What It Is… [DOT 18/12/19]

I think I distracted our resident DOT guru to the point that we didn’t think of drafting a DOT for today so unless someone edits this before it publishes, you’re stuck with me and, even worse, you’re stuck with me without an editor…

I have to be honest about something…from SplinterRIP to DeadspinRIP (unless I posted them myself with editors helping) to Deadsplinter…I rarely actually READ the posts. I’m often too busy doing other things i.e. ensuring things are posted the way I want them to be posted, fooling myself into thinking the authors give a shit how I want things to be posted, and pestering them to write more posts the way I want them to be posted. Granted…they’re a lovely bunch who, admittedly, are pretty good at pretending to give a shit how I want them to do what they already want to do without me pestering them. That’s why I am basically behind the scenes. I’m simply here to make sure they can do what they do.

They really should have known better! Anyway…

This is an open thread and I have no clue what I’m doing, BUT it is a big day for me. Every December 18th is, well, a big day for me. A day in which I am reminded that no matter how much the rest of the world thinks Justin Trudeau is a good looking nice guy in blackface…a day in which I’m reminded how no political figure in Canada actually gives a fuck about #mmiw despite the findings of the “investigation” and the “sincere apology” from Prime Minister Steve Urkel. Yes, Mr. Erkel, you really did “do that.”

It’s a day I try to remember my friend with fondness but the murder of a 14 year old girl in 1997 always results in the feeling of anger toward the injustices that plague this country in ways that many don’t see:


Between 2013 and 2017, a Black person in Toronto was nearly 20 times more likely than a White person to be involved in a fatal shooting by the Toronto Police Service (TPS). Despite making up only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, data obtained by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) from the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) shows that Black people were over-represented in use of force cases (28.8%), shootings (36%), deadly encounters (61.5%) and fatal shootings (70%). Black men make up 4.1% of Toronto’s population, yet were complainants in a quarter of SIU cases alleging sexual assault by TPS officers.

So…before I carry on with my day that will inevitably end with an attempt to understand why we tolerate living in such an unjust society, complacent with our (my) whiteness, mourning the soul of one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever encountered, standing in the soil of a place that we stole, I ask myself…am I doing enough? Have I done enough? What can I do? These are questions we all should be asking ourselves…and that is what I am doing today.

What are you doing today?

About myopicprophet 126 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. …why, since you ask – apparently today I am shirking my responsibilities like a blissfully ignorant fool
    …seems to be going pretty well
    …either way the above is much appreciated

  2. Today is the company Christmas Party and I am preparing some speeches for employee of the year awards before rushing to the airport to fly to Toronto for a quick one-day business trip before flying home late tomorrow night, going into work early Friday, rushing home to grab the Funklets to go see Star Wars, rushing home to pack my bags, then driving from New Hampshire to Virginia first thing Saturday morning for a week vacation.


    So I’m mainlining coffee.

    • My dog has her Christmas party Friday. She has a better social life than I do. Fortunately she can’t drive so I get to go along to enjoy the fun.

      • “My dog has her Christmas party Friday.”

        *crying emoji* Omg, and just in time for FFF?!

        • I hope I can get some good pics!

    • My coworker asked if someone would accompany her to the drugstore across the street from our office because she needs to pick up some Depends for her mother, to bring home after work. I volunteered because I don’t care if someone assumes they are for me, and I kinda wanna say something like, “Buying these in anticipation of a really wild office Christmas party today,” just to embarrass her a teeny bit. Y/N? 🙂

    • Best speech I ever saw from an EOY winner was them pulling out a bunch of index cards like they had a speech prepared then they just said ‘thank you’ and sat down.

  3. Many Americans believe Canada is a shining beacon of fairness. I’ve read a good bit about indigenous people in North America so I know that’s not true. But you have to be a little better than us, right? Leave me some shred of hope!

    • Well…you’d definitely be hard to top considering inbred hillbillies threatening a civil war and all.
      Then again, #Wexit is a thing.

      • Those dumbass hillbillies are real but merely the tools of the American oligarchy who have no intention of doing any of the bare knuckle fighting themselves. They are the cover for trump, DeVos, Mnuchin, Ross, and the rest of the administration as well as the NRA and the other corporations getting fat off of the GOP. They deserve their fair share of blame it would be dangerous to forget whose pulling their strings.

  4. I received an e-mail that said this blatant and obvious lie in the fine print:

    “We’ve contacted you because you registered at armandhammer.com for news & promotions”

    I can assure you, I have never visited Arm & Hammer’s website, let alone registered for Arm & Hammer news & promotions.


    • Your fridge has become sentient and is concerned about ‘freshness’. The machines are coming for us all.

    • Can you forward that to me? I’m a loyal user of their toothpaste and laundry detergent.

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