@Luigi-Vuoto, that is a little disturbing? My tiny brain is having a hard time holding “straight take on Christmas carols” at the same time as “dude from Judas Priest” . Fun fact – he will be 70 years old next year, he appears quite well-preserved. Healthy metal lifestyle?
Roger Miller is the One True King. Shiver under his metal reign of terror.
I have to confess – I love this song.
Halford also sings a hell of a Christmas carol.
@Luigi-Vuoto, that is a little disturbing? My tiny brain is having a hard time holding “straight take on Christmas carols” at the same time as “dude from Judas Priest” . Fun fact – he will be 70 years old next year, he appears quite well-preserved. Healthy metal lifestyle?
Starting Xmas carols early?
My liege!
Saxon – Crusader
Not sure what happened with the link? Oh well…
Slay at Home!!
Even I know who he is! I will bend the knee.
Frozen Crown – Kings
king rob?
as in rob scallon?
(i kid i kid…..sorry couldnt resist)
I just watched a concert of these guys so have to post one last one…
A German band that writes songs about…uh.. *checks notes* the legend of King Arthur? This must be the place.https://youtu.be/E8gyP_YnKWY