Wherein I bring you the metal. You turn it into a beer keg and beat on that fucker with a flaming baseball bat.
I know that Wednesday = shit, but don’t push your fingers into your eyes. Jump the fuck up and deal with it.
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Thank god my phone and my computer tell me what day it is. I am down with the Slipknot this morning. Very down.
Look Lemmy, our guitar teacher is on the latest 2 Minutes to Late Night!!!
I read recently where he turned down an offer at a Megadeth reunion over money. Then Dave kind of took a jab at Marty’s goofy new Japanese pop music or whatever it is. I think they’re both a little touched.
With clips from SNL’s Fajita Roundup skit. Delightful. I do believe in miracles.
Aura Noir – Fed to the Flames
Clean Living will drink all the beer, then set you on fire and piss on you to put out the flames:
Fun fact: I used to have the 45 when I was a kid and spun it until there was nothing left.
I’ll bet I haven’t heard that song in 40 years.
The B side was a cover of an old Benny Bell song, called Shaving Cream. That one was a scream.
I loved that song as a kid! We used to listen to Dr. Demento on a shortwave radio since they didn’t play the show in Hawaii.