Donald Trump’s daily offenses to and against the executive branch in the several dozens on a near constant basis. Rarely has one man done such a good job at being so terrible at his job.
But as I racked my brain for other stuff to right today that wasn’t just a series of increasingly bitter words, it dawned me that, while the big stuff is maddening, Trump’s series of minor beefs that exists purely for the most petty of reasons are the ones that put the most tax on my brain matter.
Like…take the United States Postal Service. The USPS is dealing with a severe funding crisis as their volume has dropped some 30% with the onset of the virus. The USPS is kind of perpetually in a state of various funding crisis, as it’s the kind of political soccer ball that can get kicked back and forth between Democrats and Republicans who want to privatize it and make it worse, like everything else in this country.
So yeah, when I read that Democrats and Republicans are bickering with each other over whether to save the USPS, typically I ignore it, because the end result is usually “it will get funded enough to live but not enough to stop having funding issues”. Politics are kinda dumb that way, but it’s the kind of dumb we can all understand and accept as part of the sausage-making of creating laws. Whatever.
And then along comes Trump, who has repeatedly refused to fund the damn thing at all, in any aid package, period.
The reason? In a nutshell, Trump wants the USPS to raise prices on Amazon, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, who writes articles that are critical of Trump. Trump’s entire reason for wanting the entire post office to die is a dumb, useless battle with a man who is richer than him.
If you wanted to give the President a modicum of credit, you might say that Trump’s attempts to let the USPS go under are a calculated political movie to hamper mail-in voting during the election. But has Trump ever shown that kind of deep thinking? Has he ever shown a willingness to listen to folks who would point that kind of thing out?
Nah, fam; Trump wants the USPS to turn the screws on a political enemy. It’s so ridiculously fucking petty that it makes my head hurt. Trump’s entire worldview revolves around screwing people he dislikes. He can’t do it directly to Bezos or the Washington Post, so he’s threatening to shutter the USPS to try and get them to increase prices on packages.
Naturally, Trump has never considered that increasing prices on Amazon and other online retailers (but mostly Amazon, let’s be real) would just result in Amazon utilizing the USPS less and less and continuing to build out it’s own network of package delivery sources, or just pass the cost on down the lines to consumers, because Jeff Bezos may be an evil billionaire, but he’s not dumb. But again; Trump is incapable of seeing the next step in literally anything he does.
It’s the same as Trump using the Defense Production Act to “punish” GM without them realizing GM will make money off the ventilators, and trying to stop the merger of AT&T and Time Warner not because it would create yet another multi-media mega-corporation, but because Time Warner just so happens to own CNN, and placing tariffs on China that immediately resulted in China almost single handed destroying America’s soybean economy and raised prices on literally everything else.
As USA Today points out, package delivery rates have (basically) jack shit to do with the USPS’ financial problems. The only reason Trump is threatening to veto funding for it is to force the agency to do a thing that might hasten its demise.
Just…so fucking petty, man.
So sound off in the comments below; what are some of Trump’s most insanely petty moves that you find completely unbearable and exhausting? If I get enough, I might turn it into one of our 100% Original and Not Borrowed from Any Dead Good Websites “Underexplained List” articles.
The gaslighting. His constant whining. His neediness. His idiot kids (the two dummies know they’re dummies) but the Javanka duo that is just as dumb but filled with Dunning Kruger and Hubris because they think they’re not. His brain dead supporters. Moscow Mitch watching his back… uh in other words everything.
Yeah the whining REALLY gets me, along with all the fucking behavior the rest of us haven’t been able to get away with since we were children.
In the truly petty category? Feeding fast food to champion college teams.
Telling his caddies to cheat for him at golf.
Donald Trump State Park ( )
The stupid fake identities
This is getting too dreary. I have to stop.
Pretty sure there’s a Constitutional requirement that the USPS exists, so he can go fuck himself with trying to starve it to death.
His wide-open admissions that he wants to fuck over as many blue states as possible, because he personally hates their governors. It’s not because he knows those states won’t vote for him (that’s what Cheney did with the salmon fishing industry in the Pacific NW), it’s because he hates the actual persons who run those states.
A thing that I find exhausting is how I constantly have to remind myself that Trump isn’t some Darth Sideous-level master manipulator and that literally everything he does and the reasons he does them are stupendously obvious with literally no introspection at all.
You just reminded me that Trump doesn’t care about enough people dying to get him re-elected, he just has a personal grudge with blue state governors not caving to his pressure.
…I loathe the thin-skinned mass of bloated corruption as much as the next person with a functional mind…& I don’t disagree that Machiavellian interpretations of his actions or what pass for his statements are clearly not warranted on the basis of anything resembling thinking on his part
…but he’s stupidly easy to lead to water & virtually guaranteed to drink if it looks swampy enough when he gets there…as the correlation between his tweets & fox & friends programming consistently proves
…so I’d argue the fucked-up dystopian claims of attempts to sith everything up at every turn is merely an accurate assessment of the compound effect of all the evil little fucks in his orbit that actually do see the world in those kinds of terms
…like Miller or McConnell or about a million faceless, soulless GOP die hards
…do admire your more optimistic outlook, though
“he just has a personal grudge with blue state governors not caving to his pressure”
And the malignant narcissist *ALSO* wants to punish the voters in those blue states, for BOTH 1. Not voting for him, AND 2. voting in those thorn-in-his-side governors (and Representatives/Senators!)
Ffs, for ALL of the “Women are TOO EMOTIONAL!!!” BS we got, about why Hillary was “teh wrooooong choyce!!!”
Trump is a goddamned butt-hurt BABY allthetime, about EVERYTHING which doesn’t go *exactly* his way.
But Hillary was the wrong choice… I mean, he was right for the wrong reason in that case. Which is better than he does most of the time.
The fact that he can never admit he’s wrong, about ANYTHING. And always speaking in innuendo so he can always deny lying.
And how easy it is to tell he’s lying, because he prefaces nearly every lie with some version of “a lot of people are saying” or “most people didn’t know”.
oh man…i kind of like his most people dont knows…they’re always followed by something either blatantly obvious….or plain wrong
its hilarious
then i remember hes the fucking president of the us of a
Well, let’s pick a few. You may have to set a time limit or date span here because if we go back to Trump’s campaign I could go on all day:
1. Mocking John McCain after his death. Seriously, what is the fucking point? You’re just going to alienate people that ARE ON YOUR SIDE. This particular one sticks in my craw because whatever else you can say about McCain, he served his country and deserves respect regardless of politics.
2. Mocking disabled reporter reporter Serge Kovaleski. The fact that his fucking campaign continued after this just proves we live in hell. Arguably less petty than point 1 because Kovaleski is still alive.
More recently:
3. Stiffing Democratic governors on PPE. While petty, again this is arguably less petty than point 1, because at least Old Yeller is attacking his opponents.
4. Excluding Mitt Romney from the “reopen” task force because Mitt voted against him during impeachment. See point 1, but less petty than point 1 because Mitt, like Kovaleski, is still alive to defend himself, but stupid, because again, Mitt is ostensibly on Trump’s side.
I gotta stop. I can feel my blood pressure rising.
Yeah, that Romney snub made me laugh with bitter recognition of what that shitbag was doing.
The post office thing has been going on a long time and started when they post office wanted to go to an all green fleet because they had a surplus of money so the oil/gas thugs intervened.
Who knows if Trump is just going along with his donors or really the Amazon thing. I would bet some combo. I hate every fucking thing about him but what gets me most is when he makes up shit other people are doing as he is doing that exact thing. We need a Covid Karen to go in and infect all these fuckers!
Christ I hate his ugly ties and uglier suits…
“Look how good I look wearing off-the rack garbage in comparison to you, the real rich people who rejected me!”
Trump thinks he’s an Adonis so I don’t know if it’s specifically his narcissism at play or if he’s wearing those things out of spite.
Here are some, but not all, of mine:
1. His need to One-Up World leaders
By virtue of being US president he could just sit back and let them come to him, like he claims they do. Instead, he feels the need to project “strength” by grasping the hands of leaders and shoving others out of the way. The one on my mind right now is when he pretended to get dandruff off of Macron’s suit.
2. His nicknames
He isn’t creative but the fact that a senior citizen feels the need to waste Twitter characters calling someone Crazy Nancy, Crazy Bernie, Crazy Mika, etc is tiring.
3. His “loyalty”
The fact is that anyone who does Trump a favor is bound to regret it. Trump’s new darling is OAN because FOX sometimes gives him softball criticism. Jeff Sessions is a garbage human but he was first in for Trump and is loyal even now, but Trump threw him under twenty buses. Two ? years ago when Mika and Joe put their foot down and criticized something he did, Trump went after Mika’s (alleged) plastic surgery. SNL helped give him a boost and turned heel, making him mad. He expects absolute loyalty but gives nothing in return.
His obsession with blaming everything, even the horrible response to covid-19, on Obama. Every time he gets on the “inheriting bad tests” horse, I get closer to rage stroke.
Uh ….
I have two:
1. letting evil incarnate stephen miller to spread his evilness all over the country.
2. assigning things in the federal government to giant moron jared kushner. how’s this moron in charge of anything is a mystery.
there are many other idiots in his regime. and he says they all do a good job. yes, of destroying this country…
We’re talking petty, right? Not real stuff? OK;
He’s so fucking petty.
That cutsey, little boy tone he takes when he’s trying to make you believe he’s not a monster and he knew nothing about whatever latest monsterous thing he’s done/said/pushed for/denied.
The fake tan. It just still bugs me.
The baggy blue suits and red ties.
The fact that I know about Jared Kushner is his fault and I blame him for it.
Mitch McConnell. (Mitch McConnell is not his fault, and is not a petty issue, but I’m blaming him all the same because he’s not the only one who’s petty)
The way he has to have people talking about him.
His profound vulgarity.
The way he thinks he’s making jokes but his behavior prooves that they aren’t jokes.
“We’ll see what habbens”
The whole gaggle in front of a whirring helecopter thing.
The way he likes to screw people out of little amounts of money.
Karen McDougal. I’m sorry, but Karen McDougal bugs me.
Everything else I can think of right at this moment (which is quite a lot) is not even remotely petty.
But some of the more silly, insignificant and petty ones:
that he thinks anyone will believe he’s 6’3″ and 239 lbs or whatever he claimed. I’m 5’6″ and ~200lbs. An extra 40 might get me a gut or an ass similar to his, but certainly not both, and he’s got nearly a foot of height on me. Even if he’s pure butter and no skeleton, he’d still weigh more than 240.
Orange skin, white eyelids.
That fucking hair.
The constant, pointless, sofuckingobvious lying.
The constant complaining about how unfair he thinks the world is to him.
Trump’s lies about his height and weight have given birth to the “Girther” movement:
I can’t find the analysis right now, but on Splinter I used to link to a detailed analysis of Trump’s height and weight based on pictures of him with people of documented height. The analyst said that Trump is much shorter than 6″3″, perhaps as short as 5’11”, but wears shoe lifts and heels to look taller. Combined with his weight, which is at least 270 and probably more, it makes him lean forward all the time. It’s also one of the reasons he’s terrified of stairs.
Found it:
This is a fascinating analysis (well, I thought so) of Trump’s height based on his tiny hand size. The thesis is that his hands aren’t tiny, they are in proportion to the rest of him, which isn’t tall. It also addresses his baggy, ill-fitting suits:
He’s a smooth criminal!
He breathes air?
The fact that when this motherfucker leaves the White House, if he’s not leaving in a body bag, my tax money is still paying for his security.
I don’t know why this bugs me so much, out of all his incalculable high crimes and misdemeanors, but for me it’s the obsession with ratings. I know, he’s always been a publicity hound, former reality show host, gets all his news from TV, but still. You’re the President of the United States. What do you think your ratings would be in a time of great fear and uncertainty if so many tens of millions didn’t find you so repellent and dishonest? I learned recently that FDR, famous for his “fireside chats,” did very few of them, maybe about once a year, he didn’t do daily stream-of-consciousness fever-dream rants. And he was truthful and didn’t pull the old “lots of people are saying” stunt.
1. The fact that (presumably because of those damn “ratings,” the press typically doesn’t call out the bullshit, for what it is, and they soft-pedal the fact that his lies are *lies* with the use of euphemisms.
2. So many stupid things, but most of them can be summed up with the idea that I’m simply exhausted by the fact that, even though we KNOW he’s a malignant narcissist, and that *some* of us know/understand he fits every check-box for Antisocial Personality Disorder, folks are STILL flummoxed by the fact that he’s petty, contradictory, and vindictive a.f., AND THEY SOMEHOW EXPECT THAT HE SHOULDN’T BE🙄😡🤬🤬🤬
3. Honestly, the biggest exhausting thing, is the constant “firehose of bullshit” effect, where he keeps floating the trial balloons, saying things outrageous to distract/change the news cycle (then retracts ideas), then throws out a new *outrageous!!!11!111!@!!* statement–which the press CONSTANTLY falls for(🤬), and in the meantime–while the media tries to keep up–his flunkies are dismantling practically *everything* that made the US even APPEAR to be a Democracy (ie. McConnell packing the courts, the systemic dismantling of SNAP/Healthcare/the EPA/ etc./etc./ etc…)
He spews the firehoses of bullshit–and HAS,since the beginning, to distract, yet the press KEEPS on falling for it, and then *not* covering the *actual* things being destroyed….
Because *eyeballs,* *clicks,* and goddamn *ratings*🙃
“That he thinks anyone will believe he’s 6’3″…”
This leads me to the elevated shoes.
They FASCINATE me, tbh!
Because I’m short, need inserts for my flat feet (or my feet eventually feel like they’re gonna break in half at my arches!🙃🥴), and/or because I learned how *good* shoes can support you & make you taller back my first time in college (one day, when we got to play some dress up in the costume shop, ‘cuz the shop manager was gone)…
Imo, Trump IS most likely wearing lift shoes all the time.
The heel and vamp of the oxfords he wears ALL the time are built like those of “lift shoes”–they come up too high on his ankles to be regular Oxford shoes.
If one looks at the cutaway lifts just past 8:00 of this video: , you can see that the vamp (where the laces are) is steep, and that the back of the heel is extra-long, because it needs to hold both the built-in lift, AND the heel of the wearer…
And when you zoom in on Trumpty-dumpty’s shoes, you can see that 1.His heel comes up higher than the typical 3-4″ of a normal (flat) men’s oxford, and 2. that the angle of the vamp is steep and high.
And the *other* thing which killllllls me is the fact that, were Trumps feet really the size that his shoes advertise them to be;
The man would have to have fucking FINGER-TOES, with regular-length feet!!!😳😲🤣🤣🤣
Look at *your* shoes–notice where they bend, at the balls of your feet.
And then *notice* how YOU only have between 2 1/2″-3″ of “toe” beyond where your shoes bend…
Then look at these pics of trump’s shoes
In these shots, where Trump’s foot *bends,* is a minimum of 4″ (on the TOP of the shoe!), from the bend to the tip of the toes. In some of the shots, the bend appears to be a good 5+” from the tips of his shoes…
Those of y’all who’ve worn oxfords know that *typically* in a regularly-fitting Oxford shoe, there is a good 2″ break, between the bottom of the laces/vamp, and the ball of your foot (see the pic of Trudeau & the Irish PM showing off the wild socks). Then one has another 2″-3″ from the bend to the tip of the shoe…
But a close look at Trump’s shoes, show that ALL of his have… basically a duck foot/clown shoe effect, where there is a good, flat 4″+ from the bend, to the end of his shoes.
To me, that appears to match up with both Lochaber, AND bryanIsplinter brought up, about Trump’s height NOT being anywhere near the 6’+ that it’s often stated as, and that he’s likely much shorter–with feet and a body which are all proportional to his hands.
And these are the things that *i* notice, as a former costumer, who has had to make people appear taller, or shorter, heavier, or thinner, by tweaking what their clothing telegraphs to the average watcher😉
Also, bullshit like this (which just crossed my Twitter feed🤬🤬🤬);