Trump Murders Americans…[NOT 11/9/20]

...and Canadians

Pictured: Herman Cain's blood on Trump's tiny hand

Remember when I was doing nightly open threads, one which some were put off by my headline, “Trump Murders Canadians” and I doubled down the following evening?

It seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?

It doesn’t seem so far-fetched of an unfunny joke anymore considering that Trump recently admitted to intentionally murdering almost 200,000 Americans in *checks notes* 18 recorded hours of interviews granted, “out of the blue,” to one of the most prolific journalists in modern US history.

A murderer admitting to downplaying the enormous threat of a virus, a global fucking pandemic, to over 300,000,000 Americans as POTUS to refrain from causing panic when his entire platform as an incumbent facing an election is to instil fear and panic in the 53% of white women who voted for him in 2016 and whose original platform as a challenger, in 2016, was based on instilling fear and panic that the Mexican caravans of rapists and murderers were coming to get them, is one thing. Well, almost 200,000 things, if “things” refers to unnecessary deaths.


It’s another thing to completely ignore, even after being briefed in writing as POTUS, American troops dying as a result of Russia putting bounties on their heads.

Speaking of doubling down, who cares about a bunch of losers and suckers anyway?

Losers and suckers only mean something when sons of bitches peacefully protest and disrespect the flag

…or when losers aim guns at peaceful protesters. Or when a loser teenager crosses state lines with an AR-15 to kill two people and injure another in an obvious act of self-defense.

Those losers and suckers are admirable…to the point that they get prime time spots at the RNC – where hundreds and hundreds of not-socially-distanced people damaged the White House’s south lawn and rose garden and was ANOTHER violation of the Hatch Act – in order to hammer down the fear and panic being instilled in suburbanites.

For all this, I’m going to triple down and say that the real losers and suckers are the ones who fail to see that Trump is a murderer.

Here is the ever-updating body count.

I rest my case.

About myopicprophet 137 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. *shrugs*
    i are right..i agree with you….trump is all that…and not even fun to watch on telly…
    buuuut… well shit yous elected him (well maybe not you as i guess you’re canadian)
    anyhoo…i agree trump is a murderer….but the situation tells me you have bigger issues

  2. My daughter has been wanting to do a Canada road trip for the last year for her graduation.  She keeps waiting hoping they will let us in again.  I had lunch with a Canadian ex-pat that has a huge family in Vancouver and his sister is one of the top officials that controls that kind of thing and said it will be at least after the new year before we are let in again.  If Trump wins, I think it will be way longer.  We always joke about Canada building a wall to keep us out.  I don’t blame them.  We used to go up there and make fun of how much we could buy and now my family is begging for them to adopt us.

    • The closure will definitely be extended until the new year, at least, and there are a whole lot of reasons for it…

      The WE charity scandal, the Erin O’Toole who no one knows as the new conservative party leader, the threat of a second wave and another shutdown, and the fact that polls have a percentile in the 80s of Canadians wanting an extension.

      There is a lot to unpack here. The conservative party wants to rebrand itself around Erin after Scheer being “too right” in terms of anti-gay and abortion while the NDP and Liberal party race to brand him beforehand…and a possible early election on the horizon…everyone is walking on eggshells right now so they’re all playing it safe by keeping everything the same with no bold moves.

      So I can’t see a situation in which ANY of the 5 parties in this minority government team up to try to open the borders…only SOME of the Florida/Texas of Canada (Alberta) want to open the borders and that “some” are Wexiter covidiots.

      A decision to open the borders would be a death sentence, politically, to anyone who assisted in making it happen.

      With everything going on, Trudeau and his countless scandals is not going to open the border on his own. He is banking a possible early election on his handling of the virus.

  3. This should be printed out and distributed from planes flying overhead to every corner of the US, twice daily, every day until Election Day. As a demagogue, there must be something about him that resonates with a sizable fraction of the country. Any one of these scandals or issues or missteps would have torpedoed the administration of any previous president, but here he is still. And the election is not a foregone conclusion. I don’t get it, this hold he has over some people, people whose vote counts equally as mine does. 

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