This Is Why I Still Read

As a bit of a follow-up to my duplicated comments yesterday about the not-a-Klan-rally featuring a big oval and some fast cars, this piece laying out the overtly racist history of the controlling family that runs NASCAR is why I keep coming back to our beloved family of (some former) websites.

Those who hate the idea that anyone other than white men are the best and the only group deserving of whatever it is that the so-called American Dream once stood for will cry about bias.

They aren’t wrong.

Reality has been proven to have an incredibly pronounced liberal bias.

You may return to your normally scheduled programs.



  1. …apologies for slacking…just saw this was “pending”…if you’d like to be able to skip that part of the process maybe drop a PM to myopicprophet who can up your posting privileges accordingly?

    …thanks for the tip on the NASCAR piece, though…for some reason I don’t seem to be as up to speed with those sites as I used to be

  2. Great post. Thanks for sharing. I don’t read Jalopnik as much as I used to, but it definitely still has its moments. And I’ll always love Torch.

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