Weekend plans? [NOT 17/3/22]

Hi, friends!

We made it to Thursday, yay! Anyone got exciting weekend plans?

I’ve got the usual house cleaning and more spring yard work (but at least this includes planting, so some of it is fun yard work!). Also I have 2 birthday parties for family members I’ve been invited to. Depending on the weather I might attend both.



  1. Well, I have a coupon for a fancy-assed $16 car wash that I was thinking of redeeming, but it’s supposed to rain on Saturday, so I guess that’ll be a . . . wash. I should probably do my taxes or whatever, though.

  2. Can someone step up to cover the Friday night DUAN again?  

    My poor doggo finally crossed the rainbow bridge evening before last and I need some time to recover.

    Much appreciated.

  3. likwise yard work….well..mostly figuring out what kind of edibles we want to grow this year

    aaaaand…fixing a bike….rear wheels on town bikes are nightmares…least they are when you are used to dealing with quick release no frills stuff on mountainbikes

    ill be muttering this to myself at least once

    you know…in between all the swearing

    but hey…mid 50s and straight sunny….its gonna be pretty pleasant being buried in my pile of bike parts outside at least

  4. Our oldest (whose voice just started changing yesterday) turns 12 and we are having both sides of the families over tonight to celebrate. Other than that, not a whole lot.. because… resting. Played full court basketball for the first time in 2 summers and not sure how mobile I’ll be this weekend, ha.

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