Well That’s Over [DOT 3/2/20]

Sprots Thing!

Someone will have to fill me in down in the comments because I only lasted until after the half time show. I am an old.

Did you have a favorite moment? Were there any really good ads I might have missed? Do tell!

This hashtag seems ill advised, but no one asked me. #babynut

I’m buying whatever Sam Elliot is selling.

Yes, because Jenny From The Block is going to sport a (checks notes) Texas flag:

These guys really like to tell on themselves, don’t they?

There’s other things going on in the world…unfortunately:
Big day coming up in Iowa tomorrow.

The man shot dead by police after he stabbed two people in London on Sunday left prison only days ago and had previously been noted by police as having a “fascination with dying in the name of terrorism”, it has emerged.

(CNN)The United States began implementing stringent travel restrictions Sunday evening in an effort to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak that has so far killed more than 300 people in China and infected more than 16,600 worldwide.

The Shanghai composite fell 7.31% while the Shenzhen component dropped 7.48%. The Shenzhen composite also declined 7.749%. Those moves came after the indexes all fell around 9% each in early trade.

In effect, they say, the Senate is lowering the bar for permissible conduct for future presidents.

I want “takes a nap at the Superb Owl” money:



  1. …I’ve read enough Philip K Dick not to find the idea of pre-crime appealing…but at the same time if you’re in a position where the perpetrator who ultimately winds up shot dead after stabbing multiple people in a public setting while wearing a “hoax” bomb vest was actively being followed by authorities concerned that such an end was in fact their goal I have to admit I find myself questioning why that intervention remained in abeyance long enough to grant them their desire at the cost of further harm to the public

    …not least as we are consequently left with the same lamentably familiar hallmarks of a similarly lamentable narrative which would seem to provide succour to exactly none of the people you’d think we might want to…while being so much bread & butter to some of the ones we claim not to?

  2. It’s not “napping”. It’s called “passing out.”

    Didn’t have much of a dog in either fight (although the same probably can’t be said for Michael Vick), but I am happy that the Chiefs won their first SB in 50 years and that Mahomes got them there. That kid is going to be the new face of the league.

    I will also admit to being quite happy that the stench of late-game failure continues to settle upon Kyle Shanahan. I wasn’t a fan of his dad. Also, let’s be honest: if not for his dad, Kyle wouldn’t be much more than a successful high school coach. Any day the Nepotism Squad gets dealt a blow is a good day.

    • I will also accept “passing out at the Super Bowl” levels of money.

  3. Ugh I must have clearly tried to grind my teeth out of my face last night while asleep. The world is getting on my nerves.

    Iowa was the day where it became possible for Obama to win the nomination. I hope the good guys do well.

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