…very responsible? [DOT 18/4/20]

I’m sure there’s all sorts of other stuff we ought to be paying attention to at the moment


…hell, some of it maybe even doesn’t suck


…although let’s face it a lot of it does









…& that last one is a fucking doozy, too…but you know what…to borrow a phrase I’m arguably too old for…I. can. not. even. with.this. shit

vacation, motherfucker….FUCKING ALL CAPS VACATION…how are you not a burning effigy you second-rate shitweasel?

…& the liberate thing “allegedly” doesn’t contravene twitter’s garbage filter either


…look…I know it may seem like the opposite is true but I really do try not to fill these with more of me foaming at the mouth than links or whatever to your actual things to read &/or rant & rail about

…but this is beyond even the how-the-fuck-is-this-even-allowed-to-fucking-happen Dolt45 patented brand of malfeasance & political malpractice that somehow is given lip service as being within the realm of public service despite the extent to which it is childishly obvious that its be-all & end-all is his own personal (improper & almost certainly illegal) self-enrichment either directly or tangentially

…there may never have been as towering an example of irony in the history of democracy as there is in the twin facts that the greatest public good most of us are capable of right now is not appearing in public when at the same time for a great many people there may never have been a starker imperative to use it or lose it

…pretty sure I ain’t even joking about that shit

…how in the hell are there people out there lapping this shit up?

I know that seems like a dumb ass question but I’m serious…I don’t like it but I understand all too many reasons why there are people out there pushing this bilge for all they’re worth across a pretty full spread of demographics, media & even branches of government & for the most part those are all people with the kind of malevolent intelligence to think outwitting themselves is proof of their unparalleled genius…& then there are your outliers…your actual dumb-as-a-dotard genuine tanks of cranial sewage but how in the name of the sunk costs fallacy do these hapless would-be patriots allow themselves to be led by their prejudices to the point that they think their pipebomb-dream boogaloo wouldn’t be (among a great many other fucking tragedies) what passed for a best case scenario in the kind of cold war planning & contingency considerations that were bread & butter for the kind of hardcore lifers like…oh…vladimir fucking putin

…I remember a time…seems like several lifetimes ago but actually it wasn’t so long ago in calendar terms…when I wouldn’t have taken stapling a russian bogeyman to the end of a screed like that seriously…hell, even without it that all would have sounded like the rantings & ravings of someone best left to wear themselves out without encouragement…but apparently we all live in the fucking upside down now so instead I’m madder than hell & it’s saturday morning which is just fucking wrong

…for some people it’s sunday morning that’s sacred…but since I’ve never been big on organised religion saturday mornings with cartoons & no school & a lie-in the next day to look forward to was in a lot of ways as good as it got…so for fucking up my saturday morning zen I hope we all get to live long enough to see some karmic justice come for some of these god-forsaken, misbegotten, maladjusted, mendacious, mock-human hommunculii

…& what does the tiny-fingered tangerine cockgoblin have to say about the rent-a-chump brigadeers with their show of high-capacity, locked & loaded, constitutionally-approved, lethally-stupid implements of personal defence

…according to the all time worst excuse for a president ever those assholes “seem pretty responsible”

…but it’s still a free country in ways those morons apparently aren’t capable of comprehending…so…opinions differ

…do read the whole thread

…but hey, not all old white guys suck


…& some people are trying to remind voters what the term “public service” represents


…so fuck it…maybe there’s hope for us yet



  1. I keep harping on this everywhere, but our only hope is us.
    We cannot abdicate our responsibility to hold our leaders to account. That includes voting. That includes getting involved however we can.
    No leader can magically inspire people to action if those people didn’t want to act to begin with. That was one of the main differences between 2008 and 2016. 2008 voters saw the bad times and wanted to push the other way. 2016 voters saw the good times and thought their choice (stay home or vote Trump) won’t fuck everything up.
    I don’t know if 2020 voters are going to be gaslit into thinking times aren’t bad or buying that it’s the fault of the party that has 1/2 of 1/3 of government branches.
    So if you don’t want the bad times to continue, nobody will fix it for us. We have to fix it ourselves with the tools we can muster.

  2. TL;DR, except for this GEM: “tiny-fingered tangerine cockgoblin”

    • That’s a magnificent turn of phrase, indeed.

  3. Okay, I know it’s impossible to parse crazy, but how did Orange McFuckface connected the right to bear arms with the coronavirus? I have so many questions. Seriously, how does a virus affect your gun collection? How is that under threat, and from whom? And why only in Virginia? Did one of his handlers point out that was stupid and he dropped it from the other tweets? No, that’s silly. Nobody points out his stupid — there’s not enough hours in the day. I just … can’t … what the actual fuck?

    • I know in our state they are pissed that gun stores are not considered essential businesses but pot stores are. These protests are just like the original tea party bullshit, funded and promoted by some rich, evil fucks!


    • …well, it’s like this…there’s this virus…only there isn’t…because it’s a hoax…but it’s real because the Chinese made it as weapon…to help the evil agents of the hated state murder fine upstanding Americans…except them personally because they’re too smart for a little old germ to outwit…so that the do-nothing-dems with their constant deep state machinations could finally starve out that pesky 2nd Amendment…& then all those big strong beer-bellies wouldn’t have an AR-15 strapped to those tac-vest/charm-bracelets that won’t stretch past their navels…& then when someone pointed out their brains appear to have fallen out sometime when they sneezed they wouldn’t be able to menace them with implied violence…which is denying them their constitutional rights & freedoms


      …I mean, c’mon now bryan…you wouldn’t want to see one of those big boys cry because his feelings got hurt, would you?

      …that would be like saying that if continuing the lockdown risks “more deaths than from the virus” & statistically most firearm deaths are suicides then frankly it might be time for the guy in charge to sack up & impound all those bad boys for the sake of averting a public health emergency caused by rampant incidents of suicide…& we all know that’s crazy talk

      …as if this administration could follow through on anything when they follow a man who can’t think his way to the end of a fully-formed sentence

    • The only thing that can stop a bad virus is a good guy with a gun?

  4. People need to stop asking why Twitter isn’t taking down Trump’s tweets because they will never, ever, ever do it. He’s too good for their bottom line. That’s the beginning and end of it.

    • …surely the 2020 reboot is give me liberty AND give me death?

    • I fell back down the rabbit hole, because seeing the whole pic meant accidentally opening Twitter.

      But at least I found this over there and got a giggle out of it😉

  5. The tenants union is also assisting 70-year-old Pamela Fairbanks. She paid her rent, but her landlord, Steve Kaali, showed up at her door this week with an eviction notice, alleging she had too many cats. Fairbanks, who has lived in her apartment for 25 years, said she has long owned three cats. She said she has also been in quarantine for weeks while recovering from bacterial pneumonia: “I panicked. I was shaking. I could barely breathe through the tears.”

    Reached by phone, Kaali said the cats were an ongoing issue because they go in and out of the apartment, and his eviction notice was meant to be a “scare tactic” to get her to install a window screen: “I’m not taking her to court knowing I’m not going to win.”

    He added that he hadn’t tried to remove her from her rent-controlled apartment and bring in a higher-paying tenant: “I could’ve been a slumlord scumbag who kicks everyone out. I did not.”

    what a guy! a modern mother teresa. someone give him a medal, stat…

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