…what happens in Vegas [DOT 19/2/20]

…sure seems like a lot of things are up for debate these days, don’t it?


…not the least of which being just exactly what ol’ moneybags is trying to buy…a way to reshuffle a stacked deck in his favor, or just a bailout for the republic?


…because the DNC does favor dealer’s choice…& isn’t necessarily the best dealer in town?


…but they can’t very well out-trump the great Tchump (the T is silent, I find) himself, can they…not when (as this weeks installment of C U Next Tuesday illustrated) he’s running such a streak

…not to mention this kind of shit


…or even this

it’s hard to be consistent when you don’t know what the fuck is going on…

…but all the same, it sure is strange to think that this could end up being the good guy?


…because there was literally a piece on the NBC site with a title about how “pundits” rate Sanders the front runner but they were here to tell you all about why he isn’t really…& I’m by no means in the bag for Bernie but that seems a little pointed under the circumstances?


…whatever the nomination turns out to be though, it might be worth bearing in mind that there’s races down-ticket to consider…because the list of things that are overdue getting dealt with is looking like one of those old-fashioned ticker-tape machines that used to churn out stock prices


…& that’s an organisation that never stopped with the “be prepared” thing at any point…so what about those for whom that’s apparently too much to ask?


…because it’s somehow even now possible that we just aren’t getting this shit?


[…it’s perhaps not an overly informative article in itself but the link they give to their research/methodology stuff is arguably a better read?]

…or this


…or this…again…


…& I’m not sure that I have faith that the machines will save all of us


…because you remember that crazy tinfoil-wrapped theory about Barr resigning so as to avoid testifying?


…but maybe these guys can explain it to ol’ panda eyes the perma-tan president over dinner sometime?


…y’all best bring your own popcorn…I can’t imagine there being enough of the stuff

your host for the evening…

…& for your featured performer?




  1. The school achievement rate issue – self fulfilling prophesy. White America wants to believe that young POC aren’t capable of the same academic achievements so they create situations that guarantee failure. Fortunately there are others able to identify and correct some of the underlying problems.


    It’s too early in the morning to talk about Biff, I haven’t had enough coffee yet.

    • I just wanted to add this onto the ed thing–at least here in MN, the white/black/brown gaps are ATROCIOUS.

      But the gap between white kids and Native ones is even worse…


      We graduate 88% of white kids “on time” (read “in 4 years”).

      But we only get FITFY ONE PERCENT of Native kids out, graduated, in those same four years!!!!!

      Barely over half of our Native kids graduate in 4 years…

      It literally boggles my mind, how we, as a state, have allowed this to happen. It’s… appalling isn’t even *big enough* as a word, for how terrible that is.

      We can take basically all the 8th graders, and split them into two groups, and say, “Sorry y’all, you aren’t gonna graduate,” to one of the groups right then & there.

      It’s an absolute travesty.

      And I KNOW, “General Poverty,” “Generational, deep-seated, Trauma,” and “Lack of funding & resources,” ALLLLLLLL over the place on this one.

      But these are OUR kids. They’re the future of our state,and frankly, you’d think that more of us would care about this shit simply on the self-preservation aspect.

      Because when we get old, do we REALLY want the folks who will be the adults around to care for us to be poorly educated folks who *can’t* find another job?

      Or do we want our caregivers to be the *smart* folks, who went into caregiving because it enriches their lives, gives them an outlet for going good, and pays them well for learning their trade.

      • …you are, of course, right about all of that…but I’d say it might even be just as important that even the ones that aren’t hopefully caring “for” us at least care “about” us?

        …& if you allow a large enough portion of society to grow up thinking the world would just as soon see them them burn or dead in a ditch…well, those folks aren’t instinctively going to care about the wellbeing of a society that never gave a crap about theirs…they might just as soon see it burn

        …sure would explain a thing or two about the way things have been going lately?

  2. Can somebody help me find all of The Right’s outrage about “The Hunt”, now that it’s been uncancelled? Agent Orange himself was #MadOnline, but nobody seems to care now. Are they embarrassed they didn’t realize they were the good guys in the trailer or was all of that anger just a persecution puppet show? (Hint: it’s both)

    • …had that feeling when the orange baby ran that bullshit about how poor manafort was in solitary…when the guy has his own dayroom to hang out with his lawyers, who bring him a laptop they tote in & out to allow him to send & receive email in contravention of the prison regs…& another laptop with a special extension lead to let him use it in his private cell…& speaking of cells…he’s on the phone with not just his lawyers literally hundreds of times a week

      …& this travesty of a man is out there on twitter claiming poor pauly is cruelly – rather than just unusually – singled out for special attention?

      …where’s an angry god with a thunderbolt when you need one?

    • “Putin’s favorite Congressman”…story checks out?

      more seriously I don’t know how much of what Assange says I really believe but this seems more plausible than a bunch of other things I remember him saying…

  3. It fits with the known behavior patterns of the involved parties, but coming from Assange means it will be largely dismissed. Unless someone happens to accidentally leak documentation…..

    Where is that concerned citizen on the inside nowadays?

    • …I’ve made a sort of pointless effort not to learn the name that Rand Paul read out to the press before claiming that “I didn’t say they were the whistleblower, I just gave a name to the press – it’s these people saying I shouldn’t have done that who outed the whistleblower” because…I don’t know…it seems like rewarding bad behavior?

      …but I think what’s making the tangerine tootsie roll lose his filling…& apparently it is driving him more demented than you’d think someone so well-stoked in the dementia department had room to travel…is that he isn’t sure who they were/are…& I rather suspect that might mean they actually are a they, plural?

      …meanwhile the “president” is going after at least one individual juror in a case against one of his cronies

      …this isn’t even a semblance of a justice system – it’s an outright fucking travesty

      …hell, firing Vindman (let alone his brother) is a criminal fucking act in the eyes of the fucking law.

      …sorry…it’s just…fuck…how is it only wednesday?

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