The editors-at-large decided that I would be providing Thursday’s DOT and I knew it in advance. Yet here I am, at almost midnight the night before, checking out the news of the day and cringing. Not the best pre-bedtime ritual, IMHO. If you’ve got anything less nightmare inducing, please, feel free to drop it below the line.
This is a lie. Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden do not have schools open with “NO PROBLEMS”. They have testing, PPE, social distancing, staggered schedules etc. Also, Sweden is not some paragon here.
Are we sure the orange menace hasn’t already had coronavirus?
Warning of serious brain disorders in people with mild coronavirus symptoms
As coronavirus surges, Houston confronts its hidden toll: People dying at home
I feel like the people who don’t want to wear masks have no problem with the government interfering in women’s healthcare.
The contraception war that just won’t end
Bed Bath & Beyond to close 200 stores over 2 years as sales fall almost 50% during pandemic
Phew, good thing they found yet another white guy to fill an anchor spot. I was afraid they were all cancelled. /s
Former Fox News anchor Shepard Smith joins CNBC as chief general news anchor with new evening show
Or not…
Ivy League Places All Sports on Hold Until January
Got some good ideas in here for a new name…
New names for Cleveland Indians keep coming: Hey, Hoynsie cries uncle
…but if you’re going to change a name, maybe don’t sue the Black singer who was already using your ‘new’ name. It’s a bad look.
Band Formerly Known as Lady Antebellum Files Lawsuit Against Singer Lady A
When I say I just read Playboy for the articles…
Bad Bunny makes Playboy history with new cover
Have a great day!
The Lady Antebellum self-dug hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper. As a kinjaverse commenter somewhere put it (paraphrasing), “It’s really something to dissociate yourself from the Confederacy and then somehow come out looking even worse.”
I will confess that I am not a Country music fan and I thought Lady Antebellum was Reese Witherspoon’s clothing line.
That’s Draper James, which also sounds confederac-y!
Or like a character out of a Dickens novel.
“Draper James, as was his wont, was in no hurry to return to his obstreperous wife and seven children, having laboured from sun-up un-til sun-down persuading the good citizens of Clampton Borough of the quality and value for money of his wares. As he approached the door of The Prince’s Frog, therein to share a pint with others in his trade…”
Irony is dead: One of Susan Collins’s campaign tactics is to accuse her chief opponent of harboring a sexual predator.
Pot, meet Kettle!
Supreme Court rules on the release of trump’s taxes today. This will be a huge win for someone, I just hope it’s not him. 😬
7-2 against Trump!
I’m clicking around to get a better idea of what this means. CNN is calling it a victory for trump? I know there’s a delay but I can’t see it as anything but a temporary victory.
Also the CDC is refusing to change the school reopening guidelines to appease trump. It feels like he’s losing his grip. For the first time I feel hopeful that he’ll lose in Nov.
“I feel like the people who don’t want to wear masks have no problem with the government interfering in women’s healthcare.” Still… I continue to be appalled and nonplussed by the legislated subjugation of women’s basic rights. Obviously, appalled has been my standard mode for most of my life.
Especially when it’s been revealed that both Hobby Lobby and the Catholic Church have investments with pharmaceutical companies that produce contraception. They’re only morally opposed to helping people pay for it, but not making money from it.
This came out when the fuss over providing BC to their workers first started. I suppose it’s possible that they’ve divested themselves of those investments since then. I sort of doubt it but don’t have the time to research it right now.
…not sure how alarmed we ought to be about something like this…but it sure seems like more than “just a little”?
hmmm…dont know how alarmed we should be….but it just popped up on me local news
hes dead jim…
He’s been found.
Somewhere between seriously and panicked?
…sounds a lot like the way one or two folks might react to this one, too
…if for very different reasons
…& so it begins?
…it probably ought not to be surprising that they seem a little inconsistent where the democrat-led portion of Congress is concerned, though
…think there were something like three more rulings yet to come that involve access to tax records of one variety or another…wonder which way those might fall?
YES! I can’t believe it, 7-2! I‘d bet the dissenting votes came from Kavanaugh and Allito. I know both Roberts and Gorsuch have voted with the liberal justices on a couple of cases recently. But this seems like something that can topple the presidency and I didn’t think any of the conservative justices would be willing to be the Kingslayer. Gorsuch is trump’s appointee so I guess that makes him Jaime Lannister, lol. And I know it’s likely we still won’t see his taxes for some time, but he’ll have a hard time debating Biden on releasing them before the Nov. election.
I’m in a much better mood now.😁
Here’s a hint of good news — Bernie Sanders called Biden’s recommendations for the platform to be the most progressive since FDR.
Obviously, that is only step one on a thousand mile journey, and who knows how this all turns out. But at least he leaned harder on Sanders and AOC for input than Mayor Pete.
…there do seem to be an awful lot of references to FDR knocking about…just the other week they were trying to frame Boris Johnson re-stating some (as far as I could make out) previously announced measures that involved a bit of infrastructure here & there as being reminiscent of the sweeping vision of an era-defining policy platform by invoking the name
…of the two I’d at least accept that Biden has a better shot at that comparison making him look like there’s a chance it might have an actual foundation?
…not 100% sure but I think the decision to punt the congressional case back down to a lower court might have also been 7-2?
(from the guardian live blog)
“In terms of the substance of the two supreme court decisions, the opinions mark a defeat for Trump because the justices rejected his legal team’s argument that the president should be immune from such proceedings.
“However, the president appears to have secured a victory in terms of the logistics of the decisions.
“The justices ruled that Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance may receive the president’s tax returns and financial records. However, even if Vance can get the records soon, they will likely not be made public because they will be turned over to a grand jury, legally requiring them to be kept secret.
“In terms of the House subpoenas, the supreme court sent the case back down to the lower court to more closely consider separation of powers issues. That will almost certainly delay the release of Trump’s financial records to the committees until after the election.
“So the court has made an important decision in terms of executive power, but this virtually guarantees the American people will not see the president’s financial records before heading to the polls in November.”
I need a lawyer to break this down.
I’m okay with not seeing them, He’ll lose in the lower courts again too. Which means that there’s a chance he or his hell spawn could see jail time in NY.
And I’m reading that all 9 justices, including Boof Kavanauhj voted against him on the absolute immunity idea!
got a link showing those recommendations?
…not really “a” link…& to be honest although I know a few places I could probably point you that most possibly covered it one way or another in at least some ways it was more by way of being one of those “on message” things where cross-referencing things one another were saying allowed the tories to spend a few days trying to push a narrative that got the two names in front of people with some proximity in order to push the idea that what they were saying was new & bold & all sorts of shit like that when – if you looked at the detail of the thing – it was almost entirely recycled stuff that they knew hadn’t made enough of a splash when they first came up with it to mean they wouldn’t have a decent shot at passing it off as new…& a lot of where I came across that was BBC radio coverage of one sort or another
…in my opinion (which may not be as humble as maybe it ought to be but is for damn sure a sight more humble than the allegedly august ranks of the tory party) it’s actually a whole hell of a lot more insidious than that but I’m aware that unlike myself not a whole lot of folks that read here really have a desire to get into the weeds about UK politics…let alone have family in that part of the world the way I do…so I tend to steer clear of much beyond drawing the occasional parallel when they come up
…since you ask, though…I happen to know I could run off at the mouth for at least a page or two off the top of my head about a litany of ways that this speech, given by this person, made me madder than hell in very much the manner of the protagonist of the movie “network” & I’d barely have covered the highlights
thanks rip
apparently blowing up soleimani was not exactly strictly speaking…err legal
bad america… BAD!
eh….i’ll just add it to the list
not like anything will come of it…
this last little bit of the article is pretty rich tho
“This tendentious and tedious report undermines human rights by giving a pass to terrorists and it proves once again why America was right to leave” the UN Human Rights Council in 2018, she added.