Useful lessons? [NOT 22/2/23]

Hi, friends!

Have you ever been somewhere and felt like “holy fuck I wish we could get these people to train (insert whatever) where I live?

For example, typically baggage handlers at Lambert Airport in St Louis are so slow getting your luggage to the carousel that you feel like you can stop for a beer or snack between getting off the plane and going to the baggage area. Especially for Terminal 2 (it’s just Southwest)!!! Meanwhile, when I fly through LaGuardia I feel like even stopping to use the bathroom before getting my luggage takes too long and they’ll already have that carousel cleared.

Today I flew through an airport out west that had gotten 14 inches of snow and it was basically still business as usual at the airport. Can we hire those folks to come train people in my city for snow management??



  1. I’d like to have a few select European airports — Schiphol, Reykjavik — train US TSA how to move people through the gates. Hell, I’d like howler monkeys to train the TSA goobers at Kansas City’s airport.

    • schiphols been kind of a nightmare since corona…

      missus and daughter are flying over to england this weekend with only carry on luggage this weekend as they dont want to play the suitcase lottery


      simplest fix would be offer better wages…but seems no ones willing to touch that without at least a few more strikes and bigger staff shortages

      • I wondered if that would get a response from you. I haven’t been through there since the pre-pandemic, so I can imagine it might not be ideal at this point.

        BUT, we traveled through there a few months after 9/11, and security and customs were dramatically better that what we went through in the US. In 2018, my elderly parents (Dad was walking with a cane, post-hip surgery) met us at Schiphol for a trip together and pretty much marveled about how easy it was to get through there.

        • it is a really efficient airport…really…but yeah..peak times now are a nightmare…and will remain so till they do something about the staff shortages…and the why there are shortages…which is wages and working conditions (overworked and underpaid)…which is going to take a while schiphol says its on the airlines to fix that shit…and the airlines say its on schiphol…and regardless neither side is willing to open the wallet

          outside of the holidays its still pretty smooth sailing tho

  2. I would love to see my wife be in charge of fixing our medical system.  She would either make politicians cry, STFU, or she would punch them.  It would be a short lived career but it would make for some incredible TV moments.

  3. oh…also…far as useful lessons go

    dont pick a fight with the people who have the book of all black marks against you

    i probably should have remembered that one before going nuclear against HR

    i am now in the super ultra max security doghouse at work and have to go see an outside specialist to determine my mental health

    suffice to say…..i better not make waves for a while….

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