[Update 27/9/22 22:21pm EDT]

I am quite far away from getting myself to the point of even beginning to figure out why comment-posting lags (for now – just post your comment and refresh the page) or why some of the pages/posts take a while to load due to Cumulative Layout Shift but I promise to get to it and fix it all in due time. The good news is that the site has successfully transferred to its new DNS and is fully backed up.


DS on and please be patient with me as I will get to the issues once I finish all the testing (the testing I have to do, in no way, effects the site or its backups but just a bunch of other shit none of you need to concern yourselves with).

[Original post below:]

I think what is going to happen – hopefully sooner than later but who the fuck knows? NOT EVEN ME! – is the site will revert to somewhere between last night’s NOT and today’s DOT that I believe only two people can see (I can’t even see it).

Seeing as I believe this is going to disappear I am not editing or giving a flying fuck what you think of my grammar or run-on sentences or punctuation or present and past tense mishaps or typos; however,

*Inner thoughts* did I just use a semi-colon correctly? Fuck no – I did not – because semi-colons are BULLSHIT, thus, IMPOSSIBLE to use correctly for the simple fact that they, in and of themselves, are incorrect!

I believe you very extremely mercifully patient DSerites deserve a bit of an explanation.

I INQUIRED about a server and DNS migration. Archived everything. Then let my Canadian host upload every file to their servers for the sake of TESTING prior to DNS change. Well they changed the DNS anyway, while I was sleeping. Things done fucked up, folks…which is why it was merely an INQUIRY in the first place.

It turns out that all of the shit I’ve done…old plugins I dusted off and wrote to in order to get working and all kinds of other crazy shit makes migration pretty fucking goddamn complex! Who knew?

I’ll tell you who…

…hence the fucking inquiry.

The migration WILL eventually happen successfully but right now I am in the process of getting the site pointed back to its original name servers at least until that can happen.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


About myopicprophet 127 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. …this is why I wish there were a bank of karma

    …you could have just withdrawn a bunch of what you’ve accrued in the time this place has been around & wiped out the whole part where this wrecked your day

    …sorry not to be in a position to do anything helpful on that score…but…uh…we thank you for your service?

  2. I can see them both! I feel very special.

    After the bullshittery of today at work, I appreciate the feeling of being special.

    Truly truly appreciate the work you do to keep the lights on around here.

  3. How dare you impugn the good name of semicolons?


    Those marks are awesome; we should use them every day.

    But beyond that, you’re a rock star, thanks for all the work.

  4. let’s not get too excited yet…shit is still fucked! my hands are tied until i get an email…hopefully tonight or tomorrow…then i’ll be able to check if the transition back to – ew – the og amerikkkan dns worked. then re-migrate back to a decent country.


    i love you guys and i am so sorry for this (even though none of it is my fault as i DID EVERYTHING RIGHT!) some other ppl done fucked up.


    anyway. please do not publish posts until further notice.

  5. Related question.

    How do you write a complex sentence with 2 independent clauses associated by content/intent/meaning?

    Do you just use a comma and a conjunction?

    I don’t understand the semicolon hate; I find them very useful for writing sometimes.

  6. soooo….what your saying is…..even for a website its complicated to just pack its bags and move to canada?

    well that sucks

    anyways….let me know if you know somewhere what needs a half decent metal worker, is above sea level and still gets a winter….im thinking about future proofing

    i was thinking fort simpson looks nice

  7. Thanks @memeweaver & @bluedogcollar

    & @brightersideoflife I intended not to shit on your NOT, I just wanted as many people as possible to see this update so I stuck it to the top of the site until someone yanks it after the DOT tomorrow.

    I am Canadian so it is just natural to apologise…but I do feel the need to apologise even for the fact that my poor English skills – or, better yet, my inability to articulate myself – led to a whole lot of fuck-ups for those of you who put in the work to keep this site – and this community – going.

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