whole hell of a lot of people to whom I could explain anything that uses a sporting analogy – being as I am an avowed heathen in matters of sprotsball – but even I know that one thing that you can do in the course of the national pastime is to steal bases…

so for some purposes there really is a dark art to the steal…but I’ll leave that to those more qualified to pronounce on such matters…I’m talking about the dark art OF the steal…

because what is that, at heart?

To really play the game & win requires hitting at least one pitch & covering the ground between bases fast enough to beat the field & make it home without getting tagged…more or less…so stealing a base without ever connecting with the ball at all might help rack up points on the scoreboard but is clearly a case of gaming the game over actually playing it…

[…sure – at this point you could exhaustively drag my meagre grasp of the conceptual nuance of baseball…but…here’s the thing…I most likely won’t care…that’s the joy of being a heathen about sport, you see…]

& at the end of the day that’s the only kind of winning known to or by dumbass donnie dotard (congenital malefactor & possessor of the bigly-est bad taste since a cremated steak first had its spirit drowned in ketchup by a moron) so when he admits that Iran could steal his lunchmoney in a negotiation but the US military could kick their ass just like they could kick anyone’s ass* he has been assured that it’s an act of geopolitical grandstanding & not – as it most assuredly is – a domestically-pitched hail mary disguised as an incredibly boneheaded admission of startlingly fucking awful misapprehension of the state of said geopolitical arena…

so there are a couple or three things I’d like to check we’re all on the same page about today.

#1 – THIS IS NOT A PRESIDENCY – this is a bizarre and esoteric legal defense at the culmination of a lifetime’s misadventures pissing away more wealth than most of us will ever possess while fraudulently helping himself to the proceeds of the tax system either directly or in kind on a scale that frankly smacks of treason in a realm that is supposedly ruled by the people, for the people…

#2 – THIS IDIOT DOESN’T KNOW WHAT WAR LOOKS LIKE ON THE GROUND – because to him this is another brilliant wheeze explained to him by some asshole acolyte of the “game theory is always the answer” fraternity of people with their heads permanently stuck up their own or somebody else’s ass…

#2(b) – if you or anyone you know or care about is now or has ever been a member of the military or the security or intelligence community please take careful note that the people currently impersonating the executive administration of the US do not now, nor are ever likely to, give a single solitary fuck about the lives, limbs or liberty of you or those you hold dear…you are no more than an abstract footnote to a narrative they hope to guide second or third hand into the thinking of a specific & largely self-selecting community known euphemistically as “their base” but which might be better recognized under its historical moniker as “the dregs of society”…from top to bottom as far as I can make out at this point…

#3 – THE ONLY GOAL IN TALKING ABOUT (OR – GOD FORBID – ACTUALLY WAGING) THIS WAR IS A DOMESTIC ELECTORAL ONE – because, as previously mentioned, the office of the presidency is the only thing standing between the tangerine terrorist & a matching corrections dept jumpsuit of his own…

#4 – THE IDIOT DOES NOT IN FACT UNDERSTAND HOW LITERALLY ANY OF THIS SHIT WORKS – so once again it’s the ones around him that do, like that turtle-necked motherfucking mitch & the mountain of legislative votes his wattled ass is resting on while pontificating about how out of order it is for Nancy not to give him the first vote in ages he’s actually wanted to take to the floor…like that argument has a fucking leg to stand on that isn’t rotted clear through like these assholes’ moral compasses…

#5 – THIS DOESN’T EVEN SCRATCH THE SURFACE OF THE KIND OF DIATRIBE YOU COULD HAVE FOUND HERE ON A DAY LIKE THIS – but damn it I’m busy doing shit that might actually get noticed if I don’t do it so I can’t just sit here & go to town on the what & why of how utterly & entirely out of fucking order these shaved apes are getting…

[* anyone else miss Bill…?

…I miss Bill…]



  1. On the plus side, I can finally check off the last box of the “things I told my aunt and uncle in 2016 that Trump would do if he got elected” bingo card.

    I’m just as surprised as you are that “start another endless war” came after “Re-open the internment camps”.

  2. I hate the NY Times Opinion and Politics desks, but this article by the NY Times national security correspondent (who is not part of either desk) is solid stuff:

    In only the third graf, he points out the obvious — Trump and the DOD are flying blind.

    I have no doubt the Opinion and Politucs desks will be pounding the drums and sucking their thumbs. But it’s sobering to know there is a significant part of the Times news operation that is clenched tight over this, and willing to say so.

  3. I won’t be surprised if the drone strike had Jared Kush’s incompetent slimy fingerprints all over this. He’s been bought and sold by Prince MBS of Saudia Arabia (the “miraculous” buyout of noted Havhad grad (bought by dad)’s deeply underwater and appropriately numbered 666 5th Ave) After all he gave MBS critical intelligence the US had on dissidents and allowed MBS to dismember a critical journalist.

    Instead of killing in the name of Israel, I think this time it was in the name of Saudi Arabia.

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