This is a Post

& This is a Subheading

This is a featured image.

…these are words in a post…

…& this is an embedded video…

…& these are a few words between an embedded video & a blockquote…& they even come with a nifty hyperlink & everything…

…& this is the above mentioned blockquote…

Yet do much less, so much less, Someone says,
(I know his name, no matter)—so much less!

– Robert Browning

…although this could be the end of this post…

…I’m inclined to presumptuously assume that this fails to meet the standards…& by standards I mean “expectations” so-to-speak, well, at least for those who presumably refer to “so-to-speaking” as some kind of a by means of how things should – or at least could – be said…of a “not-so-much” strenuous-to-write lengthy post?

…perhaps…& by that, of course, I mean maybe…a simple post like this is enough to inspire you lot to comment nonetheless?

…because, Non Omnia Possumus Omnes, “We can’t all of us do everything”, but…well perhaps not quite necessarily a “but” per se…

…not only is this post an inside joke…it’s also the easiest & least time consuming post to write…

…so before I get too knackered – or someone (perhaps suffering a sense of humour failure?) pitches a fit & stalks off in a huff – here is a poll for the end of this post…

Is a post such as this easy to write?
20 votes · 20 answers

About myopicprophet 137 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


        • That was part of the reason I chose “A”….
          I REALLY wanted to chose “B” because it was the MUCH more “fun” answer… but I took my ADHD meds this morning, soooo I was able to *stop* myself from choosing the “impulsive & FUN!!!” answer at the last second😉😆🤣
          But really, you ARE awesome!🥳🥳🥳And you are EXTREMELY appreciated around these parts my friend!
          Thanks for everything you do, to keep us running, and at least *mostly* in line!😉😁🤗💖

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